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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by LedzQQ

  1. Definetly Warcraft III is #1 for me
  2. Heather. I hope Amethyst kills her at some point.
  3. If you're tired of the old gen 5 icons, this pack is for you. This pack replaces all the Pokémons' icons with the new icons introduced in gen 6. It also comes with shiny pokémon icons (up to gen 5). They might not match some of Reborn's new shinies but yeah. This package was made from Pokémon zeta's files. So shoutout to them. Simply copy the files to \Reborn15\Graphics\Icons and you're good to go. Link : https://mega.nz/#!MkBigaJa!33mjWxwBhVIyYy9bmx70PoXV_L7eH_sFXbbIbRJC6mg
  4. Where do i find Saphira? (stuck after beating Noel)
  5. I finished spriting almost everything, thanks for the Pulses Beatit definelty including those Also S/O to everyone who supported this thing I'll make sure that everything is looking nice and clean and adjusted accordingly, because i rushed in some sprites I might upload the package tomorrow if i get the time
  6. 69/69 - IGN And oh there's a gastly event in byxbalbioinoibnion wasteland
  7. Think i'll give some update about this : only ~80 pokes reamin! Now imma set some things str8 : In truth everyone's game DOES lag while exploring areas no matter how beastly your machine is While using these 3d sprites you might say that a 1 gig folder compared to a 33 megabytes folder sure will make the game laggy asf but actually no The game will only load the sprites during battles, evolution screens, in the Pokédex, in the PC and in the team info so the only time you'll have some slight delay is there (and i really mean slight, roughly about 100 milliseconds) Fyi i have 1gb ram definetly it is not-so-monster ram lol About the pulses, sorry they'll remain png's as i have enough on my plate as it is, also i don't think i can build top notch gifs either Either way there are only a few pulses (Abra, tangrowth and muk?) so only 3 pokes that YOU EACH FACE ONCE (cept for tangrowth) will be 2d compared to 700+ 3rd pokes so what the heck ppl
  8. I got some gifs made by some dudes on reddit and it looks really promising Only a few are missing and the numbers are messed up i'm currently working on it, it should be ready soon
  9. After i saw the confuse ray in Reborn, i named it steroid shadowball
  10. I only watch shofu and Haydunn the rest are just super annoying (Thekingblabla and Pimpnite to name a few)
  11. Thanks it'll save me from naming everyhing again so yeah sure give me a link and i'll try to edit them manually
  12. 10 - Aggron 9 - Torterra 8 - Leafeon 7 - Sigilyph 6 - Gyarados 5- Blaziken 4- Haxorus 3- Quagsire 2 - Garchomp 1 - Gallade / Gardevoir
  13. I could see right away why they havn't included these sprites - Its because it takes a lotta time.. For now, i'll just do some sprites for people if they ask me to. In the meantime, i'll try to make sprites for everything sequently @zim i have noticed nothing worth mentioning other than some delays (~200ms) when managing pokes in the pc but i guess it's bearable
  14. Whats poppin ppl So yeah i was bored and i decided to try and get some 3d sprites into the game, and it seemed to work This is how it looks : [bad quality due to gif conversion :s] I am currently working on making ever single poke in 3d, won't take long until i release the whole thing Q : Where can i find the folder that holds reborn's sprites? A : \Graphics\Battlers Q : How can i edit a sprite? A : Just bring the image to the folder and make sure it has the exact same name of the default image MAKE SURE YOU BACK UP THE DEFAULT IMAGES BEFORE DOING ANY CHANGES Songs used :
  15. You can enter there but you can only explore a small portion you need surf to go in deeper i think the cave's name is amertine mountain or sth like that
  16. i tip my fedora to you sir for having almost max ev trained pokes at this stage of the game
  17. breed that raichu and use a lightball volt tackle pikachu that thing is an absolute beast you can run volt tackle, nuzzle, quick attack and perhaps HP for coverage ev spread preferably max speed and max attack
  18. dope stuff however a brunette female protaganist would be great cuz im sick of being a blonde
  19. Just wna say sth about psychic gym leader 8 radomus : 1 word, Escavalier 6-0 gg wp
  20. today's hunting : -Focus sash : (the description for it is vague, so here's the exact location) -A link stone : /EDIT : Also, here's how to get the good rod :
  21. ey we can find a dusk stone ere :
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