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Lord Chespin

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Everything posted by Lord Chespin

  1. Well, my grandmother died less than an hour ago and I found out that one of my favorite Youtubers, Jontron, is a total scumbag. All in all, not a great month.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Shamitako


      Oh, ans before this devolves completely into politics, my deepest condolences for the loss of your grandmother

    3. BIGJRA


      Sorry to hear that. My thoughts go out to you.

    4. CURIE


      Oh good, for a second I thought Jontron actually was a scumbag.  Good thing I did some research and don't think everyone who doesn't agree with my politics is literally hitler

  2. Well, I've got an odd Mega for an odd Pokemon. Say hello to... Mega Pyukumuku Type: Water Ability: Magic Bounce HP: 55 Attack: 10 Defense: 215 Special Attack: 10 Special Defense: 215 So, Pyukumuku is an anomaly in that it learns literally no offensive moves. To compensate, it has great bulk, but its passivity and taunt susceptibility weakens it amazingly. That's what this set seeks to fix: with sky-high bulk and new ability in Magic Bounce, you'll have to chip away at it the hard way as it wears you down with Toxic (even Poison- and Steel-types, thanks to Soak) and heals off the damage with recover! Unfortunately, it's still super-duper passive, and it struggles to take powerful super-effective hits (like Tapu Bulu's Wood Hammer). The Useless Thing that Never Dies (Stall)
  3. Actually, if you talk to Techie Johnathan and start the Hardcore-exclusive subplot, he'll mention that the EXP Share got stolen by a "screaming panda". Said "panda" is a Spinda with hyper voice that you can catch in the area where you find Pansear, and it has the EXP Share as a held item. It's actually a pretty good early-game crutch character, and it helps with the Doubles fight against Julia. Also, even though it's relatively deep into the Peridot Ward, there's a path you can take through the ward to the Spinda so that the only guy you have to fight is the Street Rat under the bridge.
  4. Hey! It's been a little over a week since somebody last posted, so I thought I'd liven up the thread again. I feel that Double Posting is a necessary evil in this scenario. Mega Typhlosion Type: Fire Ability: Drought HP: 78 Attack: 84 Defense: 93 Special Attack: 159 Special Defense: 100 Speed: 120 Typhlosion, on paper, should be a great Pokemon. It has a fire immunity and access to the fastest Eruption in the game, theoretically allowing it to do massive damage. In practice, the poor thing gets worn down too fast from entry hazards to use full-power Eruptions and just isn't strong enough without Eruption, on top of a shallow movepool and lower-than average bulk. As a result, it's stuck in a competitive limbo, too strong for NU but far too outclassed for RU. That's what this mega seeks to change. While it may seem outclassed by Mega Charizard due to both being Fire-type Megas with an equal Special Attack and Drought, it has two edges over its competition: Eruption and better speed. This speed lets it get to 372 base speed with a Timid Nature and max EVs, allowing it to speed tie with Alakazam, Dugtrio, and Shields-Down Minior; this means it gets the jump on foes that Charizard couldn't dream of touching, like Terrakion, Choice Scarf Tyranitar, Mega Metagross, and Garchomp, to name a few. Of course, it lacks Charizard's vast coverage options, and still has two massive flaws in meh bulk and vulnerability to all hazards, so you might want to build a team to support it. Krakatoa (Standard)
  5. Hey, that's actually a really good idea for a Mega Torkoal! Would you mind terribly if I used it for a fan-game I was making? I'd give you credit, of course... Additionally, here's an idea I had for an offensive Sticky Web user: Mega Ariados Type: Bug/Dark Ability: Tough Claws HP: 70 Attack: 130 Defense: 120 Special Attack: 30 Special Defense: 120 Speed: 40 So, Ariados was a poor Pokemon who ended up being nothing more than an early-game Crutch Pokemon, and even failed at that due to its meh Attack, bad bulk, and even worse speed. The only time it was remotely threatening was during the final fight against Guzma, during which my team almost got swept by a +6 Attack one (and even then, that's more a testament to how tough the game is if you switch off the EXP Share and how powerful Fell Stinger is). Embarrassing personal anecdotes aside, this Mega finally lets Ariados see the light of the higher tiers due to much better bulk, a respectable (albeit not great) Attack stat, multiple priority options to bypass its bad speed, and (most important) access to Sticky Web, a coveted field hazard that seriously aids sweeping. It even gets Leech Life for recovery! Of course, its bulk and Attack are a little underwhelming for a mega, and its speed is still pitiful, but it's still a massive buff to such a previously-poor Pokemon. Sample Sets: Sticky Situation (Offensive Utility) Does Whatever A Spider Can (Hone Claws Sweeper) Also, just so we're clear: TOXIC THREAD IS GARBAGE AND SHOULDN'T BE USED, EVER. Good? Good.
  6. Okay, today I've got a Mega for a Pokemon that is a pain to get and barely useful competitively. You can call her Queen B, or... Mega Vespiquen Type: Bug/Psychic Ability: Triage HP: 70 Attack: 120 Defense: 122 Special Attack: 120 Special Defense: 122 Speed: 20 - Vesipiquen can now learn Leech Life, Calm Mind, Psychic, Stored Power, and Zen Headbutt. So, uh, that's a lot of changes to make with the Mega, but it's not completely unprecedented, as Game Freak gave Mega Lopunny High Jump Kick in ORAS (plus, regular Vespiquen needs all the help it can get). While its defenses and offenses seem lackluster and its speed is abysmal, it has an ace in the hole with its new ability, Triage! Thanks to this and access to both a defensive healing move in Heal Order and an offensive healing move in Leech Life, it can become a priority abuser and offensive tank, as well as a Bulky wincon with Calm Mind. Of course, it's not quite the second coming of Talonflame; in addition to the aforementioned flaws, it has a pretty meh STAB combo. Sample sets: Let Me Be Your Ruler (Offensive Tank) The Bee Doesn't Care What Humans Think (Bulky Wincon)
  7. Okay, man the stations, because we've got a... Mega Toucannon Type: Fire/Flying Ability: Sublimate (Turns Normal-type moves into Fire-type moves and boosts them by 1.2x) HP: 80 Attack: 140 Defense: 100 Sp. Attack: 105 Sp. Defense: 100 Speed: 60 Toucannon has a lot of things going for it: a nifty Attack stat, great movepool, and an awesome signature move; sadly, its meh bulk and poor speed keep it out of OU. Now, however, with its new Mega and new typing, it's finally firing on all cylinders! Although its stats suggest a physical-attacking set, access to the stupidly-powerful Boomburst allows it to run an effective special set too. Of course, its speed is still god-awful, so it's always going to have to tank a hit, and while its bulk is far better, it's not going to be sponging hits for long. Sample Sets: Gaping Cannonball Wound (Physical) Toot Cannon (Special)

