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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by lokighost

  1. there is a code at the start of this topic
  2. ty and befor you could see if a pokemon was a shiny when it was still in the eggs I donno if it still happens
  3. you can still see if a mom are shiny in eggs right? how do I get the egg in venams gym?
  4. ah so its to do with that quest and thank you, ok what about the guy blocking the bridge?
  5. hypa its alittle outdated you still around
  6. ok how do I get type-null? and how do I get past the guy stopping me on the brige on route 2 saying about a rare mon?
  7. no mons to help me in bug gym and I have most updated verson Game.rxdata
  8. where did you get you A vopix?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Quinn


      Oh make sure if you do breed that it's a female Sandslash unless you get 2 Sandslashes, the offspring is always whatever the mother was.

    3. lokighost


      thank you 


    4. Quinn


      No problem!

  9. I tried my ver 8 and 7 but still the same thing like njab said look like its corrupted save file if you have a back up save try them but you'll need to rename it to game.rxdata
  10. well have you got ver 9.2 in? I think your save is buggered as the map is broken on the save
  11. change name to game.rxdata if you haven't tried that befor
  12. that odd person give it to you befor you enter the train again after the gym battle for the grass gym
  13. ty I fixed it with the 9.2 update
  14. that "fake" gym badge and the puppet master is the 11th gym (I think) you should now have unlocked judicial district
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