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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Red_Chaos

  1. Guys...i got another shiny meet violet the lotad, or maybe somebody has a better purple name

  2. is it wrong to name a shiny oddish leafy green?

    1. Skullkin


      so long as you don't bug me about naming mine "Vile Boom"

    2. Hect


      It's certainly more original than "Smelly the Flower".

    3. Ojama Yellow
  3. holy crap random storm flew by...

  4. 468 out of 499 how the heck do you get to 721

    1. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      Become the very best, like no one ever was.

  5. well that explains a bit bye
  6. What is your favorite comfort food to eat when you actual decided to eat food?
  7. Pokemon Sun & Moon: Dragon Slayers

  8. Turtwig??? why would you name a smeargle turtwig
  9. i wonder if vulpix could evolve kind of like Glaceon where it only needed to be around an ice rock instead of using like an fire/ice stone
  10. i have to admit, im bummed about not have traditional leaders... the mantis and ice vulpix look badass and brey is adorable
  11. FINALLY YOUR BACK ame didn't lock you in a closet and make you program did she?
  12. Looks like somebody is busy on the fourms tonight

    1. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      She skipped me...

    2. Red_Chaos


      *gives lord chespin a feel better cookie*

  13. Favorite ghost type? What are the odds I will die before you finish the game?
  14. Nothing you guys will do will fill the void of my twist heart. But I wish you guys the best.
  15. ....bad luck follows me

  16. Gift for a 20 year old female, ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Red_Chaos


      not to mention if i knew what she liked i wouldn't be asking this question sadly :(

    3. breelompauncher


      Well what are her habits? That's a good way to base a gift

    4. Red_Chaos


      school, work, spending time with boyfriend

  17. worst doctor's visit even

  18. I feel like i need help with pokemon go

  19. Secret life of pets wasn't bad

    1. Skeleton


      isnt there just 1 cat who has an asshole while no other pets do?

  20. Aevia all the way, she pulls off that hat like a boss
  21. When you do some serious grinding and your game crashes before you can save....

    1. RudeStyle


      at that point i just tilt to oblivion and never play the game again

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