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Everything posted by Cornerman

  1. http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3p69dc but no, i'm here.......again have fun peeps, your turn ashes (spoiler) something that suits him (absol) http://skyswordhilty.deviantart.com/art/Absol-s-Hatred-for-Luvdisc-Redraw-331401977 (/spoiler)
  2. Cornerman


    banned because we thrive on these maniacs (no harm meant, just joke) like myself to keep a high posted posts count per day
  3. 7 i can try but im just not good at shouting, so i will be the king/boss, (prefers king) first and formost whoever misbehaves gets to deal with absol have fun ^-^ edit: ninja'd link
  4. I don't know, it keeps it from being boring just like a real life conversation you just change it for the better or for the funnier ashes I have spoken
  5. not freaked out (I stayed calm)
  6. 4 no i dont like to be the boss no one listens >.< pls someone else be the boss
  7. that one has already been said but thanks anyway
  8. srry brockze, you are handsome but not pretty 'no homo' brockze reply......
  9. Cornerman


    Banned for caring about it
  10. If he could call upon it he could also send it back
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