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Lord Chespin

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Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Everything posted by Lord Chespin

  1. S Rank: Blaziken (by Lord_Chespin) A+ Rank: Gardevoir (ShadowStar) Magnezone (ShadowStar) Nidoking / Nidoqueen (ShadowStar) Typhlosion (ShadowStar) Volcarona (Shpee) A Rank: Breloom (ShadowStar) Crawdaunt (ShadowStar) Diggersby(tho) (ShadowStar) Ludicolo (ShadowStar) Muk (Alolan) (FactoryOfSadness) Primarina (GreenDecidueyeArrow) Talonflame (Lord_Chespin) Tsareena (Guiller) A- Rank: Heliolisk (ShadowStar) Lycanroc-Midday (Lord_Chespin) Manectric (FactoryOfSadness Salazzle: (Guiller) B+ Rank: Meowstic-Male (ShadowStar) Pyroar (By FactoryOfSadness) B Rank: Golem (Non-Alolan) (By FactoryOfSadness) Swampert (FactoryOfSadness) B- Rank: Togedemaru (FactoryOfSadness) C+ Rank: Lunatone (FactoryOfSadness) Swoobat (By FactoryOfSadness C Rank: Bannete (Guiller) Walrein (By FactoryOfSadness) C- Rank: Chesnaught (By FactoryOfSadness) D Rank: Lumineon (FactoryOfSadness) E Rank: Unown (By FactoryOfSadness)
  2. Hey, remember when I made a Viability Rankings Thread and kinda left it to rot after a while? Yeah, those were good times. Fortunately, my College semester just ended, and I have more time to work on stuff like this, so with the new Version of Pokemon Rejuvenation out, I decided to reboot the thread! Remember, read the rules, AND SPOILERS AHOY. Here are the rules, ripped straight from the 3.0 thread (which in turn were ripped straight from the 2.0 thread... yeah...) Definitions Of Each Rank:S Rank: These Pokemon are extremely useful in every or most battles and rarely find themselves outclassed. They almost always have a lot to contribute during the tougher battles. These Pokemon are incredible.A Rank: These Pokemon are very good in most battles, but may struggle a bit with a few others. Nevertheless, they are still capable of holding their own in these. These Pokemon are great.B Rank: These Pokemon are above average and help in a lot of battles, but there are times when they find themselves unable to do much in a few parts of the game. These Pokemon are above average.C Rank: These Pokemon may help in certain battles, but fail at doing much in others, or they may be only useful for the beginning of the game. These Pokemon are average.D Rank: These Pokemon have poor strength. They have little niche in the game and should not be used unless you seriously have no options left. These Pokemon are below average, but they may have some strange use, such as being able to use many HMs.E Rank: These Pokemon should never be used.Information For Contributors:If you want something ranked, you must include:- What rank you are nominating it for, preferably at the beginning of your post.- What useful moves it can learn (italicize Shadow moves) or useful Abilities it can have (nothing illegal), and it would be nice to note which are used by breeding. Items are unnecessary, but if you'd like to name one for a specific reason, go for it.- When it is obtainable (as in, "Available before Gym 1" or "Available before Gym 3"). Also mention if it's a limited event (so you can only get one of multiple Pokemon from the event, like choosing a starter), or if the event is particularly difficult (like Litwick's Event).- What battles / parts of the game it is useful for.- (Optional) Extra Usage: HMs? Sweet Scent? etc. - It must be available in the current version of the game! NO AXED POKEMON! Check here to see if the Pokemon is available first. Here's an example of a submission, using the poster boy of Disc One Nukes in Pokemon, Blaziken: Blaziken (S-Rank, by Lord_Chespin) And finally, reservations! So, yeah. Happy Ranking! Continued below...
  3. Would I be allowed to reboot the Viability Rankings thread, or should I wait for the spoiler lock to lift?
  4. I think that second ship is bestiality.
  5. I kinda feel like most OU Pokemon that aren't legendaries, like Garchomp or Scizor (especially Scizor; Fern, Solaris, and Titania from Reborn all have one), get used a lot. Makes sense, since you'd naturally want later-game foes using stronger Pokemon than the mooks. Slightly off-topic and a shameless self-plug, but in my Fangame (Pokemon Alliance), I'm going to try to avert this by making the aces of the main villains more rarely-seen Pokemon, like Pachirisu or Gogoat (with Megas, of course, so they don't get outclassed).
