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Everything posted by krim

  1. "So much for holding their position, huh?" Ebon said under his breath. It wasn't exactly a problem, though, seeing as one of their slower cohorts was easily still in range of Blackwing's talons. "Turning your back on me is one of the biggest mistakes you can make, you know." he muttered as he drove his lance into the shaman. K10, Attack Shaman, Canto K9
  2. After choosing to be cautious in the presence of the snipers, Ebon watched from above as the halberdier in front of the groups commander fell. Seeing what he was waiting for, he lifted Blackwing's and accelerated towards the shaman in a divebomb. Blackwing let out a fierce "CAW!!!" as he rocketed towards her, with his rider smiling slightly beneath his helmet. While he wouldn't say he enjoyed the resulting combat, the flight was exhilarating after having been forced into passiveism. H10, Divebomb Gloom
  3. "You were going to PAY to be conscripted?" Ebon laughed in a booming voice, dropping all pretense of the gravelly intimidator. Blackwing, for his part, cawed in amusement as well. Though Ebon still couldn't quite tell if the bird actually understood what he was saying, or if he was just mimmicking the mannerisms of his rider. "Well, I certainly wouldn't complain about that. We'll talk more business when this is over. For now uh...give me a second." he looked about until he spotted Brilliant Deduction on the battlefield below and eased the crow in her direction. Returning to his normal guise, he motioned from above towards Flies Freely. "That one is with me now. We can talk about it later." he said matter-of-factly, and not waiting for a response, glided into position and dive bombed the mage that he had been ignoring up until that point. C6, kill Initiate A
  4. "I suppose I can sympathize with that. I was never the biggest fan of how things were run, but I put up with it until..." he looked pained for a second but shook himself out of it after a few moments. "Well, that's not important. If it's money you want, I'm sure we can work something out. My company and I are getting paid quite handsomely for this job, and payment is individual." he purposefully failed to mention that this "company" only included himself and Lotus. Looking down at the battlefield again, he added. "Your current employers aren't going to be alive to pay you by the end of this anyway, and I'm not one to leave behind discarded gold."
  5. Ebon sat upon Blackwing silently as the other mantis approached him, and listened to what he had to say. To tell the truth, he did remember the old name, but not the face. Either way, this Freely didn't seem more than Lotus's age. "Inspiration....?" he asked, a bit off guard. Now THAT was something he had never heard before. "Listen kid,..I'm only doing this because I have to. There's nothing to be inspired by or proud about in taking lives. If I had to guess, the people here have their own problems, too." he grimaced and shook his head. "I'm not going to tell you to go back home, but make sure this is really what you want before potentially digging your own grave." glancing down towards the snipers running for their lives, he added "Especially if you're planning on switching sides."
  6. Ebon grimaced seeing Pinecone go down, as besides Lotus he was by far the most effective one here. Though the distraction didn't last long once he spotted the bug in dark robes that approached him. He wheeled Blackwing that way, delivered his strikes, then glided idly past where he once stood. Then he watched, looking for anything that would tip him off as to who Flies Freely really was. Stab Dark Initiate, Canto A7
  7. Ebon cocked his head for a moment as the battle began. The ambush didn't surprise him, but something seemed off about the opposing bugs. The other bird rider especially. He wracked his brains trying to make sense of it, but ultimately turned to Lotus. "Ready?" he asked aloud but added "Does the guy on the bird look familiar?" more quietly. Deciding not to dwell on it for too long, he took Blackwing's reigns and guided him to the closest bug, promptly thrusting his lance into the spearmans chest. C7, Stab Lancer A, Get Guarded By Pinecone
  8. At the end of the battle, Ebon largely kept to himself as he strode through the remains of the fallen, looking for anything he could use or sell. The marauders wouldn't need it where they ended up, after all. Afterwards he loaded it all onto Blackwing and kept a watchful eye on the party from the back as they grew ever closer to the University. Upon their arrival, he pondered at the bugs scurrying to and fro. He had seen many different kinds in his travels, of course, but something about this place and them unnerved him a bit. He couldn't tell exactly what, but it was probably something to do with their apparent lack of preparedness. A battle breaking out here would leave a lot of innocent casualties, and they didn't seem concerned about the possibility at all. There was barely a weapon in sight! He shook his head and after musing over it a little more he decided that it was probably mantis instincts more than thoughtful wariness. They probably had mages at least, and who would want to attack a bunch of dusty scholars in their own camp anyway? Breaking out of his thoughts, he listened intently to their new commander as roll was called. He let out a gruff "Ebon Knight....and Blackwing" in the same mildly threatening tone he had used in the redoubt before, but was intrigued when she started speaking of the human writing. He actually had seen stuff like that before on his journeys with Lotus, but never thought much of it. Relics from before his time - and not really good for selling -was all he ever got from them. But...as she talked he realized that this was an oppurtunity. If they really did discover a new type of magic from this, he and Lotus would likely be paid even more handsomely than their current offer....And that was good enough for him.
