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Everything posted by Cornerman

  1. Sheep down! -shouts- MEDIC!!! but besides the joke, how was your morning/day Zeph
  2. Makiparp Laughs At Ripped Pants HSOWA
  3. I support your guess, Lost-Silver + cute profile pic. you have there
  4. This wasn't the original and there are many copies of these files mr.Exlink the 32th. The poke police while be abolished but can be safed by turning it into a less drastic organisation and non-violation of the above stated offences. And also a petion signed by a mod or some people (like 3 or so), to make it official. If you do what is said above The poke police can go on which it's bussiness but albeit in a less drastic way. The congress and the people have spoken. Exlink
  5. Yea, I have this document and petition detailing the abolishment for the Poke police. Because of the following action: -Un authorised cloning of you, Exlink32 repeated times -The use of shock cuffs, which are immoral for use -trying to catch a poke which has already been caught -and burning this document in the future exlink
  6. how did you guy's came so far? I was away for 2 days and the mod's haven't noticed this at all?! 290
  7. yea, ^-^, you probably noticed me :feelsgd: now it's your turn exlink, I need a certain talk with the Poke Police.
  8. granted but you can only see your forehead nothing else, I want for everyone to feel a little bit of joy right now
  9. u ain't gonna break this
  10. Cornerman


    banned because of your profile pic. being so adorable ^-^
  11. We can! Would you kill yourself to safe someone you don't know?
  12. I knew it, I dozed of and had this strange foresight someone was typing/posting my name here. *sighs deeply* alright good night and no typing of my name now do you hear me you evil leavanny, I'm dreaming/watching this...................... Azery......
  13. Just roll with it, Natu worse as 70 because 177
  14. nope, but you have me nice new pic pwb, looks funny and awesome alright I go to sleep, don't go predicten me now people whenever you will type my name, I'll see it in my dreamsssssss. Rose........
  15. Killer whale disagrees
  16. he doesn't need to be in reborn but just like a reference/easter egg ........or a painting of him would be fun, in my opinion.
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