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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by lokighost

  1. it will be out when jan has time please be understanding and wait as well as injoy the game verson that's out now
  2. rorrim B is still on route 3 tho I'm on angies ice hell is that meant to be?
  3. I have this feel jan with do a up is down, down is up kinda puzzle for physic gym or dark gym
  4. ghost gym you get showen the way as for bug gym it was easy for me
  5. gym puzzle are easy if you don't over think them and just do trial and error on it (and save when you get one part right)
  6. I know I thought that's a first a pure fire type getting a water move lol
  7. (grabs hypa cape and say heros don't zoom off we walk with a swager in our step) and huh when is ponyta get aqua jet LOL
  8. its a help quest in 2nd gym town think its called fountains?
  9. @ hypa na you nick name isn't silly @ solace (with the saying "got it memorized") yep jan's thread/game jan's rules
  10. which is why I like the eeveualions
  11. lol you could say that and the amount of fire pokes you can get as well
  12. lokighost

    Version 5-5

    I restarted it after updateing the game and I have the same problem
  13. I have counters in place (like eevee to joition if need be)
  14. emoga or qusare or tanglegrow but the time thing isn't working so cant go back to get that one
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