  6. @ProjectIceman Hey, glad to see some fresh blood in this thread! I think your Mega Luxray is actually kinda cool; Strong Jaw would work better with it, though. Still, just some minor tweaks like that and it's sure to be a well-balanced threat! As for @IntSys' Mega Flygon, I actually had a very similar idea. Here's mine: Mega Flygon Type: Ground/Fairy Ability: Pixilate HP: 80 Attack: 130 (+30) Defense: 80 Special Attack: 130 (+50) Special Defense: 80 Speed: 120 (+20) So, long story short, my Mega Flygon and IntSys' Mega Flygon have the same rough idea: Spam -ate Boomburst and watch everything fall beneath you. However, my Mega Flygon has a few key differences: it's a Fairy-Type, and trades some bulk, speed, and immunities for a massive power boost. It also faces less competition from other Pokemon, as there are no Pokemon with the Ground/Fairy type combination (Which, by the way, has almost-perfect coverage). However, below-average 80/80/80 Bulk means it can't take many hits, and it fails to outpace certain threats like Greninja, Weavile, and Gyrados after a Dragon Dance. Despite this, its raw, unbridled power and ability to go both Specially and Physically is sure to make it a top-tier threat. Desert Song (Specially Offensive) Erosion (Physical Setup Sweeper)
  7. I think I may have created a monster. Mega Gigalith Type: Rock/Steel Ability: Quartz Aura (Sets up Trick Room when this Pokemon Mega-Evolves or enters the battle, or ends it if Trick Room is already active). HP: 85 Attack: 165 Defense: 160 Special Attack: 60 Special Defense: 100 Speed: 45 So, yeah. Say hello to the ultimate Trick Room setter and abuser. With a super-low speed to abuse Trick Room, massive Attack, amazing bulk further boosted by Sandstorm, and great STABs in Stone Edge and Heavy Slam, it's an absolute nightmare to face under Trick Room. Sure, it has weaknesses; it has an awful defensive typing, a pathetic speed outside of Trick Room (and a useless speed buff when it goes Mega), and if it switches out it needs to wait for Trick Room to end if it doesn't want to cancel out its own Trick Room, not to mention the opportunity cost of using other Megas. Despite this, however, it's a S-tier Pokemon for sure, and might even be Ubers. Gotta Go Fast (Singles) You're Too Slow (Doubles)
  8. You got that from Smogon's CAP Project, didn't you? Anyhoo, here's another idea from my fangame: Fossilium Lapras Type: Ground/Steel Abilities: Battle Armor/Sand Rush/Sand Stream HP: 130 Attack: 85 Defense: 80 Special Attack: 85 Special Defense: 95 Speed: 60 Level-Up Movepool: TM Moves: Breeding Moves: Flavor: A strange variety of Lapras from the Spiral Desert of the Fossilium Region, this regional variant swims through sand like water. It has a light brown coloration, and wears fossils as a helmet and shell. It is just as intelligent and kindhearted as normal Lapras, and will rescue humans and Pokemon lost in the desert and ferry them to civilization. Competitive Analysis: Finally, Lapras gets what it always needed: A decent defensive typing and recovery! With Sand Stream providing passive chip damage and Shore Up providing great recovery in a Sandstorm, it becomes a defensive behemoth. It even gets some powerful STAB Moves, like Bonemerang and Gyro Ball/Heavy Slam to do some damage when it's not stalling. Sadly, its weak offensive stats hinder its potential, meaning defensive sets are its best bet. Bone-Dry (Defensive)
  9. Happy Belated Easter, everybody! In honor of Easter, I've decided to showcase a Mega for the OG Bunny: Mega Wigglytuff Type: Normal/Fairy Ability: Competitive HP: 140 Attack: 40 Defense: 90 Special Attack: 130 Special Defense: 90 Speed: 45 Say hello to Mega Audino 2.0. With Awesome 140/90/90 Bulk, nifty 130 Special Attack, a good STAB Combo, and great coverage options, it's going to be hard to take it out. My main reason for making it, though, and perhaps its best niche is simple: it gets both Stealth Rock and Competitive, allowing it to act as a Stealth Rocks setter and defog discourager all at once! In addition, it has wish, so it can run a great cleric set as well. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, though; it lacks instant recovery, so it can be worn down somewhat easily, and it has rather low offensive output for a Mega without a Competitive boost. It also has an absolutely pathetic Speed, meaning it's always going to be taking a hit before it can attack, and it's terrible at blocking rapid spin, especially from Excadrill. Despite all this, its great role compression and positive traits make it a good pick for your team. Click Defog, I Dare You (Stealth Rock) Being Wigglytuff is Suffering (Cleric)
