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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by lokighost

  1. yea its a good move to have on some ghost Pokémon
  2. I missed out on a shiny one dam curse
  3. grid time to beat the ghost gym lol
  4. ghost gym woot an other puzzle .........
  5. umm cant see the pokemon when you save the kid in goldleaf town
  6. I did it tho I was trying to do the spin around part
  7. hmm Pokémon I like to see and able to get Eevee Shinx (if not in already) drilbur axew zorua (if not in already)
  8. dam it not one of the the gym leader off himself befor giving me my badge
  9. I cant get my team card to show up
  10. oh I know I can not get pass the one with the pokemon behide it but on was near the stairs next to the way to the 2nd gym town so I reset it and it wasn't there but the one with the pokemon was
  11. needed to get to the 2nd gym but there was a web in the way had to reset it
  12. ok beat the 2nd mega demchtion thing trying to get to the other side of the cave and well I cant there a web in the way
  13. ah I'm on the route 2 part befor the cave and that trainer that warps you to some battle arena
  14. hmm how do you unshadow the shadow pokemon you nab?
  15. not easy as you need at find one first I know if you get eevee too early in the game and evo it to umberon or the fairy one its soo op
  16. nice wanna make a eevelotion team
  17. no problem now the 3rd quest hmm looks like I have to keep on with the story line oh have you put in eevee yet or will you later in the game?
  18. in the help centre the purple hair npc keep on saying about the first help quest tho I've done it already tho can't find out where the mum is for the 2nd help quest
  19. dam thing wont stay in the ball
  20. can you get the shawdow frokkie from they guy in the woods?
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