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18 Fledgling

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  • Alias
    Artic, Whitefox, Fox
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  • Location
    in the void

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  1. ohhh sounds like fun (just need to find time to play)
  2. i forgotten when and what quest to get eevee and can you still get ditto?
  3. i donno if he was moved or removed but anyone know where rockruff is?
  4. first thing is good to see your still ok with the madness going on in this world we live in atm, second good i'll wait may even do a from the start run with this up date on this very good game
  5. i've seen AAA game doing the same thing this year and saying that they may have to to do it again as the things slowly go back the the norm so jan its ok best not to over work yourself ok same goes for your team even if you have to do what i have seen big games like ff14 do i.e 13.1 then 13.2 putting in story and sub quest in little by little just to make it less taxing on you and the team then do so i think most of us fan will understand that your doing the best you can do with what you have anyways keep up the good work
  6. i know i've said this alot but jan and the team your health should come first befor this game so it will taken longer for the next verson but any gamers knows good games take time to make
  7. i'm with you there longer it takes the better lets hope all is well for jan and his team as well for us fans
  8. that would be nice tho it may take them time to do so but as it at 35% we can hope jan is go it in he to do list
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