  10. Hey, I think I was the one who made the original thread. I like this thread, though; you guys have some great ideas! Here's an idea I had for a Delta Pokemon from my fangame I'm making: Fossilium Aipom/Ambipom Aipom: Ambipom: Competitive Analysis So, at first glance, Fossilium Ambipom faces the same problems as regular Ambipom: It's rather weak, and it's incredibly frail. It doesn't even get STAB Fake Out anymore. However, it has something most Pokemon would kill for: STAB Technician Storm Throw! With this, it gets access to what is effectively an 180 base-power move that always lands a critical hit and ignores stat changes! It also gets STAB Shadow Sneak, so it can snipe faster threats, and Memento, so it can KO itself to support a teammate when it's about to be KO'd. However, it faces stiff competition from Marshadow, which has the same amazing typing but more bulk, speed and overall power; despite this, it'll still carve a niche out for itself, by virtue of Storm Throw. I THREW IT ON THE GROUND (Standard)
  11. That's a cool idea for a Mega Slaking! By the way, speaking of Megas for underwhelming Pokemon with a lot of potential... Mega Silvally Type: Normal Ability: Ascension (The Pokemon's highest stat is boosted by 2 upon switch-in, and the Pokemon's type matches the held memory) HP: 95 Attack: 115 (+20) Defense: 115 (+20) Special Attack: 115 (+20) Special Defense: 115 (+20) Speed: 115 (+20) Silvally can learn a new move via tutoring: Multi-Attack 2.0 (Basically Multi-Attack, but with a base power of 100; this also allows it to Mega-Evolve, like Mega Rayquaza and Dragon Ascent) So, at first this looks pretty underwhelming (like the original Silvally, I might add): overall low stats for a Mega, albeit with decent bulk. However, thanks to Ascension and Multi-Attack 2.0, it becomes the artificial god it was always meant to be! Thanks to a better STAB Attack, a buff to its highest stat upon switch-in, the ability to hold an item and still go Mega, and the power to become any type at once, it's the definition of versatile and can be customized to be pretty much anything. Physically Offensive? It can do that. Specially Offensive? Yup. Mixed? Heck yeah. Wall? You betcha! Unfortunately, not everything's great for this man-made deity: it has to run Multi-Attack 2.0 to Mega Evolve, so Specially Offensive sets are limited, and its lack of reliable recovery really hurts it. Divine Wrath (Physically Offensive) Omnipotent (Mixed) You Cannot Kill an Idea (Wall)
  12. Wouldn't it make more sense to run a Quiet nature in the final example set? That way, you're not compromising its physical attack, and you're lowering its already meh speed. Regardless, here's a weird idea I had for a 'mon that desperately needs a buff: Mega Girafarig Type: Normal/Psychic Ability: Gemini Force (When this Pokemon attacks, the damage is calculated using both the normal stat and half of the off-stat, rounded down; for example, using psychic would calculate damage based on Girafarig's Special Attack and half of its Attack) HP: 70 Attack: 90 Defense: 90 Special Attack: 90 Special Defense: 90 Speed: 125 So, at first glance, Mega Girafarig seems kinda underwhelming; for an offensive mega, its offensive stats are pitifully low, and it could get knocked out by a stiff breeze. Fortunately, like the Dewpider line, it gets redeemed by an amazing ability: Gemini Force! With this ability (going off the set based below), Mega Girafarig has an effective unboosted Attack total of 419, and an effective unboosted Special Attack total of 370; to put that into perspective, that's a higher attack total than Pheromosa! That's not even getting into what happens when you boost its offensive stats with moves like Work Up or Nasty Plot! Unfortunately, it's still frail as paper, and while its speed is great, it still gets outsped by certain threats, like Mega Beedrill and Scolipede with a speed boost. Push Me, Pull You (Standard)
  13. ...We had to kill a baby. Excuse me while I cry in guilt for about 20 years. At least we aren't locked out of getting Volcanion though
  14. Squids? I thought they were kids. In all seriousness, though, I think if you lower the saturation a little they should be fine.
