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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by lokighost

  1. I found a wall that not meant to be there on a bridge
  2. i'll let you find the bug this time shingst
  3. ok the webpage didn't wanna show it
  4. I think the find the kids quest is in the whole game
  5. click on more reply options then attach file
  6. here my save file oh end game gym lol Game.rxdata
  7. ok i'll do that in a min if someone puts a reply up oh and jan you thought about the gyn that's all eevee/ eevelotions?
  8. I have a backwards pc it saved it in downloads odd pc of mine ok now how to send it
  9. there empty say my computer
  10. ummm where do I find that and how do I send it to you
  11. yep I'm sitting in the door saying now will pass coz my butt is stuck
  12. emolge and ganinja out speed it hands down
  13. win fights with it that's low exp helps too tho I don't have eevee but works with crobat
  14. donno as I got it after eevee was taken out but you need a fairy move on that eevee and I would think max happiness tho donno about that tbh
  15. emoga and ganinja = emoga use nuzzle and ganinja use shadow steak and hope para kicks in a lot
  16. kinda hard when you saved after the fight
  17. wait till after the update coz the fight after ghost mom fight can leave you stuck in the door way
  18. its need the end of it you should see a river
  19. did you go into the woods to the north tomy?
  20. you can but you need to use the back in time thing to get the shadow pokemon you missed
  21. jan would you think about putting in an eevee/eevelions only gym? its just and idea for a later gym or a endgame gym ?
  22. *sit there stuck in the doorway waiting * oh shingst did you beat that boss?
  23. kk i'll wait till the update ty coz that where I'm stuck
  24. jan quick question have you fix the bug after you beat the (d) chandelier ?
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