  9. Ebon nodded silently as Lotus said her piece. Neither of them liked it when targets got away (not that it ever really happened) and the intimidation factor was good for business. Though before being able to see the fruits of that labor he had to take care of the rest of this job, he thought, taking Blackwing's reigns once again and diving towards one of the few bugs still standing. E6 Poke "Elite" Soldier, Canto D9
  10. Have healing items been made more available? I remember one of the weirdest things in version 4 was that only Super Potions were buyable, which didn't exactly work well when your mons were well into the late 50s and even 60s level wise. (I had actually brought this up to Caz in feedback I sent a billion years ago, though I wouldn't blame him for not remembering lol)
  11. Like so many times before, Ebon waited for Lotus's arrow to pierce the guard of the bug in front of them and almost immediately pulled Blackwing into the air with his lance held aloft. Then he dived. Without waiting to see the results, he drifted the massive bird a short distance away and turned his attention again to the field. The leaders finally moving spelt danger, but now they were the ones outnumbered. And that meant the end was near. D6, Finish off Elite B, Canto F6
  12. Damn, this is the last thing I expected to happen today. I remember looking back at the old feedback I gave years ago recently and was sad it'd probably never see the light of day again. Good shit, Im definitely looking forward to it. Edit: I know it might be a little early to ask, but are you changing previously released content significantly? Kinda want to play through again now, but Im not sure if I should wait.
  13. Finally Ebon thought with no shortage of relief. It wasn't optimal, but at least they were all on their feet now. He grabbed Blackwing's reigns again and prodded him forward, deciding to ignore the squeak about mercy as he passed. It wasn't worth arguing. Eyes settling on the beetle with the axe that spoke earlier, he flew closer and thrusted with as much precision as he could before Blackwing glided backwards again. A7, Poke Raider A, Canto A8
  14. Somewhat bewildered at Stardust's attempt to heal the dying moth, Ebon shook his head and glided Blackwing around to the archer that tried to shoot them earlier. Dropping the reigns and letting the bird's momentum carry him, he raised his lance again and stabbed. Afterwards the crow hopped backwards with a caw of satisfaction, and the knight once again turned to the bee. "You can't save him. Not with a wound like that and no real healer." he said, trying to sound as firm as possible. "So get up and fight or whatever it is you do, unless you want your end to be similar to his. Looters aren't going to show that kind of mercy." Luckily there didn't seem to be any more nearby, though that didn't seem like it would last long. "Not that dangerous out there" they said, "Too cautious about inexperience" they said. If he got these kids through this job alive, he had some choice words for their employers. After payment, of course. B10, kill Pillager A, Canto to A11 Lotus D11 - Shoot Pillager if Alive
  15. Ebon grimaced as Stardust pleaded them to help the roach her brother had stabbed moments earlier. He was right. This really was the worst party they could have gotten stuck with. Breaking down and crying at blood? On a battlefield? Much to what would be Bend's dismay, he had no idea how to handle this. Unwieldy recruits were very much not his area of expertise. So he was going to do what he usually did, and if it didn't work, she'd most likely be useless. But better useless than dead. Directing Blackwing past her and landing in front of the roach, he stabbed downward with precision. Then he looked back at Stardust, though his face was expressionless through his visor. "We all have our own reasons for fighting, kid. They might need these supplies more than us. I don't know. I don't really care." he said gruffly, but softened for a moment at the next statement. "I need the money from this job more than they do." -his voice returned to his usual tone after this - "So they picked the wrong people to fuck with for getting in the way." That was all he could think of for the moment, and he nodded to Pinecone in hopes of understanding. At least he seemed competent. D11 Stab Marauder B
  16. Ebon stood silently as Sting ran into Pinecone next to him and chattered incessentaly. He could already tell this group wasn't going to be what he was used to, and that didn't bode well for the mission. But at least they could hold weapons. Sighing, He dismounted and walked past the large bee, glancing briefly in confusion at the staredown happening between him and the councilmen. At least he had Blackwing and Lotus. If they had to they could probably carry this out themselves. Though that assumed the council's report was accurate, and he was still fairly suspicious of that. Deciding that the ones that would be were sufficiently intimidated, he dropped the gravelly tone when he reached Lotus. "So. What are you thinking?" he asked. "This isn't exactly....what I expected when we took this job. But it will pay."
