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Lord Chespin

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Lord Chespin

  1. Okay, I got a revised version of an idea that got thrown around in the previous thread. Say hello to the One True Mega Bug Pair! Mega Volbeat Mega Illumise
  2. Oh, okay. At the risk of sounding rude, does anybody know when they'll be implemented?
  3. So, uh, is the Seventh Generation of Pokemon in the game yet? I mean, I kind of doubt it, since the games only came out a week or two ago, but I really want to try a ton of Monotypes using the new Pokemon.
  4. So, the Seventh Generation of Pokemon's been out for a few weeks, and as we all know, there haven't been any new Mega Pokemon. I figured that with all the new mechanics and changed mechanics, we could come up with some interesting new Mega Pokemon, so I made a new thread separate from the old one (which I now consider to be the Sixth-Gen thread). So, here's some ideas that I have to start us off: Mega Vanilluxe Mega Braviary Have fun, and Happy Mega-Evolving!
  5. So, I was playing Pokemon Moon, and after reaching the Aether Foundation for the first time, some of Wicke's dialouge struck me. In something of a throwaway line, she mentioned that Pokeballs don't work in the Aether Paradise because of a jamming signal emitted within the facility, preventing trainers from catching Pokemon within the Paradise. The first thing that came to my mind? "Holy shit! Pokemon Rejuvenation's mechanics on how Pokeballs work are canon now!" That then opened the floodgate for other realizations. Aside from the obvious one (Alolan Variants being inspired by Insurgence's Delta Pokemon), I noticed other parallels to fangames I've played. For example, Mega Evolution being incredibly painful and destructive to the Pokemon involved reminded me of the PULSE Pokemon from Reborn, and Lusamine attempting to murder you with her Nihilego after fusing with it brought forth memories of Solaris using his Garchomp as a personal assassination tool. Have you guys noticed any other similarities? Let me know if you did!
  6. So, uh, in the spirit of the whole competitive thing, how 'bout we talk about Bewear?
  7. So, apparently Vanilluxe gets Snow Warning as an ability now. I already gave it a mega in my plans for Pokemon Alliance that was designed for hail teams, and this just makes it even more awesome. Here's the mega, in case you were curious: I'd post it on the thread for Mega Evolutions, but I don't want to ruin the spoiler lock.
  8. Marshadow Appreciation Squad, Members: Me

    1. Alchemia Chan

      Alchemia Chan

      Count me in.~ If you're accepting members that is.

    2. BIGJRA


      based on a certain leaked ability and moveset i'm in

    3. doombotmecha


      whaaaaaaat that looks SICK can I join?

