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Everything posted by Cornerman

  1. Crobat I remember your mistake with crobat ashes
  2. Nope telos aint here yet :3 I dont smoke, nor do i want to, it just costs money, i dont judge people if they do smoke its their choose Anything more to say jericho also when did you changed your profile pic. again (from the jamaican one)
  3. Cornerman


    Banned because you look like my profile pic in low res. and wite background edit: banned rosesong for nithpicking/being grammar nazi
  4. I'm old enough to drink, and i can say you peeple aint missing anything exept for those nights with friends and you get somewhere between drunk and tipsie thats always so funny. Hilda do you have a fun story
  5. Voldemort The last thing you see before you die
  6. That feel when you didn't had your glasses on for a couple of hours (while being away from home) and then putting them on. so nice
  7. Good, good very nice asking of you how is the rest of y'all doing, Vinny..........
  8. mew yes, pokedex complete, kanto edition
  9. dratini aint care atleast we tried edit; i see what your doing yer w8ing
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