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Everything posted by NUTCASE71733
I found a tympole on Helojak Island before I cleared the Team Xen presence there, but I didnt catch one at the time as I wasnt looking to catch anything then but now? I cant find them anywhere despite them being rleatively common before I defeated Xen and also . They should still be spawning there as I see no reason for them not to, and it doesnt make sense for them to be rarer than their own evolved form Paliptoad if it isnt a bug. I dont want to have to breed for such a common pokemon, especially since it doesnt get egg moves that I otherwise can get at a move tutor.
Yeah I know I was explaining it for the current episode in particular so no one gets as confused as I did before. I mean if this is isolated only to a few specific pokemon it's worth noting so people can avoid wasting an ability capsule until the next episode is released.
This is interesting. I think I have a bit of a breakthrough on the issue with the ability capsules. I THINK that part of the problem I had was it-at the moment-doesn't work on certain pokemon regardless of the number of abilities they normally have. I say this because I tested this out on a new game. I did this I got a bit stuck as I needed a fire pokemon and I couldn't get a good enough happiness rating to get Vulpix quickly enough and I didn't have a good setup at the time to deal with the Klingklang that attacks in the Railnet so this new playthrough uses Charmander as the starter. I normally pick Bulbasaur as evolving to Ivysaur and using Sleep Powder and Leech Seed I found are the best ways to deal with that Klingklang early in the game (I personally feel that in the future altering movepools on some pokemon may help in some respects). In the new game my team currently is Charmander, Panpour, Krickitune, Meowth, and Cleffa. Panpour wound up getting Gluttony over Torrent, which is ultimately a more useful ability overall (though Gluttony can have it's upsides) so at the risk of disappointment I used my ability capsul on Panpour, and it worked. Gluttony turned to Torrent. Now given the issue I had previously its likely the whole randomization thing actually worked in my favor this time around. Not wanting to risk it I saved the game there because I needed Torrent anyway. As I said chances are the randomization worked this time, but this made me think a bit. Randomization means random obviously. Last time each time I had to reset to try the capsule again it failed to change ability despite the message saying the ability was changed. This leads me to think that somehow the capsules wont work on certain pokemon at all, or at the very least the capsules current randomization effect seems to be faulty, because random or not it shouldn't stick to the ability already set on the pokemon at the time one uses the capsule. I mean after all Metronome never triggers Metronome in an endless cycle, and Sleep Talk never causes the user to use Sleep Talk again the same way it's odd that the capsules are doing that.
Is Waterfall also available in episode 13 with Surf? Or do we have to wait for that?
Ask Your Questions: Locations, Storyline And Other Stuff
NUTCASE71733 replied to The Fush's topic in Reborn City
Thank you that helps me plan out the team I wanna build -
Ask Your Questions: Locations, Storyline And Other Stuff
NUTCASE71733 replied to The Fush's topic in Reborn City
Well I know that since I don't remember them in those places in episode 12, just wondering if anyone who continued from the end of episode 12 found said tutors if they found them yet (assuming they exist in any of the new areas or if any of said moves were added to the current tutors' listings). If not thats ok I wanted to ask since I'm wanting to start with an adamant charmander for when (and if) we actually get mega evolutions down the road. Flare Blitz on either a normal charizard or MegaCharizard X cn do massive damage but having Thunder Punch in either case is a major boon for it whatever the circumstance may be so I wanted to check to see if they existed yet. This also suits my needs for a Fly user when that HM is added in in whatever update Ame plans to add that in. I may as well go with a special sweeper instead for now in this case if the punches haven't been put in yet. -
Ask Your Questions: Locations, Storyline And Other Stuff
NUTCASE71733 replied to The Fush's topic in Reborn City
I know move tutors are in the game starting on 7th Street and going on into the circus area but I can't remember the moves taught by each available tutor, can someone post the current move tutor list of all move tutors currently in the game? I need the info in the off chance the elemental punches are available yet. -
If I could show a video of my issue I could, but yeah after the third failure to change abilities after I got my answer from you on this topic, I figured that what you say here is the case. I've seen similar things happen with the roaming legendaries in the main games with how natures are determined upon the specific event's initial start and as such that really ticked me off. I compare what I experianced to the roaming legends because if one saves after starting a roaming legendary event like Latias/Latios in R/S/E or begin pursuing the legendary beasts in FR/LG or HG/SS, the birds/mespirit/cressilia in D/P/Pt or Thunderus/Tornadus in B/W because if you save after starting the event, and even with a pokemon carrying synchronize as your lead you're more than likely never going to get a pokemon with the nature you want. This sucks especially with the case of the birds in platinum and the beasts in HG/SS due to how you have to contend with multiple roamers. If you save after the event then you're out of luck entirely, this feeling of hoplessness with being stuck is what I felt when I had this problem to begin with since abilities are just as important as the nature (and IVs) for a strong pokemon. But at least I know that in the next update it should be hopefully fixed, besides in this game you're more than likely to constantly rotate your roster constantly so I'm not going to have most of the pokemon I have on hand throughout the game most likely, it may still be a bit annoying but at least I know what's going on.