  9. Can we talk about how Awesome Marshadow is? Seriously, the design is great (they took everything that made Espurr cool and made it even better), the typing is great (perfect STAB coverage!), the ability is great (STAB Technician Shadow Sneak and Shadow Sneak are awesome), and the movepool is great (can't remember everything, but I saw drain punch, so it has everything it needs). Seriously, I'm willing to forgive everything this generation being so slow because of this!
  10. YES LITTEN'S NOT FIRE/FIGHTING ...I mean, it's still a bulky wrestler, but eh, small steps. Also, at least Ghost monotypers have a starter they don't need to hack in, right?
  11. Update #16: Let Them Not Suffer to the Poison in Vain Well, the Not-Corey was actually pretty brutal, mainly because his ace, Haunter, was not only 10 levels higher than the level cap, but because it was outright immune to all of Grimm's Pokemon's STAB moves. On TEH URN, the Not-Corey led with Garbodor, and Grimm led with Goldilocks. Goldilocks was able to tank an acid spray and a giga drain and end the Garbodor with two slashes, but she ended up fainting to the aftermath damage. All in all, not a great start. The Not-Corey's Scolipede came out next, and Grimm sent out our newest team member and mystery egg hatchee: Finnist the powerful Staraptor! While Scolipede was able to eat his pecha berry with a bug bite, he was able to retaliate with a mighty brave bird, KO'ing it in a single hit! Up next came the Not-Corey's Swalot, and Cottontail came out to counter it. The battle against it was actually quite similar to the fight against Corey's Swalot; Cottontail dug under an ice beam, and then KO'd it with a single dig! The Not-Corey sent out his Vileplume next, and Hemlock swapped out to Finnist again. Finnist annihilated the poor flower with a brave bird before it could even attack! ...Yeesh, in hindsight, I'm starting to feel bad for the Not-Corey... Anyway, the Not-Corey's Beedrill came out next, and Tom Thumb the Ambipom came out to deal with it. He KO'd it with a single double hit before it could even attack, breaking right through the Beedrill's focus sash! With no other choice, the Not-Corey revealed its true form: Corey's Haunter! Grimm swapped out to Pumpkin Eater, and he just barely tanked a venoshock (he survived with 12 HP out of 129) to disable the Haunter's Venoshock, then did insane damage to it with a knock off while it feebly set up a destiny bond! Unfortunately, Pumpkin Eater then fainted to poison damage, but Finnist was able to come out and take the Haunter out with him using a brave bird! With the Not-Corey vanquished, it's time to get out journey back on track! The team so far:
  12. ...I felt physical pain from that pun. Update #15: Precious Gems Well, the fight against Aster and Eclipse underneath the Grand Stairway was actually pretty tricky. I supposed it didn't help that most of my team couldn't touch rock-types, and Aster and Eclipse used a whopping three rock types. On TEH URN, Grimm led with Pumpkin Eater (now a Lickilicky!), Victoria led with Emboar, Aster led with Solrock, and Eclipse led with Lunatone. Solrock took some serious damage from a sucker punch from Emboar, and retaliated with a heat wave that Emboar dodged; Pumpkin Eater, however, got hit by it, and ended up taking some damage from a moonblast, although he was able to do massive damage with a knock off (which also removed the Lunatone's twistedspoon). The next turn, Emboar was able to KO the Lunatone with a fire punch, and dodged a rock slide from Solrock (which, again, did some considerable damage to poor Pumpkin Eater) while Pumpkin Eater ended the Solrock with a knock off! Up next came Aster's Rhyhorn and Electabuzz, and Electabuzz was able to KO poor Pumpkin Eater with a low kick (clearly, his big girth didn't help him there). Emboar was able to avenge him by doing massive damage to Electabuzz with a fire punch, but got a chunk taken out of his HP by a dragon rush from Rhyhorn. Tom Thumb the Ambipom came out next, and although Aster healed Electabuzz with a super potion, Tom Thumb was able to work together with Emboar and KO Electabuzz with a fake out/fire punch combo! Rhyhorn then threw a hissy fit and destroyed the field with a bulldoze, but hey, watch'a gonna do. Eclipse decided to start taking action again and sent out her Milotic, and it finished off the weakened Emboar with a water pulse while Rhyhorn fired off another bulldoze. Luckily, Tom Thumb was able to steal Milotic's leftovers with a covet, and the next turn Victoria's Scragyy (which came out next) was able to KO team up with Tom Thumb to KO Milotic with a high jump kick/double hit combo (despite Eclipse healing it with a super potion)! With both Aster and Eclipse down to one Pokemon each, Eclipse sent out her last Pokemon: her Magmar. Tom Thumb was little help against it, as he fainted to a single feint attack; Scraggy, meanwhile, was able to take out roughly 50% of its health with a high jump kick, but promptly got burned, and Rhyhorn set up stealth rocks. Aladdin came out, and oddly, despite landing a super-effective jump kick, was barely able to damage Rhyhorn; Magmar then hit him with a feint attack, and Scraggy barely did anything to it in return with a poison jab while getting hit pretty hard by a dragon rush. Aladdin continued to do little damage with a jump kick, but at least this time things went a little better; Scraggy tanked a feint attack from Magmar and paralyzed it with a thunder punch, and Rhyhorn ended up KO'ing Magmar with a bulldoze! All that remained was the Rhyhorn, and Victoria's Hariyama was able to knock off Rhyhorn's eviolite, setting it up to be KO'd by two more jump kicks! With Rhyhorn down and Team Meteor expunged from the Grand Stairway, it's time to talk to Shelly again and see if we can fight her! The team so far:
