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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by lokighost

  1. np best to keep all bug/errors in the right post or there wont get fixed
  2. theres a bug form called version 8 - bug reporting thread (would put up a link but tbh donno how or its not working for me)
  3. fotis your posting in the wrong form and you only need to post once
  4. no its my kick ass member of the team
  5. keep it up i still havent look at it
  6. look on the beach you should see Melia or its head to telia town
  7. only jan knows when but atm we dont
  8. there alot of question but no answer will we get the awswers only jan will know
  9. i have this feeling when we get to grand dream city we going to get another zumi quest
  10. like the new chars jan tho I see somethink evil coming
  11. i can't make zumi stop if i did i wont get the fun of seeing you guys fall for them
  12. zumi you trolling them again?
  13. wonder if it will work on windows 10 hmm hope it dose I
  14. well someone sent me a message when v8 comes out I have a new pc so updating my pc like mad atm
  15. I know jan just by the ways the other replyed told me their been trolled
  16. and jan starts to troll I knew he would
  17. ah there you are zumi thought jan locked you up
  18. ok jan has stated that all pokemon will be able to be got by the end of the game
  19. jan like I said many times befor take your time I'm willing to wait for a game that well made and I know a lot of passion went into it
  20. jan you just have to go and fire you artist really? and please people if there a gym/type of gym we'll find out when we get to play v8 don't jump ahead of your selfs
  21. aww dam the professor corrected me ( well I am a rival)
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