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Everything posted by Cornerman

  1. there wasnt anything usefull so no maybe except for plot wise if they like ever need to retrieve a item or a component of/or the pulse device Then Ame only needs to do something with a cave/ladder/underground dive entrance to place somewhere
  2. it is okay (legally) because its your own imagination stands under fiction and you dont make money under/with it so yea you can
  3. just used shupet/wobbufet destiny bond with focus sash/band one other time i kept using paralyze and heavy hit moves
  4. Spoilers dude wy are you saying this stuf I pictured it in my head and oh boy all those feels in 1 second (because thats how long it took to play that al in mah head) are so real and weird, pls dont let that happen
  5. just take your time and by al means dont overexert yourself at any time
  6. I never did this but now that you say so I had these in mind sometimes/now Bite/nom or munch Giga impact/obliterate Ember/Burn hyper beam/Shoop dah whoop and as last Encore/Entertain me because you know wy Edit: (looks below) zimvader what els......oh w8 focus blast with a slower poke perhaps
  7. Hiya and welcome to reborn hope you have a long and nice stay here if you have a question just ask me have a nice day and stay sane
  8. Gen7 what will we get a pre-gen 1 generation like that we play in prof.oaks younger years time. Just imagine playing with less technologie. Or something like a region consisting of onlyisland with no big mainland. I would love it. Does anyone even rember the rumored pokemon + & - (plus and minus)
  9. The forums don't seem to be active that much right now, I wonder wy?

    1. zimvader42


      People must probably be either with stuff from their real lifes or with the alliances. I have nothing of the sorts and that's why I'm pretty much the only active right now XP

    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Because this place really dies down between episodes at times.

  10. dafuq (jericho go home you're drunk)
  11. They look tlhey like got a platinum and crystal overhaul but those cube markings on steelix are a bit anbigious
  12. (The devil can take his powers away) (then again he also killed the devil)
  13. just keep trying I myself was also trying to do it for awile and it worked in the end, also there are tutorial/walkthrougs on youtube about this so if you realy can't figure it out go and watch shofu or someone else
  14. nintendo already knows most of america will buy the new pokemon game so they area trying to get more people in other countries to buy the game seems plausible doesn't it ^-^
  15. Wel welcome again i ques
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