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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by lokighost

  1. I had him on me for 7 hours as I was lvling my ghostly nightlight to lvl 40 then lvled him oh Jan how come I get burning sun light at 2 am .....
  2. opps did I forget to tell you that jan I was trying to not over load you I have a lvl 38 pichu dam thing wont evo for me
  3. I did that and when under the bridge on the sides but not on the lower lvl of it
  4. it works on the sides in v.5.3.1 just not in the middle
  5. yep I bump into with not able to get under the bridge problem too
  6. I heal in gearen city befor heading to there lost to ren warped to goldenleaf city but not in the pokecenter out side one of the houses
  7. umm jan if you lose to ren in 5.3 it warps you to goldenleaf town lol
  8. how about a list of them and you asked to find them
  9. ok when speaking to james in the kids home the game crashed when they do the 2nd upgrade for the place
  10. why tease use with hunter in rens house?
  11. lombre hmm that a spoink tho on the bed in rens house
  12. I would take scrafty over nuzleaf and the text said scraggy
  13. and when as scraggy been a nuzleaf?
  14. I find it fun and a good story line too so far btw rorrim b shadow Pokémon use wish in it shadow mode ... don't think that meant to happen ?
  15. ok putting in 5.3 now and put it to my testing (be warned I may brake you game)
  16. the last waterway as you surf down it and they you meet the black wall (still using 5.0 tho) i'll be a tester
  17. ok I donno if you fixed this or you did this on the remodelling jan but most of the amethyst cave water ways have gone to the black void
  18. I'm not braking the game (yet) just holding back for I bit till jan say its ok then i'll down load the 5.? that has bugs fixed in
  19. should be still on you pc its always best to keep the older ones in case of glitches
  20. in the last help center quest to get your pokemon back as you enter the room where there are they say "crap *toons name* followed us... what we going to do? fight him of course!.....
  21. ok I pick I female toon and get called him ..... errr jan think you should put in a code so that know the game knows what sex your toon is
  22. its ok jan i'll just point out gluches
  23. ok after you beat ren and ghost gym leader and try to go back to heal Pokémon the game crashes
  24. would help you there if I was on it I'm having fun getting lost
  25. hmm the 7th black shard is unreachable in a hole
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