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  1. Ok thanks i just realised how much stupid i was because i already checked this locations but in fact since i loaded another save of mine the event was not activated yet ... So i just lost your time and mine as well sorry guys x)
  2. I don't talk often here but i just want to say that the new site is really cool and i'm hyped about the ep 16 :3 Thank you for all your work !
  3. 2 days ago Ame wrote this if it can help you ^^ :"The Community Release will be in a forum visible only to registered members-- it's currently hidden though. About the beta, I know it's taken a while, there've just been a couple stray things we've been waiting to finish that actually do not relate directly to testing. Ace Members already know what one of those things was-- and the other I'm just waiting to hear back on a fix for (it is related to the site rather than the game itself) before I can proceed. The actual testing itself has long fallen off. I'm impatient too."
  4. Yeah i did it but after I don't know where to go :/
  5. Where do i have to go to start the episode6 x) ?
  6. Is there a way to open the door at the first pokemon center or the sealed door in the cave with the "rare" pokemon , because all of them require a code but it don't seems to be the code that we often find :/ And is this code usefull at some point ? (42-7-73-11)
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