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Everything posted by Cornerman

  1. I'M FERN...................I just looked at the Telost's post in the personality test! forum and he said fern has a ENTJ personality.........Thats what I have.....NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOooooooooo.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Doesn't mean you are like him exactly lol. Even within those personalities there is variance.

    2. Cornerman


      I know but that was like my first reaction and I found it funny to share

  2. alright.......DEWGONG or big seel damnit grimer
  3. 53 lets continue gambling this number game
  4. dodrio 1 head more deadlier than than doduo
  5. I CAN TYPE (was worth it) srry for shouting but also when did hilda changed her name to minerva + I know her profile pic's character and from wich show it is, I liked and watched. .............. .....Oh and free all the absol's, absolutely this poor individual Minerva come forth.....
  6. 50 yea almost a hundred pages Edit: yea I posted the first post one the hundred's page the luck is in my favor ^-^
  7. my reaction plus post what beats a gengar and haunter plus laughter?
  8. Cornerman


    Banned because that's strange but I noticed you so have that ^-^
  9. LoL but nice to meet you, I think we can get along pretty well, hope to see you around more and have a nice, long stay here p.s. I've also watched noragami, It was so good, pls give us a season 2 anything els you've watched qua anime
  10. Cornerman


    A anime and rom hack lover. you my friend I can get along with, (srry if im mistaken) I you have a question just ask or message me. whats is your fave. anime and rom hack or stand alone
  11. 27 yep and it's your fault, so go create a expensive, whimesecal cure pls or call canada they know what to do
  12. (I don't approve of this tho)
  13. What about a rainbow ditto tho or a green swinub evo.line
  14. Steps out of the shadows I'm not a woman...... Rose
  15. 25 NNNNOOOoooo......you gave me the virus
  16. relax my friend and just w8 for cc's next issue also have these fan mega's I found and would like Fallen Angel Shedinja Coated milotic and wreck-yo-shit Snorlax
  17. Being able to ignore everything bad, people say and let it just slide of me, so having a very thick skin + my character: Staying carefree, optimistic, merciful/helpful and always try mybest What is your best character trait + (optional) name a situation in where you showed it
  18. Cornerman


    banne because let people think and have their own opinion
  19. Wohoo, I'm back again after 2/3 weeks of school. Had loots of tests but now I can enjoy this place again........oh boy the catching up I have to do.

    1. zimvader42


      Welcome back blue star. As far as I'm aware, nothing remarkable has happened, but the forum is pretty active so hat statement might be false to you. And...um...yeah that pretty much, welcome back.

    2. Cornerman


      well thank you zim, for your greeting and it indeed seems that not much has happened but albeit I'm happy to be back once again ^-^

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