Ep. 13 Location Question: Other Starters
NUTCASE71733 replied to NUTCASE71733's question in On the Hunt
Well there's plenty of other ground types anyway, no problem -
Well I only have the one capsule at the moment, but if it's supposed to be random I would have expected a change by now. But I'm willing to wait for episode 14 anyway and besides stocking up on the ability capsuls may be the best idea for me now anyway. When the late game events come up I'll need the best abilities.
Ep. 13 Location Question: Other Starters
NUTCASE71733 replied to NUTCASE71733's question in On the Hunt
Yeah though I thought I saw that the totodile square was shaded in just the other day which is what got me. At least Mudkip is available, I'll catch it in time. Besdes a swampert for the poison gym will be of great help anyway, its not too bad really. I was disappointed mainly due to how Totodile and it's line are my favorite among water types and gaining Dragon Dance was perhaps the greatest thing to happen to the Feraligatr line. I really thought it was available according to that chart. Oh well I got a pretty good Panpour to work with so hopefully that'll be it. -
Oh ok I misread that entirely. I'll keep trying with my capsule. But it still bothers me how even in the current version there's no change taking place....I've reset the game several times and each time I use my capsule it appears to fail entirely. Do I have to wait for episode 14 for your tweak to have effect? If so I can manage that, it wnt be a problem to store Swirlix and Krikitune away until I can accomplish that..
Ep. 13 Location Question: Other Starters
NUTCASE71733 replied to NUTCASE71733's question in On the Hunt
I'm aware of that, and I realize now I wasted my time because I swore on the obtainable pokemon list it said Totodile has an event in episode 13. There goes any chance of some variety for my game. -
Well I know the hidden abilities aren't officially changeable (either to or from) in the main games, its just that in the last version they worked in the way you describe for 14. Then again the randomization feature likely gave the illusion. Now the problem I have is that pokemon with only one ability plus their hidden ability based on your chart for episode 14 implies I'll still be out of luck with my swirlix, which means I'll have to reset my game AGAIN to get a timid Swirlix with Unburden, and I already had a hard enough time with a Kricketot with a jolly nature and Run Away to get Technician on Krikitune...
Episode 13 has brought more of the starter pokemon in a number of in-game events, while swapping out Bulbasaur for Chkorita. I need to know where all the starters currently in game are, except Cyndauil and Chespin as I have already learned of where to find them. There are no guides mentioning where to find Totodile in particular, as I'm looking to use a dragon dance set with Feraligatr. I believe it's found fairly early (outside of the Opal Ward obviously) from what I have assumed based on another user's forum signature, but I dunno where.
UM...I found an issue with the ability capsule. In episode 12 one could change to hidden abilities but now I can't. Was this intended/ Because I just started a new file and FINALLY got me a timid Swirlix but it has Sweet Veil rather than Unburden. Granted several gym battles and story battles are doubles format but Unburden helps with a slurpluff's otherwise poor speed. I tried using the ability capsule I found at the factory to switch to unburden, but even though it says "abilities have been shuffled", Swirlix remains with Sweet Veil instead of gaining Unburden.
Hi I just joined up, a friend of mine told me about this game after a social group meeting when we were talking about fan-made pokemon games and rom hacks and such. I just joined after the recent release of episode 13 since I felt I needed to get vital info about the game as time goes on. I have no experiance with making games sad to say though I do plan to become a game maker, right now the best I can do is story ideas or some other form of brainstorming. I'd be honored to add my two cents to the creative process but for now I'm ok with just being another member.