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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by drakonpaul

  1. Ok i found it. Thanks a lot!!! Now i have to beat the duos again.....Im playing it on insane and i got my ass beat many times xD
  2. How do i go to my previous save file?? There are like 64 files in the rejuv folder
  3. Well that sucks....How was i supposed to know i had to save Amber first??? I did save before Venam caught up to me but I couldn't go back because the mountain was in normal form and the back wall was blocked.... :''(
  4. So after i arrived to Valor mountain (without the magma stone) i somehow skipped the whole kyogre thing and went straight up to the summit to find out that Madelis and the other lady were saved by the trio. That means i missed the kyogre fight and the key i was supposed to get from the whole thing...Is there any way i can get it now?? I went back and the water area was just empty
  5. My tangrowth gets ice beamed to the face pretty easily
  6. Hi there!! Im playing rejuv on insane difficulty (i kinda regret it to be honest...) and after like 20 tries on narcissa im finally on valerie and im getting super wrecked atm. My team: Honchkrow (46) -Sassy- Foul Play Feint Attack Wing Attack Taunt Ampharos (45) -Adamant- Discharge Thunder Wave Thunderpunch Confuse Ray Greninja (44) -Quiet- Water Pulse Smack Down X-Scissor Bounce Tangrowth (44) -Lonely- Giga Drain Knock off Stun Spore Ancientpower Hariyama (45) -Jolly- Knock off Fake out Vital Throw Bulk up Granbull (43) -Bashful- Play Rough Headbutt Rock Smash Bulk up I have unshadowed every pokemon i could get so far. My starter was Typhlosion which is kinda useless at the moment. So yeah..im getting wrecked really fast. Her pokes are higher level than mine and any special attack she does destroyes me in 1-2 hits (per poke). My ampharos can probably tank 2 of her pokemon and that's pretty much it. Nerf her milotic x_x Any help appreciated :3
  7. By the way (sorry for the irrelevant post) my game doesn't have any battle animations like reborn...Do i have to activate them somehow?? :/
  8. Hey there!! I started my first playthrough yesterday and i noticed there's a lady in the emerald apartments (i think) that's crashing my game. She goes like lalalala i like singing and boom game dead xD. I just ignore her for now...
  9. Hahahaha, yeah that's enough i guess.
  10. You need to ride a Tauros to get to some of the honey trees, keep that in mind.
  11. I think Glaceon is not obtainable yet, is it?
  12. I think there is a guy in the grand hall that tells you where you have to go next. He's wearing glasses if im not mistaken
  13. You're kinda right. If someone can/wants to move it im ok with it
  14. Check out this battle i had with a dude. The end is unexpected xD. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/randombattle-175485797
  15. It may not always take minutes for the pokemans to appear. Some took like 1 day for me to appear so you'll probably have to wait long too. And you have to clear loooots of spiderwebs/logs
  16. He's using 3 full heals and that's it. I spammed 4 thunder waves with my sturdy magnezone, and killed him with the rest of my pokes.
  17. Lol that site though. I never needed any sort of website solvers
  18. Im marking spots that are either torbs or 1's. Rows that equal 5 are always torbs and 1's so i mark these straight from the beginning. It really helps clean up the board and increases the chances you only hit multipliers.
  19. I just wanted to share this with you guys and girls This was quite some time ago (about a month) when i was trying to get trapinch for my team. I made it to level 9 once and it was literally impossible...How far have you guys gone?
  20. Rock slide works too . That's how i did it at least.
  21. The event is still there. You can check the weather by talking to the TV's. The forecast should come up now and then and tell you when it's gonna be rainy next .
  22. I think there is a guy in the Grand Hall that tells you where you have to go for the next gym battle. And yeah..prepare your sanity bro...and always mine the glowy rocks for expensive stuff, that will get you money pretty much
  23. Usually if you walk around in the woods the pokemon will appear. I did have a problem with a single tree though and i had to wait for the day to pass, then went back in the spot on the next day (today) and they spawned. Im not sure if ''real'' time matters, but steps and visiting other areas surely do.
  24. drakonpaul


    True true it's a bush, but i can't go through it so it's as hard as a rock
  25. drakonpaul


    Lol i can just walk around that rock on the flower to my right. I couldn't before . That's soooo evil....Oh well now u know where Joltik is!
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