  15. Update #2: Bad Blood Well, I beat Fern on my first try, but by Arceus, he made me work for that win. On TEH URN, Hemlock led with Sublime the Gulpin, and Fern led with his Lombre. Sublime began spamming Sludge, tanking an Astonish and knocking off about half of the Lombre's health in one turn. Fern quickly used his first potion on it, but Sublime just knocked its HP back down to half with a second Sludge; he even poisoned the Lombre! Lombre finally went back on the offensive with a Bubble, but Sublime survived with over half of his health, and took it down with one final Sludge! Up next came Fern's Servine, so Hemlock decided to have a snake-off and sent out Coil the Ekans. Coil paralyzed it with a Glare, and tanked a Vine Whip; both snakes then hit each other with a Wrap, getting all tangled up with each other like a game of Twister gone wrong. Coil began spamming Bite on the Servine, but she wasn't able to do much damage before the Servine took her out with a Vine Whip and a Wrap. 9-Inch Nails the Stunky came out next, and while Fern used up his second and last potion on the Servine, he lowered its defenses to nearly nothing with two Screeches. Servine began Wrapping him up, but he set up a Focus Energy, tanked a Vine Whip and a Tackle, and took out the Servine with two Scratches (one of which was a critical hit)! All that remained was Fern's most problematic Pokemon: his ace, Roselia. Hemlock sent out Smash Mouth the Trubbish, and despite not being the sharpest tool in the shed he was able to hit the Roselia four times with an Acid Spray, tanking a Poison Sting and Three Mega drains before finally falling to a fourth Mega Drain. Hemlock sent out Juan Mutant the Grimer next, and he tanked a Mega Drain to lower the Roselia's accuracy with a Mud-Slap. Roselia then set up a Growth, but Juan Mutant was able to get a critical-hit Pound off on it, doing massive damage! Sadly, he wasn't able to fully KO it because it restored some health with a Mega Drain after landing a poison sting, but thanks to the earlier Mud-Slap, he was able to dodge a Mega Drain and KO it with a mighty Pound! With Fern down, it's time to challenge the Gym- or, y'know, get roped into fighting Team Meteor for the first time... The team so far:
  16. Thanks, but I'm not sure if Pokemon Reborn Hardcore is compatible with vanilla Reborn. I appreciate the offer, though! Also... Update #1: Opening Act Well, the intro battles for our protagonist, Hemlock, were pretty easy. Cain's Nidoran kept missing due to Hustle, allowing Greenday the Bulbasaur (our starter) to keep chiseling away at it with tackle until it fainted. Victoria, meanwhile, was a little more lucky, as she kept spamming tackle. This forced Hemlock to use a potion on Greenday, but he was able to take out the Tepig with his own swarm of tackles! Time to head onward to the Peridot Ward to get a full team! The team so far:
  17. Well, gather round, males, females, and none of the above, as I subject myself to Monotype Hell. Today, with the full Episode 16 release of Pokemon Reborn Hardcore looming, I revisit my ill-fated attempts to complete the game using only Poison-type Pokemon. However, to make things more interesting, if there is an alternate version of the fight available in Hardcore, then I have to complete it. Will I make it, or will I get bored and start twenty new projects? Wait and see! So, first things first, here's the team: Here's the Pokemon in the PC: Here's the major bosses we have to beat: And here's this run's theme song, I guess. Wish me luck!
  18. Hey! First of all, I love the new sprite you teased. And second, what exactly were the mystery eggs changed to? I got a Swablu in mine, so I assume that all of them were changed...
  19. I don't think she's evil; the whole Alicia thing was a total accident. Heck, she's probably my favorite of the new leaders. IT"S THAT DAMN SWORD WHO'S THE TRUE MONSTER ARRRRRRGPOIMWHMBIOBHIOM
  20. Okay, hear me out: Pokemon Reborn, but all the humans are furries and all the Pokemon are Gjinkas.

    1. Combat


      Meanwhile in a parallel universe! 

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