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Everything posted by krim

  1. "I saw." Fallon laughed. She was having more fun with this than he expected. Sure, if this were a real battle she would be taking lives...but such was the cost of war. If using her magic like this kept her safe, he couldn't complain. "You're in luck." he pointed as he moved "More coming this way." L14
  2. "...You alright?" Fallon asks Naomi after watching her deal a devastating burst of damage to Sharon. "It's been a while since this has happened....I'll be here if it becomes too much." he says quietly. He had seen her do this before, but not during a live combat situation. He wasn't quite sure what it would mean. "But first... I need to get rid of the last one." Move to N15 and attack the archer.
  3. Fallon stumbled a bit when Dulcie bumped into him, but recovered in time to see Johanna flying back to the group. "Stop being so reckless." he said with a frown. "Flying into a group of archers like that will get you killed in a real battle." She should have known better as a commander...unless...is this her first battle as one? he thought as he took hold of Dulcie's bow. Strange. Very strange. "...It's no problem." he told her absentmindedly while looking for an opening in the ongoing fight.
  4. Seeing how many enemies were up ahead, Fallon decides to stay put and let the more heavily armored group advance. Hold
  5. Fallon staggered for a second when he was hit by the lance, but quickly recovered. "Are you all right?" he heard from his right. "Fine..." he said. But he couldn't help but notice the shakiness of her voice when she asked it, so he turned to give what he hoped was the reassuring smile he had used to. He hadn't done that in a long time. She still cares...I wonder how much her father told her. Did he tell the truth? Was I dead as far as she knew? An enemy? he thought in a whirlwind of emotions. I can't let this distract me... After taking a moment to calm down, he moved and decided to deal with one of the last enemies in front of him...but of course, there was another one. "Uhh, is it just me or do you two know each other from before now? Them's some interestin' glances no matter how you dice it." "Best to not stick your nose where it doesn't belong, boy." he said coldly. He felt a little bad about it since Seymore was nice enough to him before, but explaining this to an outsider was the last thing he wanted to deal with right then. Keeping in that state of mind, he let loose another blast of energy at the cavalier in front of him. L9, Fire at Cav 1
  6. After the fighter fell, Fallon heard the low rumble from Idriss. I know, old friend. But now isn't the time. he thought as he moved to take out the archer that had hurt him and his rider. Move to M-10 and blast the archer.
  7. Fallon watched the man with the axe move towards him and decided that it was time as he did the same. He closed his eye, took a deep breath inward and allowed the spirits within himself to gain ground while removing a heavy book from his cloak. At that moment, all of his doubts and insecurities were magnified by tenfold, but there was also....power. The incredible power of the ancients that he sought. He channeled it for what couldn't have been more than a split second, and just like that, it was gone. When he opened his eye, it was replaced with a spear of black energy hurling towards the axeman. He wasn't one to relish the thought of hurting another, but each time he successfully brought forth the power nearly brought a smile to his face. Mock battle or not, he knew that with each blast he was getting closer to finding the magic's secrets. And then he could do what needed to be done. L-10, Worm Fighter 1
  8. Fallon looked shaken for a moment when Johanna arrived, but it was only long enough for one to wonder if they had really seen it. Of all the people in the Knights, why did it have to be her? If she didn't recognize him, Idriss surely did. So much for a low profile... he thought. But that was enough about his feelings. There was a battle at hand, and even a mock battle would bring him one step closer to what he wanted. He would figure out what to do about her later. The first thing he noticed about the battlefield is that they were practically surrounded. It looked like an issue at first, but there were enough people with armor around that they could hold them off with good positioning. He was about to announce this to the rest of them, but his planning was interrupted when the familiar swordsman dashed in, seemingly without a care. If they all act like this, we're going to have a problem. "We should take the front first, the terrain here will give us the advantage." he said as he moved behind the other dragon knight. N-8
  9. "Where I'm from....? Hmm. I'm not really sure I know myself anymore." he said sadly. "Although I've done a lot of traveling....what is it like in Kuluk?"
  10. "Magefolk? I...suppose you could say that. I doubt it's similar to anything you've learned about though." Fallon grimaced. Not wanting to say any more about the topic, for both their sakes, he turned to look at the dragon that stood in the middle of the gardens. The rider had just finished her mentorship by the look of her. Now that brings me back...he thought. "Quite a spectacle, eh?" he said with just a hint of sadness. When he looked back, he noticed the new man with striking blue eyes standing a ways off. 'Yes...Fallon." he said to the man with the blue eyes, before looking back at Seymour. "And it's pronounced pol-i-tic-al. Don't worry too much about the specifics and you'll be better off for it."
