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Everything posted by Tses

  1. We have a common interest here! I finished cooking college, and I aspire to be a chef one day. Edit: Btw, if you want a romance anime, try SAO. I think you will love it.
  2. Welcome to the community. Enjoy your stay here. Jericho, will most probably come and tell you about the basics here/etc. But take a look at the pined threads and the rules ofc. About the cooking part. I finally found one that likes cooking. You like to cook?Or eat only? Anyway, Welcome!
  3. I hope Log Horizon to be better than SAO.

    1. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~

      It is 10 times better.

    2. Tses


      Im starting to believe that, after each episode I watch. :)

  4. "Well, let us be ready too. Sherlock, Miffy come out." Both pokemon released in front her. Miffy yawned, while Sherlock started observing the stage.
  5. Sissy noticed Claude and Danielle arriving at the stage, with the latter waving at her. She walked towards them. "Hello there." She said once she reached them. "Are you ready for it?"
  6. Btw, the winner will be picked by the people who liked the status on fb?
  7. Just a hint I learned a couple of days ago. You get different amount of rupees regarding where you post. What subforum/etc. WoW. One year? And why you didn't joined earlier?
  8. Hello there and welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Jericho will most probably come and explain the forum and its basics in a couple of minutes? maybe... About the Youngster thing. It changes on your posts counting. And also you can change it with a shop item. Which is expensive. I think, Havent tried it. Also to buy that item, you need rupees. You get rupees with posts. Thats it I think. Welcome!
  9. A third year guy reached Sissy and informed her about the opening of the Winter Cup. Oh. So it is today. "It seems that the opening is today. I'm off for the stage. Come and watch us Mareek." She said at the boy, before leaving. She walked for a couple of minutes, before reaching the special stage created for the Cup. She stood at a corner of the stage waiting for her classmates to arrive.
  10. Chim, the opening will be today and the battles tomorrow?
  11. Tses

    in game trades

    Also you can get yourself a Cryogonal by trading a Stunfisk to a Hiker at the forest South of Spinel Town. He is inside the house.
  12. Happy New Year! And welcome to Reborn. Have a nice stay here!
  13. Welcome to the community. Have a nice stay here.
  14. Tses


    It's unfortunate then. Are you sure that you haven't encountered it when you started the game? Search at your pokedex to check. Also as Taska0G0 said if you are in need to get it for the Pokedex(probably), there is a Loudred at the 7th street Black Market. Evolve it for Exploud and/or breed it with Ditto for whismur. You can't have missed that Loudred cause is part of the event to get the Exp. Share. I hope I helped.
  15. Tses


    How many badges do you have? Try searching after you get the first badge.
  16. Tses


    To trigger the event, you need to talk to a couple of boys above the pokemon center if I'm correct. They will say that they put a pokemon in an empty house. After that search the houses until you find it.(I don't remember which one is the correct house) Have pokesnax with you. And it will attack you.
  17. "Confidence is fine, but overconfidence will screw you over in the end." "I'm not that confident at all. I'm more of a realistic. If a bird flies up in the sky, how can a worm catch it?" She replied back at the boy. "From what you say, I need to be very cautious about Slade. I will." She looked up at the sky and then continued. "I'm glad you could help me out Mareek. I owe you one." She smiled at him.
  18. "So he has a Growlithe too." Sissy said. "I always make strategies for almost anything. If his Growlithe wants to corner us, then let's see it trying to fly tommorrow." She smiled at the boy. Although she wasn't that sure about the last thing she said.
  19. Sissy was looking at the screen until Mareek finished. "Thank you Mareek. I knew I can count on you." She smiled at the boy. "Is he in the trainer program? Frogadier and Magnemite. Hm." She stopped for a second to think. "If Miffy doesn't loof around, the Frogadier is a check. As for the Magnemite, I have something in mind. Right Sherlock?" The Slowking letted out a cry thinking the strategy that they came up just for these kinds of pokemon. "We, coordinators, can be in a great disadvantage since we will open the Winter Cup, and the others can have a view of our pokemon. That's why I'm searching for information." She said at the boy.
  20. "Do you know any of the people that are in my group." She smiled at the boy hoping he may have an answer. "Both Robert and Shiro are busy with their stall, I don't see anywhere near Raiza or Danielle, so the only familiar face around here is you. I hope that you may have a slight idea on any of them." She paused for a second and continued. "I was kind of shy earlier this year so I don't know many people around." She sighed.
  21. Stratos, I think you passed my post without reading it. :/
  22. Yu-gi-oh - Forbidden Memories. It's a ps1 game. I played it for the first time10 years ago..maybe? I can't really recall. It was really good. But after the years, my ps1 broke plus the game cd had too many scratches and the ps2 couldnt open it. I put it away and almost forgot it. This year I downloaded the ps1 emulator for the pc and the ISO/rom of the game too. I couldn't finish it when I first pplayed and I neither can now. It's one hell of a difficult game. Because it isn't like the other yu-gi-oh games. I'm hoping of finishing it in the near future.
  23. Most probably the mega stone will be post game items. I don't think Ame will put them so soon in the game. And if she does put some we don't have the key stone to enable the mega evolution, so they are a bit of useless. On a side not: Ame put Shuppet once again in the game. I killed it.
  24. Sissy was heading back at the fair when the new match up announcement came up. She stopped for a while looking at the big screen. Again people that I don't know. Well I need to get some information. Her thoughts dissapeared when Sherlock pointed at Shiro's and Robert's stall. "I guess we were thinking the same thing Sherlock." She said and started walking towards the boys stall. Once they reached it, they could see many people waiting for their orders. "Probably this isn't the best time to talk to them. Let's go find some other familiar faces." She said and started walking once again. Finally she reached the stall where Mareek and Lana where. "Excuse me." She said once she reached the stand. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything. Can I ask you something Mareek?" She hoped that either him or Lana could have any of the information she needed.
  25. I yet don't have a team set in stone. I'm thinking of trading Swablu for something else, but probably after the cup finished. As of now these are the ones I have thought out. Sissy's team will be consisted most probably of generation 2 pokemon. Thats why I'm thinking of trading Swablu.
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