  9. Hey! Glad to see you made the welcoming post (Drakonia101 and I are IRL friends; I introduced her to this place)! Here's hoping you enjoy it!
  10. Hey! The activity in this thread's been a little quiet, so why not liven it up a little with an idea for a Mega I had? MEGA KOMALA Type: Normal/Fairy Ability: Comatose HP: 65 Attack: 135 Defense: 110 Special Attack: 40 Special Defense: 120 Speed: 110 Komala was one of the new Pokemon that just lacked that extra "oomph" to make it competitively viable. It had a great Attack stat (higher than Kommo-o, in fact) and an Amazing ability for an offensive Pokemon, but its other stats and movepool were... underwhelming, to say the least. However, with its Mega, it suddenly becomes a frightening setup sweeper with great speed, power, and an immunity to being hit with status! Once it sets up, you can't try to slow it down, or halve its Attack, or put it on a timer; you'll have to take it out the old-fashioned way. Unfortunately, while its bulk is much better, it's still kinda underwhelming, and with wish as its only recovery, it's gonna get worn down over the match. Sample sets: The Sandman (Swords Dance) WAKE ME UP INSIDE (Bulk Up)
  11. Is it weird that I made my own playlist to play while I battle the Redemption League?

  12. I actually chose Slowking over Slowbro because Slowking forms a nice defensive core with Chesnaught; not only do they cover each other's weaknesses rather well, but Chesnaught has physical bulk while Slowking has special bulk.
  13. I'd like the Grass Trainer Card for my Trainer Card, please. I'd also like my own custom image, which I've posted here: Finally, here's my team:
  14. Thank you for the feedback! I'll change Charizard to Adamant instead of Jolly, Slowking to 0 Attack IVs, and give Ninetails Blizzard. I'll probably keep Minior mixed, though, as I found a post on the Smogon Forums that recommended Power Gem for reliability (it hits most targets that wall Minior harder, and has perfect accuracy; Stone Edge's 80% accuracy turns all clean OHKOs into 80% chances to OHKO, for instance).
  15. First of all, Welcome to the forum, crulla! I love your idea for Chimecho, but I'm a little confused about some things. For one, does Chimecho now get wish?You mentioned it in the overview, but it's not listed in the new moves or any of the competitive sets. Also, wouldn't Parting Shot work better on the Hazard Control set over Memento? I'm no competitive battler, but I think you'd want a defogger to stay alive for most of the match, and Z-Parting Shot and Z-Memento both fully heal the new Pokemon coming in. Anyway, here's another idea I had, once again inspired by Twitch Plays Pokemon: Farfetch'd 2.0
  16. Hey! I've got a very rough beta team that I made yesterday, and I'd like some feedback on it. Thank you guys in advance!
  17. Is it weird that I like both The Binding Of Isaac: Afterbirth and The Binding of Isaac: Antibirth?

  18. Uh, I made a post about improving competitively unviable Pokemon to be competitively viable, but I don't see it anywhere. Did it get deleted? If so, what did I do wrong, so I can improve for next time?

    1. Tartar
    2. Lord Chespin
    3. Tartar


      You can see all your previous activity on your profile, for future reference ^_^ 


  19. So, as I'm sure you know, there are over 800 Pokemon out there. Some are useful in various competitive niches, some have useful typings or abilities, and some are staples on pretty much every team. And then there are these guys. These guys have basically no niche, even in the depths of PU. They may have been designed with a niche in mind, but they utterly fail at that niche. Maybe their stats are to low overall, or they get outclassed at every step of the way, or maybe they were built around a gimmick that just isn't competitively viable. Whatever the case is, these guys are the worst of the worst when it comes to competitive battling. It's time to change that. The purpose of this thread is to rebuild these guys from the ground up. I don't mean giving them new evolutions, new forms, new megas, or new designs; I mean taking what we have and giving them much-needed buffs. Maybe it's a new ability, like in the case of Pelliper, or maybe it's access to a new move (or a new move entirely), like Heatmor. Sometimes, it could just be a good old base stat buff. To show you what I mean, here's an example from a game I'm making (the changes are in italics): Flareon 2.0 So yeah, most examples should be formatted like this. Let me know what you guys come up with! EDIT: Also, Smogon did an article on something like this! Here it is: http://www.smogon.com/articles/bottom-of-the-bibarel
  20. Jmanultrax1, not a bad idea, but personally, I think a better Mega Kommo-o would play to its main strength- its versatility. Seriously, this thing is a jack-of-all-trades, but not all of its options are viable thanks to better attackers (Dragonite outclasses the dragon dance set, for example). Therefore, I'd say a better mega would look something like this: Mega Kommo-o
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