  11. The shaman's eye widened a bit at the mention of the Great Forest, but he ultimately decided not to interrupt. The boy was talkative enough for him to pick his words carefully, which is all he really wanted in a conversation partner nowadays. Naomi was the same way. 'Maybe this guy isn't so bad' he thought. "The name's Fallon." he said, looking over towards where the others had gathered as another girl ran past them "...and I think eccentric would be a good word for them, yes. Where did you say you were from again?" he asked. He had journeyed across the Forest a few times over the past few years, but the boy's accent was unfamiliar to him.
  12. Fallon looked up as someone entered his peripheral vision. Just when I thought I could get away without notice. Ugh. Gonna have to be polite. But at least he's too young to know me... He thought. "Uh, howdy. You're here for the first meetin' of the Allied Guard, right?" He gave a slight nod and responded without much emotion. "Ah...yes. Same as you, I'd imagine. Think it will start soon?'
  13. Fallon leaned with his back against one of the garden walls, and watched as his new comrades introduced themselves. If he was younger or less...known...in these parts, he would have done the same, but he had decided on the trip up here that it was best to keep a low profile. This close to the mountains, someone was bound to recognize him eventually, and he wasn't sure he was ready for what that meant. Of course, that was before the incident. So maybe not...? Either way, his single eye kept a watchful gaze over two of them more than the others. He had known Naomi for years, of course, but the boy swinging the sword around....he wasn't sure where he recognized him from, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he did. But that wasn't enough to make him go over there. He was sticking to the plan.
  14. Forum name: krim Showdown alt(s): krimunism, Atlantean Krim, KrimunistMovement Discord: krim#6010 Availability*: 1 PM (EST) or later on weekdays, weekends are dependent on my schedule. Favourite type(s): Flying, Dragon, Water Least favourite type(s): Fairy, Ice, Grass Time for my return to competitive I suppose,
  15. Sherwyn stood with their arms crossed near the edge of the clearing in silence. Though they had succeeded in keeping the others safe, they couldn't help but feel they had failed in other ways. Roland was most definitely dead, the knight's order was in tatters, and it seemed as though everyone was exhausted from the ordeal to the point that another attack would finish them off completely. Even if the things that attacked them weren't following, it wasn't a pleasant thought. Some leader I make. My first battle as more than a simple guard, and we run with our tails between our legs... Though they felt their physical wounds healing, that was more than enough to sting them where it hurt. So they did what they were used to. Guard duty.
  16. Sherwyn grimaced beneath their armor. The thing that approached...it was almost...familiar. It couldn't be though...they hadn't left Padstow in years, and they certainly hadn't encountered anything this...grotesque. They very strongly wanted to get a closer look, but couldn't afford to with the other ones staring them down. Curiosity quickly turned to nervousness, however, and the thoughts of escaping grew more urgent. But first and foremost were their duties as a guard. If falling here meant Coel and the others escaped, it would be a fulfillment of the oath they had taken. It was the price they were willing to pay when they enlisted. "Run!" Was the only command they could give as they struck the thing in front of them once more. Attack Drifter3
  17. That mage is making this far harder than it needs to be. J-7, Poke Pupil2
  18. "In addition to that, did Steve give you any more information on the thugs? "Men in black" seems quite vague...and perhaps their pokemon would help in identifying them? He did say that's how they threatened him." Arlen said to Oak.
  19. "None for me, but thanks Joe." Arlen said after taking his seat. He grabbed a pad of paper and took out his newfound pen after seeing Adara do the same. He doesn't seem too upset. Wonder what's going on. he thought about Oak.
  20. Sherwyn downed their vulnerary after being revived and proceeded to hold the line once more. The magic had done a number on them, but at least there was only one left...
  21. Arlen made his way to the conference room, but stopped to grab a pen on his way. He scrawled his name quickly but decided to keep it, since he felt like there would definitely be more paperwork coming soon.
  22. Arlen let out an annoyed cough when smoke began to crowd the area. Not taking the boss's bait still seemed like the best decision, so he turned and followed Emilia while ripping open his letter. Standard procedure...and here I thought it would be interesting. he then put it in his pocket to make copies of later. Professor Oak though...sounds like a high profile job. Maybe it won't be too boring after all.
  23. Well, that hit a little close to home. Arlen thought, but letting it get to him would be counterproductive."Could you get to the point?" he asked. "You've already led us on a tour of the building, which you wouldn't have done if you planned to turn us down now. Taunting us won't get you very far." then he looked to Lars and sighed under his breath "Well, most of us." before bending down to receive the letter from the bulbasaur.
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