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Lord Chespin

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Lord Chespin last won the day on March 2 2016

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    Lord Chespin
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    My World

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  1. Thank you so much for the guide! It's been a huge help for me! There is one improvement I would ask about, though- could you update the guide to list the locations for evolutions into Alolan/Galarian forms? I wanted to use an Alolan Marowak and a Galarian Weezing, but I'm not sure where you'd have to evolve their pre-evolved forms to get one.
  2. Just curious, are any of the Alolan/Galarian evolutions (ex. Alolan Exeggutor, Galarian Weezing, etc.) available? I know that Alolan Raichu is available, but I'm not sure about the others.
  3. This might be a silly question, but are there any repeatable ways to get Trash Cloak Burmy before the second Gym? I'm doing a Bug Monotype run, and I really don't want to go into that gym without a Flying-type resist.
  4. Yup! I coded it and everything! You probably won't get to test it in the current release, though; I've removed Froakie, Chikorita and Torchic from the starter pool because Battle Bond, Grassy Surge, and Torchic's overall power kinda break the early-game. Don't worry, though; they'll be obtainable eventually!
  5. Once upon a time, there was a simple fan of Pokemon Reborn named Lord Chespin. One day, he discovered that another fan, named Commander, had created a mod of Pokemon Reborn called Pokemon Reborn Redux, which made the game harder and added additional subplots. Amazed by the effort, Lord Chespin decided he wanted to give back to the community in the same way. Around the same time, Lord Chespin discovered a mod for Pokemon Showdown called Cool Funky Mode, which changed several mechanics, rebalanced several Pokemon, and made the game more interesting in general. With these two mods fresh in his mind, Lord Chespin knew what he had to do. And so, after two years of on-again off-again work, I, Lord Chespin, introduce you to... POKEMON REBORN: COOL FUNKY MODE So, what does this mod entail? This mod is a mechanics overhaul mod. If you've ever played a Drayano hack like Pokemon Volt White / Blaze Black or Pokemon Sacred Gold / Storm Silver, you know what to expect. If not, let me break down some of the changes: - Buffing Underwhelming Pokemon! Pokemon like Castform, Silvally, Luvdisc, and Kricketune are actually useful now! - Buffing Underwhelming Moves! Multi-hit Poison Sting? Dual Chop never misses? 10,000,000-Volt Thunderbolt and Catastropika are regular moves and not Z-Moves? All this and more! - Buffing Underwhelming Abilities! Ice Body works like Flame Body but with Freezing! Clear Body prevents self-inflicted stat drops as well! Rock Head additionally boosts the critical-hit ratio of all recoil moves! Why the heck not?! - Buffing Underwhelming Mechanics in General! Paralysis is returned to its pre-Gen 7 speed reduction! Hail additionally weakens Water- and Fire-type moves! Regular Poison is actually viable, as Toxic Spikes isn't a thing anymore! - Restricting Common Polarizing Moves! Tired of Toxic, Scald, and Stealth Rock being spammed everywhere? Then look no further! - INTRINSIC LEVITATION! This is the big one! If a Pokemon is physically shown to be levitating or flying, it doesn't need Levitate to avoid Ground-type moves! While some Ground-type moves like Drill Run can still hit levitating Pokemon, they can only hit for Neutral damage or less! About 99% of the changes can be found here: http://cancerfairy.weebly.com/ (Yes I am aware of the website's title, it's named after the mod's creator, Papa Cancer; he didn't mean to be offensive) Additionally, we've got some other stuff, too! - A New Subplot! Join the CFM League, an offshoot of the Reborn League, and work with its quirky staff to unravel the new mechanics! - New Events! Wynaut with an exclusive move before the first Gym? Chinchou before Shelly? Sure, why not! - New Sidequests! Recruit every single member of Corey's team, for example! - Gym Leader Rematches! Track down special CDs to take another swing at Gym Leaders! - Three Different Possible Battles per Leader! Ripped straight from Inspired by Pokemon Reborn Redux! Choose from a Singles, Doubles, or Masters battle, and get special rewards for beating the Masters battle! Pictures: Download Link: And One Last Thing: And, uh, that's all, I guess. If you enjoyed the mod, just comment below, and thank you for taking time out of your day to humor me!
