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Everything posted by lokighost

  1. I don't play with the in game music tho youtube glichcity look her up she dose some ace remix for pokemon
  2. only ralts is getterble later on in the game atm I got luke and now have a eevee only team
  3. the odds are somethink like 457-1 of getting any of them and tbh eevee isn't a weak as you think some of the most power houses in pokemon are from eevee
  4. jan take your time right now this time of year gets really busy for all of us
  5. @ cool girl that could be a music file that dose that mac seem to have a problem with them
  6. like I said jan I'll wait to see what so call evil things you do next and enjoy taking them apart
  7. jan just do what you need to do put in what you wanna put in ok (slowly drags hypa's body out of the room)
  8. na you guys are over thinking
  9. ......... zumi I have nothink to say about your avatar and jan i'll wait to see the evilness you put in
  10. (shh hypa its not ment to say that) I mean it jan I wont brake it (*cough* much * cough*)
  11. sweet I like new places (I wont brake them I promise jan )
  12. v7 will be the start of act II (sounds like a play) I'm happy as long as I don't have to start again ......
  13. oh oh I hope somethink evil or fun to do?
  14. I'm with you there aquawaffle it was the first pokemon game I played (as well as dx after)
  15. like I said befor I cant just pick one of them so I'm going to pick them all
  16. like then new look bagies (btw welcome back azeria)
  17. yea eevee problem I tried to do that myself and reported it, I think pluck as been notied but please note jan has been busy lately so please wait for replys from jan on the reports and thank you
  18. I see every think (that's why the name lokighost)
  19. go to terajuma then talk to him you could try with only 5 I donno if that why
  20. lol the frist egg I got from it was a shiny too as well lol
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