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Tses last won the day on December 7 2014

Tses had the most liked content!


1 Neutral

About Tses

  • Birthday 11/25/1993

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  • Alias
    Tses, Joel
  • Gender
  • Location
    Memorial City
  • Interests
    Nothing for the moment.

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day ^^🍰

  2. We have a common interest here! I finished cooking college, and I aspire to be a chef one day. Edit: Btw, if you want a romance anime, try SAO. I think you will love it.
  3. Welcome to the community. Enjoy your stay here. Jericho, will most probably come and tell you about the basics here/etc. But take a look at the pined threads and the rules ofc. About the cooking part. I finally found one that likes cooking. You like to cook?Or eat only? Anyway, Welcome!
  4. I hope Log Horizon to be better than SAO.

    1. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      It is 10 times better.

    2. Tses


      Im starting to believe that, after each episode I watch. :)

  5. "Well, let us be ready too. Sherlock, Miffy come out." Both pokemon released in front her. Miffy yawned, while Sherlock started observing the stage.
  6. Sissy noticed Claude and Danielle arriving at the stage, with the latter waving at her. She walked towards them. "Hello there." She said once she reached them. "Are you ready for it?"
  7. Btw, the winner will be picked by the people who liked the status on fb?
  8. Just a hint I learned a couple of days ago. You get different amount of rupees regarding where you post. What subforum/etc. WoW. One year? And why you didn't joined earlier?
  9. Hello there and welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Jericho will most probably come and explain the forum and its basics in a couple of minutes? maybe... About the Youngster thing. It changes on your posts counting. And also you can change it with a shop item. Which is expensive. I think, Havent tried it. Also to buy that item, you need rupees. You get rupees with posts. Thats it I think. Welcome!
  10. A third year guy reached Sissy and informed her about the opening of the Winter Cup. Oh. So it is today. "It seems that the opening is today. I'm off for the stage. Come and watch us Mareek." She said at the boy, before leaving. She walked for a couple of minutes, before reaching the special stage created for the Cup. She stood at a corner of the stage waiting for her classmates to arrive.
  11. Chim, the opening will be today and the battles tomorrow?
  12. Tses

    in game trades

    Also you can get yourself a Cryogonal by trading a Stunfisk to a Hiker at the forest South of Spinel Town. He is inside the house.
  13. Happy New Year! And welcome to Reborn. Have a nice stay here!
  14. Welcome to the community. Have a nice stay here.
  15. Tses


    It's unfortunate then. Are you sure that you haven't encountered it when you started the game? Search at your pokedex to check. Also as Taska0G0 said if you are in need to get it for the Pokedex(probably), there is a Loudred at the 7th street Black Market. Evolve it for Exploud and/or breed it with Ditto for whismur. You can't have missed that Loudred cause is part of the event to get the Exp. Share. I hope I helped.
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