  6. Hello boys, girls, and none of the above, to yet another challenge run of Pokemon Reborn. I've mainly stuck to monotype runs, but today I've decided to do something a little more... unorthodox. So, if anybody here is unfamiliar with Bogleech, he's an artist and the creator of the webcomic Awful Hospital. He enjoys creating monsters, and he reviewed every Pokemon created up to the original Pokemon Sun and Moon. That last part, people, is why we're here today. For this challenge run, I'm only going to use "Bogleech-Approved" Pokemon- in other words, Pokemon lines that were given a 5/5 by Bogleech. Ranging all the way in viability from the lowly Dunsparce to the mighty Lunala, this should give me plenty of tools to work with. Here's the full list of his reviews, in case you're curious; for convenience's sake, I'll be posting the ones I'll be using here: So, yeah. That may look like a lot, but trust me, it'll be interesting. Also, as Bogleech's favorite Pokemon are Trubbish and Garbodor, I'm imposing an additional rule: as soon as I gain access to one, I must have a Trubbish or Garbodor on my team at all times. No exceptions. With all that out of the way, here's the team so far: Here's everyone we have in the PC: And finally, here's the progress meter in terms of Gym Badges: Wish me luck, and here's hoping I actually finish this one!
  7. @Jess That's actually a pretty interesting piece of art you found! I'll change my other post to include it later! Also, I'd like to contribute some more, this time with some Mega Pika-clones: Mega Pachirisu Mega Dedenne Mega Togedemaru
  8. Well, this thread seems to be kind of quiet right now, so allow me to fix that! Mega Komola
  9. In all seriousness, though, thank you for making this game, Amethyst and crew! It's probably one of- if not the- best Pokemon fangames I've ever played!
  10. Hey! So, it's been ages since I was here on this forum last, and to hype myself up for Episode 17 I thought I'd revive a thread I made eons ago. As the title of the thread suggests, this is where you can create your own Mega Evolutions. Make 'em as crazy and over-the-top as you want- anything goes! Just, uh, try to keep the joke Megas for April Fool's Day. To start, I'll throw around an idea that I was planning on using in a fangame of my own: Mega Silvally Feel free to let me know what you come up with!
  11. NOBODY EXPECTS THE POST NEARLY A MONTH LATER So, uh, sorry it took so long to update. I got busy, I guess. I'll try to update this more regularly. Part 2: The Trash Man Well, despite the type disadvantage, I'd say the fight with the Shiny Garbodor and its Cronies went pretty well. I led with Siren, Ren led with Murkrow, and the Trash gang sent the pawns first and let the Trubbish attack first. Murkorw injured one of the Trubbish with a peck, and it retaliated with a pound; the other Trubbish poisoned both Siren and Murkrow with a poison gas, and Siren dented both Trubbish with a Liquid Voice-transformed disarming voice. The two Trubbish ganged up on Murkrow with two pounds, but it managed to survive and attacked the Trubbish with another peck before Siren let loose another Disarming Voice. The Trubbish continued to assault Murkrow, and it fainted to two more pounds, but not before Murkrow was able to wound the first Trubbish with a pursuit; Siren then unleashed another disarming voice, and almost KO'd the first Trubbish, while knocking the second Trubbish to below half health. Ren sent out his ace, Froakie, next, and together Siren and Froakie were able to end the two Trubbish with a Bubble/Disarming Voice combo (though Froakie was poisoned by a Trubbish before it fainted)! Up next came the main event: the Shiny Garbodor! It sent up toxic spikes while Siren lowered its attack with a Baby-Doll Eyes, and Froakie managed to paralyze it with a lick! Froakie and Siren then teamed up again to dent the Garbodor with another Bubble/Disarming Voice combo while it set up more spikes, followed by another lick and another Disarming Voice; however, the Garbodor finally decided to go on the offensive, and unleashed a pound that left Siren in the red. Sadly, while Siren was able to deal devastating damage with a third Bubble/Disarming Voice combo, she fainted to another pound, leading to Pixie coming out. It didn't really matter, though, since the Garbodor fainted to a single quick attack from Froakie, ending the fight! With the Garbodor down and the power restored, it's time to finally escort Melia to Goldenwood Forest... but first, a little detour... The squad so far:
  12. Okay, sorry I took so long. Updated with FactoryOfSadness' analyses! Also, @coldscars do you think you could go a little more in-depth with your Vikavolt analysis? I agree that Vikavolt has a stellar 145 base Special Attack as well as good bulk and a decent movepool, but I feel that it being stuck as a Charjabug hurts its viability.
  13. Well, I'm kinda mixed, like everyone here. I kinda wanted a sequel, like Black 2/White 2, and I wish we had more information. However, it's kinda cool to see Necrozma getting some love, and the Necrozma/Solgaleo and Necrozma/Lunala fusions look pretty cool. I'll probably get the games, but I'll have to wait and see new news to get a concrete opinion.
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