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    Into the Matrix
  1. dayphoenix


    You might want to finish the gang quests first. You first find Zorua at Magma Hideout disguised as Murkrow, it's a windy night. The video you found is probably correct, I also had problems with Zorua and kept going to alleyways hoping to find it after meeting it once, but somehow the event restarted(?) and it was back at the Magma hideout. If you want to be a bit more thorough, try catching the pokemon Zorua transforms into first.
  2. dayphoenix


    I think I got mine pretty early, after Shelly I think? I think I cleared the gang quest though. It's definitely there, keep looking back on windy nights.
  3. Thanks for the advice, but I know already And the mining percentages changed so getting that stone is next to impossible? Thats why I`ve been looking for alternatives.
  4. Thank you a whole bunch. If Dban gets back I`ll be sure to trade. Lets wait until then I guess
  5. Does anyone have Spiritomb? Bred or caught anything is fine I'm willing to give Froakie (I can breed them) Shiny Zubat, Noibat, Venipede, Trubbish, Doduo, Spearow, Sewaddle, Oddish, Poocheyna, etc.
  6. So I tried switching to episode 12. but still nothing came out. I must be extremely lucky(?) though, cause I found 2 Skull Fossils...... But what about that Keystone....I dunno Can anybody try episode 11 and see?
  7. Thanks for letting me know, I guess I'll just have to keep on mining then.
  8. So.... I'm pretty sure I mined about 100 rocks but no Odd Keystone? Apparently it's rarer than fossils because I found a good number of those, but past posts say it was relatively common so I'm guessing the percentages changed or something. Has anyone found some in 13.2?
  9. Thanks for the help! I'll go try to catch Zangoose first then. Hope I can catch it now
  10. I'm trying to find a Zorua, but it seems that I can't find it in the alleyways anywhere. After first finding it at the Magma Gang Hideout (It was windy at night), it ran off. I've seen several posts on finding Zoura and found out it was in the North Peridot Alleyway next. So I went there, but there was a real Zangoose in the trash can and it fled. (Also Windy Night) I saved before talking to Zangoose so I tried changing the time and date multiple times (to get a clear daytime) But Zorua still isn't there or at any other alleyway. So I'm just really lost. Maybe I wasted my chance by finding the real Zangoose before it? D: I've really wanted a Zorua Can anyone help?
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