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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by AeroWraith

  1. 5 I'm sorry ;_; I just had a feeling he was gonna do it today xp
  2. 3 Called it, knew it was gonna happen again today.....just not at this point of the day XD
  3. 200 I wasn't counting sadly. I think......maybe 6-8 people, including me. xp
  4. 192 Link.......why are you still doing that? your gonna destroy us all O.o
  5. 184 @Link: why would you do that? are you crazy.....oh wait, you are XD
  6. 175 you should never go with Fern :feelsgn:
  7. 171 He may call me a noob, but he knows deep down inside, that he is the noob, and I'm the pokemon master @Link: Screw you Link, I'm not a nub >.>
  8. 168 screw it, after the next two batches of eggs, I'm gonna go level up my murkrow and go rek Fern
  9. 164 On my way to getting a frilish with 6 perfect IVs.....but I wanna continue my mono dark run of reborn.......I can't decide which one to do >>''
  10. 156 yep, just give me a sec and I'll be online
  11. 149 The road will be long and full of hardships especially with a certain someone becoming a mod recently, but we can do it! YEAH
  12. 128 what a great student, totally just looking up answers xp
  13. 126 oh wow >>'' Lucky, none of my science teachers never forget a thing. Although, that is pretty good of them to not forget anything we need to know but still....internet ;_;
  14. 124 I remember that song XD I didn't really have much of a choice. I think he was the only one teaching animation. Can't remember if there was anyone else. I had a teacher that just read off their slides before, luckily he also showed some interesting stuff outside of the slides that were still relating to what we were learning.
  15. 122 yea, that would've been great.Sadly, my professor for my animation class just tells us whats in the chapter and that's pretty much it. No visuals or anything really. Just him reading off a piece of paper for half an hour. Then the rest of class time is doing work in the book. The book is practically my professor rather than the professor himself. >>''
  16. Was really looking forward to my animation class. Then after reading a paper out loud that tells us whats in store for our current chapter, he finishes talking, and the rest of class time is just, dead quiet. Teacher doesn't say anything else. I need a better animation class ;_;

  17. 119 *sigh* the class I was finally looking forward to, ends up being a huge disappointment......welp, at least I'll get a bacon with a hidden ability
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