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zan paul barkarian

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About zan paul barkarian

  • Birthday 10/14/1993

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  1. guys the other day i try to many things but none of them worked.in a mysterious way today everything was ok.by the way,thanks for the help.
  2. i am not missing any plugin.i think that the error was plugin crash
  3. I have problem with the display of the page since yesterday.While i was battling one window pop up saying that plugins or something like that have problem.What should i do?
  4. I hope this will help you. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=9326
  5. i think that will be also two pokemon events (totodile and sneasel).
  6. you have to go to route 1 and find the path from the north adventurine woods to the cave.
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