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About Flamedragoon1

  • Birthday 07/18/1996

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    if you're really curious I'll tell ya ;D
  • Interests
    love pokemons. loves cars especially R32 gtr. its my dream car. loves meeting new people and making friends!

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  1. Found save files? Check. Downloaded current versions of the games? Check. I think I'm finally ready to start recording and uploading once more!

  2. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

    1. Flamedragoon1


      Thank you! I most definitely did.

    2. LykosHand


      Im glad and you're welcome! 😄

  3. Wow, its been way too long since I've last visited. I should probably get back into uploading and recording some reborn soon!

    1. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      You really should.

  4. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  5. Happy Birthday! :D 

    Wishing you a day full of wonderful surprises. :) 

    1. Flamedragoon1


      Thanks! a while later... but still!!

  6. well looks like my save is corrupt... oh joy..... All that work to progress and for youtube and I get corrupted! WHYYYYY. Funny thing is it happened on 3.0, I updated to 3.1 and it didn't fix it at all. Is there anybody that can fix my save file for me so I can finish this version for youtube?
  7. the thing about the girl is she disappeared no joke.
  8. Heya guys, So I need a bit of assistance. I can't figure out what the boss's pokemon are and where they are, and for some odd reason I can't continue with anything after I talk to Connor and Ava. They tell me to go to the gym and talk, but I go there and theres nobody to really talk to and it won't really continue after that.
  9. I have finally finished V7! The rage almost got me
  10. Finally recorded! Hope you all enjoy!
  11. aw snap. 80%. get ready youtube, this recording about to be fire! lol
  12. Almost time to get into rejuvenation recording mode! WHOOT
  13. hue, I'm ready for whatever I have to do to get that advanced dex. I gots internet, but its a very interesting concept, plus those 3 key items, noooiiiiccceee. but it seriously better not be 999999999999999 pokedollars. I will find you Jan >~>, and people on youtube will get to see my rage on my fails in attempting these challenges for said things (if any, which there might be)
  14. miiiight be asking a bit much there lmao THE HYPA TRAIN LOL
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