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About Kookies

  • Birthday 10/27/1994

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    Here and there but mostly there
  • Interests
    Physics... yeah that subject
    Contract Bridge... the card game

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  1. my early game swinub got axed in e19? or was it gone from the cave next to the shade's power plant from an earlier episode?


    1. Dreamy


      It's been moved about two gyms later in E19 compared to E18 - now in lost railcave before spinel town

    2. Kookies


      Thanks for the reply. Haven't found it in the rail yet. I guess I'll keep looking. Mamoswine is life.


    3. AlyssaR


      Yeah, that hurt me as well since Mamoswine's always been a staple of my Reborn team. =/

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  3. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

    If you want to have a shiny as a gidt, you can visit this thread 🙂


  5. Let me tell you that there is NOT such a way as the best way to friendzone. There isn't even a good way to friendzone. You just have to feel ok with yourself. That's what it matters. Of course don't be n asshole.... be kind. But for me to feel ok with myself I would tell her the true feelings of mine (i.e. I have a girlfriend and I love her and I cannot see you that way. But I do like hanging out with you, and if you wouldn't I would accept that given the circumstances.)
  6. tfw you waste exactly 176 blood vials to kill the Orphan of Kos and the last 24 encourage you for a last fight before you go and rethink your strategy while farming for more blood vials and you win! Orphan of Kos met his daddy!

    1. Combat


      Damn, that's quiet a few blood vials. At least that's out of the way until New Game Plus.

    2. Kookies


      Oh no that was NG+


  7. Hey friend you will have to find Adrienn and Arc and Victoria.
  8. I will be able to play e16 in 12 days yeah!!!

  9. tfw you waited so long for the ep16 and now you only hope that the release will be postponed until chrismas, so I have time to play.

  10. This is for you to write Happy birthday on the comments! I am 22 today! :P

  11. Is anyone here a Physicist? Or aspiring to become one?

    1. Busti


      Yesss! Though there are many kinds of physicists. What are you interested into?

  12. Damn my allergy! Here its the first steps of autumn and my nose is faster than Bolt

  13. So hey guys! Turns out Cool Girl has IRL things to sort out and she can not duel me this week. So what happens?
  14. Is the league closed,because you know i would love to have a duel or two with you guys...
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