  17. "Ah so there is some fight in him. Good." Ebon thought at Bend's outburst, though he found himself second-guessing when he realized the sword was missing. What exactly did he mean by "experience" in this case? Dishes? Sighing he decided to focus on the council's comemnts instead. "Harsh? Perhaps. But efficiency should be a priority on this kind of business," since we arent being paid by the hour, he added mentally. "and I'd rather not have anyone lag behind. Or die. And yes, I am from the Domain." That much was obvious from his height. He wondered how much he should tell them for a moment before continuing, but eventually arrived at "not much". "But I've been all over. You have to in this kind of work, and it's better to prepare for the worst than to die unexpectedly to something you thought benign." He grimaced slightly at this last point, knowing full well they probably didn't care if they made it back anyway. But it was worth arguing.
  18. Ebon's eyes flashed briefly toward each speaker in turn. He was surprised that the big one - Pinecone - had no reaction at all, but the other two were about what he expected. Without looking directly at him, (since he seemed scared enough), he responded to the ant gruffly "You're a recruit, yes? Inexpereinced?"and shook his head without waiting for answer. "Getting in the way is kind of what you do. I've been around long enough to know." Pausing for a moment to let that sink in, he then turned his attention to the girl with the strange tablet. "And you. You haven't been outside of your hive much, have you?" he asked, almost in concern, though not dropping his tone. Was this really the best they had to work with? "Council affiliation doesn't matter when it comes to life and death. " he began stroking Blackwing's head at this point, and took a moment before continuing when the crow cawed softly in pleasure. "People out there...can be desperate. They'll take what they can get. Bandits, thieves, refugees. All of them." he looked to the council for affirmation briefly, but continued on anyway. "And a small group obviously carrying valuable equipment iis much easier to ambush than an army. Letting your guard down like that is how you get yourself killed on the first night." It was something he'd seen all too often on other jobs, and he hoped it would scare her out of doing something stupid later.
  19. Ebon Knight listened intently to the meeting, though he showed no indication that he cared or was even paying attention. He knew some of the other bugs there had either heard his reputation or were terrified of Blackwing, and he planned to keep it that way. Offers were higher if you were feared, right? He glanced briefly at one of the other bugs as she introduced herself and made a mental note of the names she mentioned, but said nothing. He had decided on the way here that it would be best to keep tabs on those they were working with directly, and she didn't seem interested in saying more anyway. When she finished speaking he waited for someone else to say something, but nobody appeared to move forward. So he mumbled a command to Blackwing under his breath and started talking. His voice was naturally deep, but he tried to make it a bit more gravelly in meetings like this to really play up the "hardened mercenary" thing. "Ebon Knight" he said without much enthusiasm. "And my partners. Blackwing" he nodded to the crow who let out a loud squawk, sure to get people's attention. "And Lotus." pointing at the other mantis, his visible features softening a bit (if only for a split second). "Mercenaries under councilman Far and Wide. Remember this, and don't get in the way. If you can do that we won't have any problems." He went silent afterwards and looked about to gauge their reactions. They were always different with this speech, and he still wasn't quite sure how effective it was.
  20. Fixed @Powder Miner I think I just forgot to change it back when I was initially putting two stats points there lol
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