  13. Update # 14: The Fall of Corey ...Too Dark? Well, Corey was pretty tough, as per usual; however, he was made kind of easier by some of the new team members that Grimm picked up. On TEH URN, Grimm led with Nightingale, and Corey led with his Quilfish. Quilfish fired off a signal beam and an icy wind, but Nightingale was able to laugh them off and seriously injured it with two confusions. Unfortunately, Corey then used a super potion, and while Nightingale was able to knock it down to half health with a confusion, it was able to KO Nightingale with a single venoshock thanks to the special attack boost it got from its petaya berry. Thus Goldilocks came out, and when the Quilfish used icy wind on her, it activate her red card, causing it to switch out for Scolipede and giving Goldilocks time to land a free critical-hit slash on it. It tried to use a bug bite on her, and while it did serious damage, Goldilocks lived and was able to KO it again with another slash! Unfortunately, this left Goldilocks weakened, allowing Corey's Quilfish to come out and take her out with two venoshocks (even though Grimm spent a turn healing her with a berry ice cream). As a result, Aladdin came out, and he managed to do some damage with a return, leaving it with just a sliver of health. Fortunately, after tanking a signal beam, he was able to end the Quilfish with one more return! Up next came Corey's Nidoqueen, so Grimm swapped out to Pumpkin Eater. He knocked off the Nidoqueen's assault vest, but only did scratch damage with a lick and fainted to two ice punches and a poison jab (although he was able to heal Aladdin with a chocolate ice cream before fainting). Luckily, one of the two new team members I mentioned earlier, Tom Thumb the Ambipom, came out next, and he did serious damage with a fake out, lowered the Nidoqueen's attack and defense with a tickle, tanked an ice punch, and ended the Nidoqueen with a double hit! Corey's Skuntank came out next, and so Grimm swapped out to our other new team member, Cottontail the Diggersby. He set up a dig, and dodged a night slash to KO the Skuntank with a single dig! Sure, he took quite a bit of damage from Skuntank's aftermath, but eh, what're you going to do? Running out of options, Corey sent out his Swalot, and Cottontail stayed on the field. He set up another dig, and thus was able to dodge an ice beam and KO'd the Swalot with a single hit once he resurfaced! All that remained was Corey's ace, Crobat. Tom Thumb took the reins from Cottontail, and did some damage to Crobat with a fake out; unfortunately, the next turn he fainted to a venoshock. Aladdin came out next, and he was able to tank a hiden power fire and did some damage with a return, activating Crobat's sitrus berry. Aladdin then used his last turn to heal Cottontail before fainting to a venoshock; Cottontail was then able to tank two air slashes, and end Crobat with two take downs! With Corey defeated, he promptly releases all of his Pokemon... and jumps off a bridge to his death. ...I'd make a joke about not getting my badge, but I think now's a bad time. The team so far:
  14. Update #13: A Fate Worse Than a Fate Worse Than A Fate Worse Than Death Well, while the Taka/ZEL TAG TEAM BROTHERRRRR battle took a couple tries, it was still a lot easier than on most runs, as Grimm took good advantage of the natural sunny weather. On TEH URN, Grimm led with Meteo and Aladdin, Taka led with his Chatot, and ZEL led with their Glaceon. Poor Glaceon didn't stand a chance; while it was able to land a quick attack on Aladdin, it only did scratch damage, and it fainted to a jump kick/weather ball combo while Lileep could do nothing but do chip damage to Aladdin with an ancietpower! Up next came ZEL's Jolteon, and while Jolteon damaged Aladdin with a charge beam and Lileep damaged Meteo with a mega drain, Aladdin and Meteo dented Jolteon quite severely with a quick attack and a weather ball, respectively. Aladdin then got healed by a chocolate ice cream and Jolteon got healed by a super potion before it took damage from a quick attack and Lileep used a mega drain on Meteo. Jolteon then tried using thunder fang on Aladdin, but he laughed it off and was able to KO it in return with a return! Lileep, meanwhile, took serious damage from a weather ball from Meteo, and did chip damage to Aladdin with a mega drain. Up next came what was arguably ZEL's most threatening Pokemon: their Espeon. While Taka healed Lileep, Meteo