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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cornerman

  1. snorlax ashes stay here to complete the kanto dex ps go to next page
  2. Kabutops everyone quickly post before a mod comes
  3. 43+ hours is sorta a speed run estimate atleast in my runs If you breed, run around, train your teams you will/can get over 100 hours but you won't be bored because there are a lot of event and hidden items so, if you are a spelunker like me, just expect to get atleast 70+ hours till the end but it depends also mostly on how you train your team and who choice. So what I like to say Welcome to reborn and might you have a long and hard but funny playthrough and stay, here in reborn. Have fun and stay sane
  4. Alright then we will start over i just taught a tardis could out run and prevent the vortex before it began but that's just my taught SO start over or not, the next person decides And no not you ashes
  5. 8.5/10 Keeps looking good everytime i see it
  6. I have mah tardis ready
  7. ............Bitch pls (I think it's time for a reset, unless there's something better like something universal shattering)
  8. Just two, for safety reason's
  9. edit: Ninja'd / vali you where faster than me Zeph aint online right now, type a message after this sentence has finished..... The joke= A programmed non-free will robot, seems free /experiences freedom, wich he cant. follow protocol ya dingus. Do you love dr.who ashes.....
  10. (I know bender is on top here but just imagine him not being here)
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