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Everything posted by Cornerman

  1. I now but I have my own crown because when I played terraria I always liked to wear the crown in that game. I can make you one as well if you'd liked a extra one because you prob. already have one
  2. I'm there as well now, -puts on crown- three dangerous fabulous co-kings present Take us on, if you dare
  3. Cornerman used hypnosis ........don't look at me like that im helping her. Jericho your turn
  4. Diggersby because competitive play and he is ground type ^-^ time travel with celebi or dialga
  5. No more school for a week because of fall. yohoo

  6. nope is me ethesian I'd like to place two bets one, absol winnes and wrecks them two, He gets disqualified wait is that sheep in the distance?
  7. tfw you have your last hour of school before a (small) vacation.
  8. auuuuttttsssss..... Thats painful dude getting mah head blown-up, luckily it grew back So Exlink is the king now hhhmmmmm..... idea, abra do -whisper-whisper-whisper- alright. A little while later exlink dies of to long exposure to very bad music as he screamed in agony and had a headset stuck on his head Srry buddy, pushes exlink body of the hill I'm King now
  9. nope I'm here Zeph your still in the car, do I need to stop somewhere to set you off While I and absol go to the elite four, or do you want to watch us ? (Zeph)
  10. Grumpig (I think I typed it right?)
  11. You mean 3 right because milotic will be getting a mega ^-^ (not unnounced by gameffreak) Who could the other pokes be? (just thinking about hoen pokes) I think: Mightyena, wailord, tropius because first 2 are badasses and tropius needs it
  12. I want to get the best possible Electivere and Magmortar with no regards to IV's and EV's, if anyone know a good setup (Item/abilty/moves) pls share your ideas with me p.s. I already have a magmar and elekid Thanks in advance everyone
  13. GL on your series but one quick thing everyone or some use absol for their reborn mascots so what I would do is choice your own poke mascot/character (I'm not you remember, this is your choice) Or just use your buttery butters as mascot The image still looks cool tho
  14. My god that was the longest intro i've ever seen Good job and stay sane Also welcome and have a fun,long stay here Jah funny jackel
  15. Helo there..*cough*cough* good jesus what did you throw around the air alright I think it's time for shaymin to suck this polution up -shaymin used seed flare stage 1- Now that that is cleared up, Here is what i have to say If you want help,I can give you help, just message me Have a long and fun stay here p.s. Stay sane (although thats pretty hard if you keep polluting everywhere)
  16. Helo there magnifiecent you seem like a fun one so keep on going on ^-^ If you have a question of any kind just ask me and i will help you Have a long and fun stay here p.s. Stay sane
  17. Helo there, Nice seeing your here you seem like a person I could get along with so, yea ^-^ If you have a question of any kind just ask me and i will help you Have a long and fun stay here p.s. Stay sane
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