tanked a psybeam and was able to KO it with Aladdin's help using a weather ball/return combo! ...Hey, I said "arguably most threatening", not "actually most threatening". Anyway, all that was left on ZEL's team was their Umbreon. While Grimm spent Meteo's turn healing her, Meteo tanked a quick attack and promptly got confused by Lileep; Aladdin, meanwhile, was able to seriously damage Umbreon with a jump kick. Umbreon took even more damage the next turn from a jump kick, but got confused by Umbreon while Meteo injured herself and Lileep set up an ingrain. While Aladdin injured himself and got hit by a mega drain, Meteo was able to fight through the confusion and KO'd the Umbreon with an ember, leaving the battle a two-on-one fight! Grimm swapped Aladdin out for Nightingale, and he tanked an ancientpower while Meteo did massive damage to Lileep with a weather ball before it finally went down to a confusion/weather ball combo! Unfortunately, that was the easy part. Taka's Gligar came out next, and it was about as easy as last time. Nightingale began spamming echoed voice, and Meteo got swapped out for Goldilocks the Ursaring, one of our new team members! While the Gligar was able to land a quick attack and an acrobatics, it still fainted to two echoed voices and a slash! The keystone of Team Meteor's mission, the PULSE Tangrowth, came out next, and it ended up taking pretty heavy damage from a slash and an echoed voice; despite this, it was still able to KO Nightingale with a sludge bomb. Fortunately, this gave Meteo a free switch in, and she... set up a sunny day, which failed because the weather was already sunny. Stupid clumsy fingers. Anyway, Goldilocks picked up the slack with a slash, and while she tanked a giga drain Meteo was able to finally get her stuff together and KO the Tangrowth with a weather ball! Taka's ace, Chatot, came out next, and while it was able to confuse Meteo with a chatter, it still fell to a single weather ball. Goldilocks didn't even have to lift a finger. All that remained was Taka's Klefki, which was a lot easier to deal with than last time; while it paralyzed Meteo and injured her with a foul play, Goldilocks was able to dent the keychain with two slashes, and Meteo was able to miraculously KO it with a weather ball! With Taka and ZEL defeated, we find out the identity of the person overseeing the PULSE Tangrowth Project: Corey, the next gym leader! Time to take him down! The team so far:
  15. Thanks! I probably will use Loudred, but not until I get access to the Move Tutor; Exploud doesn't learn Buoomburst until Level 85, unless I use the move tutor. Anyhoo... Update #12: A Fate Worse Than a Fate Worse Than Death Well, Taka took a couple tries (mainly due to that freaking Tangrowth), but Grimm managed to beat him. On TEH URN, Grimm led with with Aladdin, and Taka led with his Lileep. Lileep was kind of a joke; Aladdin was able to KO it with a critical-hit jump kick before it could even attack! Of course, I got the feeling that I wasted all my luck on the weakest Pokemon Taka had, but hey... Up next came Taka's Gligar, and it too was pretty pathetic. Aladdin got swapped out for Meteo, and she set up a hail while tanking a quick attack and an acrobatics to KO the Gligar with a weather ball! The PULSE Tangrowth came out next, and this is where the battle got tricky. Meteo stayed on the field, and got healed by a chocolate ice cream while tanking two sludge bombs. She was able to do some considerable damage with a weather ball, then survived two sludge bombs, set up a sunny day, and got healed again. Luckily, all these resources poured into Meteo paid off: the Tangrowth promptly got hit hard by a weather ball, and while it desperately tried using growth and got healed by two super potions, it was still knocked down to low health by Meteo! Unfortunately, the sunlight promptly faded, so all Meteo could do was desperately dent it with a non-STAB ember before fainting to a giga drain. Ali Baba came out next, and he was able to weaken the Tangrowth further by using fake out and fury swipes before he, too fainted to a sludge bomb. Luckily, Aladdin was able to save the day, and ended the Tangrowth with a return! Taka sent out his Chatot next, and Aladdin stayed on the field. While the Chatot set up a nasty plot, Aladdin was able to do massive damage to it with two returns before it could even attack, ending it! Kinda anticlimactic, huh? All that remained was Taka's most annoying Pokemon, Klefki, which was doubly annoying in that Grimm had lost Meteo, who was the only 'mon on xyr team at the time capable of hitting it super-effectively. Hemlock swapped out to Pumpkin Eater, and he was able to knock off the Klefki's light clay and paralyze it with a lick. He then began spamming stomp and tanking foul play; after a couple dozen turns, the Klefki was able to end him with a foul play. It was a Pyrrhic victory for the Klefki, though, as Nightingale was able to come out and defeat Klefki with an uproar! And so, with the Jasper Ward (sorta) saved, it's time to (sorta) save the Beryl Ward! The team so far:
