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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by AndrewErblak

  1. Hey guys, make sure to hit me up on Discord @Neith#2053 if you ever want to chat

    1. Ruby Riding Hood

      Ruby Riding Hood

      But if I hit you with enough force to lift you off the ground, it'll hurt.

  2. TFW Pokemon Reborn Ep 16 will likely be unreleased in 3 different years. (2015, 2016 and 2017)
  3. Alolan Dex is finished after 66 Hours of game play.

  4. I said to a friend that Reborn would come out when he was flying down to see me in July as a joke, then as a joke again, I had a bet to see if Sun and Moon would come out before Reborn. I have all the respect for you Ame but you've let me down, I understand the workload but this is now disappointing.

    1. mde2001


      Well you could try to win on a technicality than E16 is technically out, it is just only in beta form so can only be accessed by Ace Members.

  5. pokemon rejuvination

    1. Skeleton
    2. Hect


      He's going to find the search bar eventually. It's all the more delightful after you put effort into it.

  6. Just finished making a new layout for a new series, Here's the planned layout http://prntscr.com/atb7pr

    1. YinYang9705


      That's a pretty decent layout, since all of the important information is not obstructing the view of the game

    2. Anvilicious


      It lets the game take up most of the screen and doesnt distract from the game play, while showing the most important information. This looks like a pretty good layout.

  7. One final post in this thread. Here is the last ep recorded and beaten. The ep will be up in a few days as I have another few to edit before then. Thanks to the guys who watched.
  8. The Black Market is actually their latest album, it's worth. Came out last year I think
  9. Hey guys! Not sure if this has been done so I'll post it. I was flicking through my iPod and a few songs caught my attention as songs that help describe aspects and fit into the settings of Pokemon Reborn. So I'm just wondering what other people have thought the same.. Songs: Ten Ton Skeleton - Royal Blood Solid Rock - Darlow (fet. Shane Howard.) People Live Here - Rise Against Zero Visibility - Rise Against So feel free to post your own songs as well. If you want you can even post what parts of Reborn make you think of that song, and Vice versa.
  10. Just a check in, new eps are being uploaded again after some IRL stuff. I will be looking to start my way through Agate tomorrow (Monday.)
  11. Today's ep is live! Including a run through of the forest puzzle. Check it out! Ep 23 Forest and the Trees
  12. Ayyy new video is up! Check it ou! I hate Cain's AI

  13. Here's today's (Saturday) Ep. Ep 22 - City Escape
  14. The lack of AFD is oddly scaring me.... Also new vid is up yay!

