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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by lokighost

  1. so far so good tho to thos still getting bug make sure you have patch 2 oh and report them in said place the lovely ice cream sand witch has said
  2. do you know where to find your back-up save if you do load up one of them in verson 10, resize your game then load it up in v11 if not you may have to look at restart only if it dont work tho
  3. load up a back-up save from your saved game file that if its still there
  4. not sure but if i come past one i'll tell you (that if someone has already by then)
  5. Jan i must say nice work the update you put in for ease of life in the menu and save files is a great idea, and love the update on the town so far and that (started from the start again)
  6. hmmm tbh not sure, is this in the new part of the game? or a part that is in version 10 coz if its in version 10 load up in there beat them then save (making sure you do the screen thing first) then reload back into version 11 that's the only why i can think yo be able to keep going with it hope this help you if not i'm sorry i can not be of any help but jan will fix this bug in time ( just not today rest day for him )
  7. i'm free you mean your letting me be free jan
  8. that Mimikyu is a gym leaders pokemon you see at the start
  9. hmmm final fantasy 7 quote i wonder
  10. aww bugger i was late oh well i'll wait
  11. hmmm i wonder (and yes jan we know that you know who it is)
  12. all good thing come to those that wait so wait till its ready yes 90% is all good and that but jan and the others do have relife thing going on at the same time
  13. *pops head up * wait it finished oh dam i ...... no i did vote ok back to drawing
  14. ohhh hard pick i like two of them the white/black one and the pink one hmmmmmmmm and long time no see azery
  15. @Zumi some nice work there like the new looks for Alain and Aero
  16. @Jan good to hear (well read) that and like i said to zumi you jan are an artist as well so your work is never done
  17. you said it better then i could but i agree with what you said
  18. @sandy in all games as the game gets built up maps and zone get changed untill the game is 100% finished @Jan i like that your always looking at new think to add to the maps so keep up the good work
  19. no its not your an artist tbh your work can never been done *even more that your that good which you are*
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