  16. Update #11: Arabian Fights Well, Florina was quite tricky (mostly because of her Breloom), but Grimm was able to take her down. On TEH URN, Grimm led with Jack, and Florina led with her Cacturne. Cacturne was a pushover; while Jack got hit pretty hard with a needle arm, he was able to KO it with a single field-boosted pin missile! Up next came the bane of my existence, Florina's Breloom. Pumpkin Eater came out to replace Jack, and he tanked a seed bomb to knock off the Breloom's toxic orb before it activated! He then sacrificed himself to heal Jack, using a chocolate ice cream on him before fainting to a drain punch. Nightingale came out afterwards, and he tanked two retaliates to set up a reflect and fire off an uproar. While he was locked into uproar, Breloom did some serious damage with a drain punch, but to my surprise, rather than go for the KO Florina took a turn to heal Breloom with a super potion! This gave Grimm time to heal Nightingale with a berry ice cream, and let him set up a second reflect before he had to be healed with a second berry ice cream. After the second berry ice cream, he tanked drain punch and a seed bomb, the began spamming uproar, taking out the Breloom with 16 HP to spare! Next up was Florina's Tropius, and Grimm sent out Meteo. Meteo set up a sunny day, then healed Nightingale while Tropius used fly. Fortunately, once the Tropius became vulnerable, it fainted instantly to a weather ball! Florina's Grotle was up next, and Meteo stayed on the field. Sadly, she became overleveled from KO'ing Tropius, and flubbed a weather ball while Grotle did massive damage with a sand tomb. She was able to land one weather ball before fainting, and it did massive damage to the Grotle, but she fainted nonetheless to a second sand tomb. This led to LRRH to come out, and while Florina used up her last super potion LRRH was able to KO it with two embers! After Florina's Grotle came her Gourgeist, which took serious damage from an ember from LRRH. She tanked a bullet seed, and was able to land one last ember before fainting to a second bullet seed. Jack came back out, and he disobeyed Grimm, refusing to use a pin missile; the Gourgeist flubbed a disable, though, so no biggie. Jack was able to obey Grimm long enough to KO Gourgeist with a pin missile the second turn, though, leaving only one Pokemon left on Florina's team! Florina, with no other option, sent out her ace: Cradily! While the Cradily set up a curse, Jack was able to steal its leftovers, preventing it from passively recovering its health. Jack then unleashed a pin missile, and was able to do some damage while tanking a giga drain. He used pin missile again the next turn, and did even more damage thanks to a few critical hits; while the Cradily was able to restore some health using a giga drain, it was still only left with about 1/3 of its total HP. Jack then used one last pin missile, getting a lucky crit and ending the fight! With Florina defeated and the Canopy Badge in Grimm's possession, it's time to save the Jasper and Beryl Wards! The team so far:
  17. Update #10: Go Away, Fern Well, Fern was kind of tricky. After all, Grimm couldn't just send out Sleeping Beauty have her use perish song, and call it a day. On TEH URN, Grimm led with Jack, and Fern led with his Ludicolo. The Ludicolo used a nature power (which turned into a tri attack), but it did pathetically little damage; Jack was just able to retaliate with a pin missile. While Fern did use his two super potions to heal Ludicolo, Jack was able to get a few lucky rolls on pin missile, and thus took out the Ludicolo before it could attack again! Up next came Fern's Grovyle, and Grimm swapped out to LRRH, who laughed off a quick attack and a leaf blade, and then did serious damage with two embers! Admittedly, Grovyle would have lived through the embers, but the second one managed to burn it, causing it to faint from burn damage! Fern's Roselia came out next, and Grimm sent out Pumpkin Eater. He tanked a poison jab and did some considerable damage with a knock off... only to get poisoned by Roselia's poison point. Roselia set up a growth while Pumpkin Eater kept spamming knock off, but Roselia was able to take him down the next turn from a combination of poison damage and a poison jab; however, he went down swinging, and knocked the Roselia down to the red with a knock off before fainting! This let Aladdin come in and end it with a quick attack! Fern's Servine came out next, but it really wasn't that threatening; despite being overleveled, Aladdin was able to tank a mega drain and a leaf tornado to end the Servine with three returns! All that remained was Fern's Ferroseed, and it was kind of a pushover. Grimm sent out Meteo the Castform (another new team member), and she was able to tank a seed bomb and KO it with two embers! With Fern defeated, it's time to finally challenge his big sister, Florina! The team so far:
  18. Well, I think Reborn was started back in the fifth generation, so if they added the sixth generation they could probably add the seventh. I guess it's up to Ame.
  19. <-- Me when I see the new leaked Pokemon

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