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8 Fledgling


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  1. I just had my twitch stream muted for containing the "Findmuk" track used the Byxbysion wasteland due to a copyright claim. Should I mute my audio when I stream? Is all audio from pokemon OK to stream with Pokemon reborn? The Claim was for the track "Lets Go To Lavender Town (Original Mix) 23. I found a copy of this on youtube, and it does indeed seem to be the same music as "Findmuk.mp3"
  2. Shiny Victini sprite is in the game files So probably it will have it normal chance to be shiny if/when released
  3. Items held by repeatable battled trainers: Please pardon my shorthand.
  4. As a note, lucky eggs are a found item from level 80+ pickup pokemon. So this should be a pretty affordable item for the community. Good luck SamS
  5. As long as you aren't spamming accounts, creating a second one probably isn't terrible. You'll never need more than 2 since accounts aren't linked to save files. Also, donate to Ame. She's amazing.
  6. No stealing Mega Stones, but there may be an end-run for some items.
  7. Fyermind

    EV training

    For HP For Speed For Attack For Defense I don't have great solutions for special attack or defense, but I've never needed to make a 252 special attack 252 special defense mon, so this has worked for me without any need for reset disks. I try to start training against the highest level pokemon possible since I'll be switch training anyway that way the new pokemon hits the point it can handle the lower level EV grinding spots on it's own.
  8. I think you would need two devices running reborn connected to the internet as well as two registered logins. But now I'm curious. Not because I'm about to start ditto farming or anything.
  9. Personal issues came up and I need to close the center indefinitely. I am very sorry for all of the inconvenience and frustration.
  10. Goodness there are a lot of folks here. OKAY I am BACK! This means a couple of things 1st I have a lot of trading to do. 2nd I have some breeding I've told folks I'd work I need to actually work on. 3rd I need to get in touch with everyone who wants to trade and make sure we work everything out. SO here goes. If you don't see your name here: it means you got lost in the shuffle. That's OK this is a home for lost pokemon, and lost trainers fit in just fine, but if you want to be found again, just tug on my coat sleeves. I don't hate you, I'm just up to my eyeballs in skorupi. @carlpoppa Your larvesta is beautiful. Keep her. I have a 31/31/31/31/25/31 Relaxed male Goomy for you. If I get a chance to breathe, I can heart Scale it to a different nature. @Hood The shiny drillbur has moved on to a loving home, but I have a 31/31/31/31/6/31 docile male Drilbur for you. As I said to Carlpoppa, I can reset the nature if things slow down on my end. @ENERGYGAP I don't have the snorunt you deserve, but 31/31/16/31/31/31 naughty male Snorunt is the closest I can get right now (or a 31/31/31/11/31/31 female, your call). As always, I can try to keep the psychologist in business, but I wasn't kidding about the skorupi. @Lightseeker 31/31/31/8/31/31 Male Kabuto, 31/31/4/31/31/31 Male Charmander (Dragon dance and Flare blitz bonus), 31/31/31/10/31/31 Male Chimchar (shiny bonus). Sorry this took so long. You know I love you. Riolu is yet to be bred, but is next on my list after Skorupi. @Amine elhedhili I don't remember if I traded you the drilbur already, but I have this one for you just in case: 31/31/31/21/31/31 Gentle male Drilbur. Phantump I have at 31/31/31/6/31/31 male gentle. I can reset the nature and level it up after I solve the skorupi problem. @Aloha I honestly don't remember if I gave you your snorunt. Come to think of it, this may be why I have a 31/31/31/26/31/31 Male snorunt in my outbox. Growlithe and Geodude are on the stack after Skorupi and Riolu. @Avria I don't remember if we had any trades lined up, but I have a choice specs skorupi for you? I don't know how it got there, but you do want it, yes? @Noir I have your spikes Dwebble. @ploktrox Do you still need that shroomish? Did I miss anyone? Let me know!
  11. Since updating to 16.2, I have had the same weather the whole time. I have Rain in the east (wasteland, Iolia valley, east route 1) and clear weather in the west. I have roughly 300 hours playtime since updating. Weather based events seem appropriate for the weather I am having The TV report just changed for the first time since the update was released to "We'll be Kicking off with light rainstorms all across the city. Don't fret though, because those storms will soon give way to clear skies and sunny days. Keep cool and carry on Reborn" The weather has not changed.
  12. The weather isn't 'bugged' it was a design decision and I don't like it. For now, I think we don't have a recourse other than going back to e15 if we want to get our weather based events. This is super frustrating for lots of reasons (especially department store stickers that are weather dependent which cannot be gotten after reborn is rebuilt) and I REALLY hope the dev team cranks out a patch real quick that changes the cycle from five days to 8 hours.
  13. I have exciting news! @Argrentum is joining me in hosting pokemon for the Adoption center! Please make them feel super welcome and appreciated here, and enjoy their first addition, Charmander!
  14. Well I haven't had rain in the past three weeks either.... but you know that's nice to know
  15. I have played every day since the community release and updated to the public release since it came out. I have been unable to get rain/wind in Reborn since beating the second gym which is preventing me from advancing the story to avoid missing event stickers. I have logged over 400 hours of play time. I would not consider the weather system fixed. Please help.
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