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Everything posted by Cornerman

  1. Yea sure we can, just say a location and we will be there in a minute or something -Absol steps in the car- -Cornerman and Absol drive of into the sunset- I wonder where rose is?
  2. But that would only buf flygon what isn't the point of mega evolution's
  3. I just take him for a ride don't be fret and you can stil take him but I gave him the option as well Absol speak...pls
  4. fuck it Abra used teleport Abra brought a angry dragonite angry dragonite sees exlink Cornerman yell's: exlink run dude dragonite grabs exlink and fly's away Bye bye exlink Abra used teleport and brought absol back I'm king and absol is safe and sound near.......... here.......... somewhere..... (I lost him out of sight, Where is he)
  5. -Drives past with a car- Absol hop on in, where going for a ride to a place of your choice. Also here you have a blocknote for a new hate list. Better write it than do it, I suppose. Just stay who you are but do it with moderation ABSOL
  6. NO, because who likes to eat what he is made of (discounting flesh because thats of a different species) Fave. Game + moment in that game
  7. Like 3 years ago and don't even know what the park was called again Same question: Last time you have gone to a amusement park
  8. granted you go to the magnificent 2d 8-bit world Enjoy your stay (I'm srry) I wish for PWB to return to the 3d world, to us
  9. Jericho isn't responding so Morgan Freeman (I don't have a fave.) but tell me your fave. voice actor
  10. Granted but you did get a octopus with a (fake) beard I want a Nice,loveable,gamer+anime girlfriend pls
  11. Corner Bro The all powerfull one
  12. Ame could you make or assigne a place for fanfictions or could a mod make one pls if they have that power
  13. One thing that just came up in my mind is that If pokemon where in the real world, the government would regulate the population just like with wild life to make sure that aren't to many of them, Like with to many pidgeotto's there won't be any caterpie's and weedles and later on pidgeotto's So it wouldn't be possible for a trainer aswell to just breed like a 50 tyranitars in a day also in the real world pokemon would atleast have a longer time in the egg for like a month or 3 or longer /give me your thaughts
  14. alright this is a bit to quit, don't you think so brockze
  15. isn't she already nuts in a different way hell i wouldn't even be surprised if she had a robot copy of herself how do i come withthese thaughts.....oh yea, Flobot ^-^
  16. yea somebody already said this, so now we can get everyone eevee except for sylveon, wonder how we wil get sylveon? Edit: (Looks below) Thanks ame forgot that that is how it works here atleast now i can say this. eeveelutions assamble
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