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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Cornerman

  1. Hiyo, nice seeing you here if you have a question just ask me if you want to talk just ask me if you want to........... somthing just ask Hope you have a nice long and fun stay here Jaz (not calling you sensei )
  2. 9.5/10 Cute,sexy, and above all pink so kawai
  3. probs just hanging around being awesome your turn sheep
  4. Is processing what's just posted . . . . . . . Hoopa vs Giratina
  5. wy do i do this this a forest fire btw
  6. Cornerman


    banned because..... whatever
  7. So, whoever Evolved Gary's Zubat ZUBAT
  8. nope, never had one and planning to keep it that way Did you ever had a crazy sagur rush where you was very hyper/energetic
  9. detailed anwser here: freak out for 10 second look in the mirror for a minute call mah parents and a doctor afterwards Be on television, and promote a magenta product line later Become famous (maybe) What would you choose rather: Never to be able to hear,speak,or see again
  10. I aint no, tease i am (so bad, wy) srry for leaving had soccer training ashes and link so........(i cant choose between them)......jericho
  11. Granted you can see without glasses but with a lense in I want to get a present wich doen't suck,explode,poison me,defect,broken, or easily destroyable.....pls
  12. Octo can't temper benders Rage SQUID
  13. fear mah army of mudkips, yer all doomed
  14. Cornerman


    banned for being a dictator (this is taking things to far buddy)
  15. Cornerman


    i will take it upon me ashes banned link because you're not his mother banned ashes because just edit your old post whenever this happens
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