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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by blazimon09

  1. So im gonna start a new save file for V8 and im confused as to if oshawott is still available through sidequest or not?
  2. Thats true but it would be a nice feature to have
  3. Hey Guys, I was recently watching SacredfireNegro play a fan made game called Pokemon Insurgence where you can see stat changes on the battle screen similar to that of Pokemon Showdown. I was just wondering if that has ever been considered before for Pokemon Reborn i just realize i might have put this in the wrong location
  4. Does the EXP Share in reborn work like it does in gen 6?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AuthorReborn


      Also it'd be annoying with the whole level cap bit.

    3. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      Yeah, it´d be a bit annoying. Would make training a bit easier though. But well, unleass you´re training multiple teams, it´s not really a problem ;)

    4. NickCrash


      With the power items and all, it would be a burden to accidentally give more EVs than you need to some pokemon.

  5. Lmao thanks clarifying Etesian, i got confused for a while ^.^
  6. I guess i'll have to wait thank anyways Derpy Simon
  7. For Azumarill i evolve my azurill with bounce then bred it with poliwag for belly drum but bounce didn't transfer. Should i be doing this in episode 12 or something?
  8. Quick question how do i get bounce on azumarill and what would be the breeding chain for a roserade with extrasensory and sludge bomb. i already have a roserade with sludge bomb, can just breed it with something to add extrasensory?
  9. For Azu, if i cant get ice punch on it what move would you recommend i replace it with? Also id really appreciate it if you would send me your breeding guide. Thank you so much for the advice
  10. i just finished defeating Kiki and decided to start breeding my Pokemon but i don't know how to do breeding chains so any help and advice you guys can give will be greatly appreciated. 1. Scrafty -hjk -crunch -ice punch -dragon dance/bulk up i don't know which set up move to choose, i have a Gyarados with dd if it helps and a Medicam with ice punch 2.Azumarill -aqua jet -ice punch -belly drum -play rough need a chain for the first three moves, Medicam with ice punch 3. Cofarigus -shadow ball -HP(fighting) -psychic - nasty plot chain for last 2 moves
  11. OK so how would i breed a Scrafty with zen headbutt and dragon dance. If it helps i already have a gyarados with DD
  12. Can someone please tell me the breeding chains to get a Nidoking with sludge bomb, ice beam, and thunderbolt as well as a Scrafty with dragon dance and iron head? Thanks in advance.
  13. Hey guys! So for my next save file I want to use a greninja but i also wanna get some pokemon from episode 10. My question is, were the gen 6 starters available in episode 10? BTW Sorry if this is in the wrong location. Fell free to move it if necessary
  14. Not sure if you have beat Aya yet but if you need quick training battle the trainers in the grand hall. Their levels range from 45-55 before you beat Aya
  15. im not sure where to post this so i guess i will post it here: does anyone have a link to go back to episode 12? for breeding purposes ofcourse
  16. i too am having this problem i already talked to the owner and have pokesnax but its still not showing up nvm after a while it worked
  17. thanks for the advice gutten-tag and Etesian
  18. i was planning to breed sucker punch into emboar and that was the moveset i was considering with flygon
  19. ok guys so i just finished my first playthrough and i decided to start a 2nd save file. the problem is idk what moves to get them. i am willing to breed as much as possible so heres my future team: Blastoise Flygon Roserade Emboar magnezone malamar i will also consider any replacements or advice you guys might have
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