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Everything posted by Cornerman

  1. nope, ban the box, use a pokeball absol stop destroying our universe destroy one of the naughtbours one's your thaughts etesian
  2. Shipping & Receiving (reference from.....?)
  3. granted but it never wants to sit on your arm I wish the same as Bluewolf ^
  4. *fist bumbs back* ^ + you dont sleep, you just drink cofee al the time ^-^(I don't even like cofee) tfw when you watch next anime episode which was in the middle of a cool battle. (the hype, those feels)
  5. srry wrong summon Cornerman used poisen powder on mega wobbufet It hit, wobbufet is poisened Your turn jericho
  6. 72 it's such a special number, no one knows wy it is special
  7. granted your wish gets so corrupted my wish for world domination free snacks also gets corrupted But how is up to the next person
  8. I dont care i will take it out Cornerman used destiny bond I will save you all........help me ashes
  9. Just watched everything of the anime 'Kill La Kill' it was so awesomely fantasticly wonderful :D, but it also ended so thats sad :c

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cornerman


      yes, the ova/ep.25 i watched it.

      It give a fun exposion of old versus new (without their uniforms)and a aftermath.

      I want a sequel, which is possible, even the show adressed it them self it's possible. ^-^

    3. Felicity


      Dude, spoilers >>:CCCC

    4. Bluewolf


      Yes, I love that anime too! And it is indeed sad that it had to end, it was so funny with a lot of action.

  10. tfw you watch a hole anime series in two day's and it was awesome bonus tfw when you have watched every episode of the anime you where watching
  11. granted; but this creates a paradox because everytime you get as old as you're now you know something more so you cant live longer than how old your now and wich time it's now. (You basically time travel back to your younger self and take over his body) Now it's time to devious I wish that my computer would explode (what could go wrong, with a corrupt explosion(not explode)?)
  12. there is only one pumkaboo sprite tho if thats what you mean
  13. Talk again or talk with the kid and the mom again
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