  15. Danke! Like I promised here is Friday's second ep! https://youtu.be/6nE_5vF2TmQ
  16. EDIT: I'll just use this thread to update you guys on the new eps. Hey guys! It's been a long time since I've been active here so what a better way to get back into the community then to do a shameless self plug for my YouTube? Seriously though, I have started a new Pokemon Reborn game and have been uploading the story onto Youtube. For those who want to watch head to my main channel youtube.com/NeithCassMainPage or just head to the playlist list (click here) If you watch I can't thank you enough. THINGS TO NOTE: I upload every day, during the week I look to upload 2 eps. I have up until Serra's gym battle recorded. I sometimes swear a lot. I sometimes do offline grinding between episodes. I am sometimes hard to understand There are some audio lag. I make all my own stuff. Thanks guys for reading and hopefully watching as well! P.S. I still have one ep to be uploaded within the hour of this post.
  17. Pyroar: Fire B Rank Abilities: Moxie/Rivalry/Unnerve Sets: Flamethrower/Hyper Voice, Noble Roar, Work Up, filler (can me strength) Braveheart comes out to play in Pokemon Reborn. Being able to be picked up as early as Julie when received in a trade from an NPC it is a massive early game player. But as the game goes on it's use drops off. It can cripple Pokemon with the use of Noble Roar which will lower Atk and SpAtk down by one stage when used. The Boost its own Atk and SpAtk with the use of Work Up. This is amazing early game when Pokemon are weaker and slower. As the game goes on Pyroat becomes frail with poor defenses and the ability to really set up becomes limited, having to rely on recovering and crippling to have a chance. The 3 abilities don't help it much either, Moxie boosting a base 68 Attack stat when its special attack is a lousy 106, Rivalry being situational as all hell and Unnerve only effecting a small number of battles leave it hanging. A shame how a great Pokemon at the start of the game falls by the wayside so quickly. Houndoom: Fire Rank B Abilities: Early Bird. Flash Fire, Unnerve Sets: Nasty Plot, Flamethrower, Dark Pulse, Filler (HP/Thunder Wave/Foul Play) Amazing for the Psychic gym when running a Fire mono with immunity to Psychic. What hurts Houndoom is the timing in which you get it. Needing to have access to 7th Street and to join the Magma Gang and finish their story the Dark/Fire dog isn't able to be used to destroy Shelly, FloBot and Serra as it could easily do. What saves it from being C is the learning of Nasty Plot at level 52 as a Houndour and as a relearn move when it evolves. Pair a x2 SpAtk with a 110 Base Special attack and a lot of things will be 2HKO'ed. 95 Speed doesn't go too far astray either. But the rather pathetic 50 base Defense and 80 Special Defense leave it frail and ripe for an easy knock out if unable to KO.
  18. ' Fair Enough, SolarPower was the only think that really kept it from B when typing it up
  19. Having just done I got some Pokemon worth mentioning with Fire. Arcanine S Rank: Moves: Flare Blitz, Extreme Speed, Close Combat/Crunch/Bulldoze/Agility Why: A pure Fire type Pokemon that has a lot of bite. Unless you pick a physical attacker like Torchic and Chimchar you will lack a physical fire type. Being able to be picked up as early as after the 2nd Gym by finding the missing Police Force members as a Growlithe the Legendary Pokemon can be the wall breaker you really need. With an exceptional move pool without having to breed Close Combat onto it. Add the ability that it can also be defensive and crippling pivot with the ability Intimidate lowering foe's attack by one stage on switch in. It is a must have for running a Fire Mono. Typhlosion S Rank: Moves: Eruption/Lava Plume, Nature Power, HP Rock/Ground/Electric, Solarbeam (When able) Why: All those who battled Charlotte know the pure power that is Eruption Typhlosion on a favorable field. But one of the things that helps this Pokemon most is its ability to be bought on the 7th Street Market for 9 Red Shard. As fields will not always favor the use of its other moves using Nature Power can help you gain an extra edge over the opposing Pokemon. Charizard A Rank: Moves: Air Slash, Flame thrower/Heat Wave, HP Ice/Electric, Solarbeam (When able) Why: As a starter it is solid, but the lack of Special Flying STAB via level up is underwhelming, requiring a Heart Scale to get Air Slash. What saves it is the Hidden Ability of Solar Power, making it paired with a Ninetales with Drought deadly. The Flying typing makes it immune to moves like Earthquake and not be affected by some fields like Swamp field. What makes it A rank is the crippling x4 weakness to Stealth Rock and Rock moves.
  20. Not sure if this is here, but just wondering if anyone would be kind enough to share how to correctly use things like the Spoilers and other aspects of formatting.
  21. Awesome, I think, but doesnt answer the question I asked, how do i manage Water Surface and Underwater fields?
  22. Anyone got any ideas how i could beat a potential water leader with a fire mono? More so how do i fight without dying on the field?

    1. Sutoratosu


      Drought, Solar Beam Ninetales+ Energy Ball Cahndelure + Sunny Day team + Solarbeam on everything + Electric type moves scattered here and there=

      A dead water gym leader

    2. AuthorReborn


      HP Electric/Grass are very helpful.

  23. I know one of my mates is doing a Poison mono, get a Vileplume and make sure it has Moonblast/Grassy Terrain. Will help a lot
  24. Hey peeps, just had a talk with a few friends of mine last weeks, and soon started a Reborn Mono run. But with knowing a Water leader is coming up I might need some help. My current team follows and are all between Level 71-75 (Have beaten Terra too) Currently planning to use Bounce Rapidash with HP Electric. Normally I would use Dive, Blizzard from Walrain then EQ from something else. Can't use that for a Fire mono so I'm open to ideas.
  25. Part 3 is out now, watch if you want and please get behind it all
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