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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by exirc255

  1. I loved the glitch city segment, that was really unexpected for me. it's also a funny way of finally making zubat available again. Unrelated, but how do you like bayo so far? I love those games, I got all the umbran tears in 2 recently
  2. I've since took a page from noel's book and made a cosmic power/minimize/stored power clefable that steamrolled her team, I was really surprised how smooth it went. I notice that gym leaders, for me at least, are either a 2 or a 10 in terms of difficulty. Like, People like Florinia Serra and Aya made me rage quit the game for weeks, but like, radomus luna and terra I beat on my first try. I don't know if I'm just adjusting to Reborn's difficulty or it's just because I have more resources now. I will say, it's much much easier to build a sweep in a single battle
  3. I'm just happy that Terra was no where near as brutal as I'd feared. I mean, it's never a good thing to be looking at a garchomp, but because it was a single battle my minimize/cosmic power/stored power clefable had an untouchable sweep by then
  4. literally nevermind, it's an event thing
  5. So, on 7th street, down the hallway from the Cult Base, I found a "rare candy" hidden in a rock behind a glowing rock (clear it away with blast powder), it's a held item, anyone have an idea what it does? I'm a bit scared to test it lol
  6. I'm having difficulties with the drifloon event kid's mom. The kid is sitting on the couch saying he wants to be strong like me some day, but his mother keeps saying he hasn't come home yet. I checked by the power plant to see if I needed to save him again, and checked on a windy day too, but neither the drifloon or vennipede events seem to have reset
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