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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by lokighost

  1. zumi you done it again with your art soo dam good
  2. to my info there no use for them yet but with jan you never know
  3. true and that added lore to this game just like reborn
  4. that i'm not sure on but you do find out about there there made her armor
  5. yea but then jan may do a u turn on you and debunk your theory
  6. have fun to all the beta testers and no dropping spoilers on the rest of us
  7. yes next to the last 3 but jan did say this one wont be as big with map changes and that
  8. like I said it will be done when its done, its still in alpha testing till Friday
  9. you looking at between 2 week to 3 weeks after 100% for testing and fixes if jans not busy with real life things
  10. jan as long as itsfun, good story and replayerble in it I don't mind tho my idea is more end/post game
  11. she not gone mad more to the point in a dark place inside of herself with all the bad things happening around her she started to think its coz she is weak and could not stop it from happening so first thing she dose is push mc and some others away (like we all have done befor when things happen)
  12. good luck with that is not easy to get and eevee at the start
  13. jan as me and a lot of the others have said countless of times its ok real life comes first and take your time
  14. Jan updates it as he goes along when he dose we donno but he will do
  15. well atm it looks like we going to be single out and have to make a new crew
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