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About GotWala

  • Birthday 07/19/1994

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    Story-rich Videogames
    Music by: The Rolling Stones, The Heavy, Gorillaz, Charles Mingus, Hitoshi Sakimoto, Hideki Naganuma, Yasunori Mitsuda, Yoko Kanno (Particularly her work with The Seatbelts), Masafumi Takada, and plenty of other stuff not mentioned by name.

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  1. Aloha my dude, hope you're doing vell.

  2. Harisha Tuuli The entire exchange between her and Victoria had happened in a flash; so much so that Harituuli took some time to realize that she had been brought down to earth and was almost finished off. She saw that look in Victoria's eyes as she was spared from a finishing blow. That look was what reminded Harituuli that this battle had a purpose beyond that of a friendly bout. A purpose that involved proving something for... Well, she could never really understand what it was all for. However, Harituuli did understand that in a battle for dominance and superiority, victory had to be absolute. And yet, Victoria had gone against the destined outcome of this tourney and spared her. There was a vast mix of emotions going through Hairtuuli's mind but one thing remained clear to her: Victoria was still her friend! Harituuli had begun getting up off the ground as her Mech faded from her body. It was during this process that her movements felt more sluggish and her feral sharpness and instinct started to fade. No longer consumed by high of adrenaline as it all melted away with her Mech, Harituuli tried to focus all of her physical and mental energy in order to make it to her recent opponent. She barely recognized the argument between one of the teachers and the strange man in white as she made her way to Victoria with bleary-eyed vision. Barely managing not to stumble all over herself, Harituuli made it to Victoria and proceeded to give her friend the best hug she could muster. "V-v-vic *hic* ky..." Whimpered the little beast girl as she gripped her friend tight with no intention of letting go. "Y-you *hic* still..." She didn't care if crying was embarrassing or if her loss would have consequences. Right now, all Harituuli cared about was being close to her playmate again.
  3. Hey everyone, I have finally returned from my long absence and would like nothing more than to participate in this budding roleplay once more! I apologize for wasting your time and for damaging your trust in my obedience and respect for your creativity. As there are no words that I can consider genuine as an apology, I would instead particpate in a much more engaged and involved way deserving of your efforts. I look forward to the world we participate in together, haha.
  4. Harisha Tuuli Harituuli had managed to outmaneuver her crafty opponent thus far using her superior speed and would continue to do so as this fight went on. Banking on her cardiovascular stamina and overall energy, Harituuli was hoping to exhaust her opponent and trick her into making hasty and overzealous moves. A strategy that thus far seemed to working for the beast girl as her "Runner's High" of sorts ran at full output. Ducking and weaving in strange, hard to read, and extremely quick movements was her current approach that would surely cause her slow opponent trouble and give Harituuli the opening she needed to get some "blood in the water". As she closed in on Victoria, Harituuli's movements increased in tempo with the hunger and thrill that comes with the hunt. Her excitement and levity was in such high levels that she had failed to account for the very thing she respected most about her Tech opponent: Victoria's guile and power. It was already too late by the time Harituuli saw the direction Victoria's fists were headed and had not the mental swiftness to double back and avoid the coming attack. Victoria's fists made a mighty blow upon the ground in front of her, and subsequently the earth all around her in quite the outstanding radius; this, of course, included the very area where Harituuli had been moving. With the shuddering, thunderous cracking of the arena floor, Harituuli was once again placed at the whims of physics as she was thrust into the air by the upheaval of the terrain. Her balance completely lost, Harituuli quickly attempted to regain her bearings and make a decision on how to deal with this sudden shift in momentum between the two fighters. Victoria now had all the advantage she could need against her recently immobilized and dazed opponent!
  5. Harisha Tuuli Right as Harituuli was about to stick her landing and attempt a counterattack, the jet of flame from Victoria severed the tendril that was held taut from the tension of her rapid movements. Traveling much further and faster than she had anticipated, Harituuli continued to fly further behind her opponent and towards the outskirts of the arena; all the while desperately attempting to maintain control just enough to land and not crash into the arena wall. Harituuli used her clawed hands and feet to grip into the terrain to slow her pace, grinding out trails of claw marks as she skidded to a stop just short of touching the wall. As Harituuli composed her stance, she quickly assessed her placement in the arena and found herself a short distance away from Tesla. ​Opportunity. Back turned. Weakness. PREY! She began turning towards Tesla, remaining on all fours and ready to pounce. Her tendrils flared outward, readying themselves to strike along with their master as if they to felt alive with predatory eagerness. Aggressive purring from Harituuli slowly ramped up like a felidae hunter just before the attack; her muscles tightening and preparing to launch herself onto Tesla. Tessy. Back turned. Weak. Unfair... Friend. ​ ​Harituuli shook her head rapidly and let out a baying sound like that of a dog who knew it had done something wrong. "Tessy! We can play later, okay!? I have to fight Vicky first, but I wanna have fun with all of you soon!," Proclaimed Harituuli as her tendrils flattened to the ground around her like extra limbs. With her original resolve restored, Harituuli proceeded to run across the arena back towards Victoria in a serpentine pattern. Her tendrils acted as stabilizers that would quickly shift her movements to attempt to obscure the exact direction of her approach, but the goal wasn't to strike first. She wanted to try and bait out another attack from Victoria so she could wrap another tendril onto her limbs, however this time it wouldn't be to trip or gain speed on them, but instead was to serve as yet another feint. That's when she'd find her opening! The sudden shift back into the action had already started to renew the savage glee within the beast girl once more.
  6. Harisha Tuuli Harituuli snarled, cursing herself for underestimating the skill and balance of her opponent. She knew Victoria better than to think a maneuver like that should've worked, but for her own lash to be used against her was troublesome. However, Harituuli was nothing, if not a creature of instinct and adaptability. Instead of working against the act of Victoria pulling her into another devastating blow, Harituuli used that as another source of momentum to attempt to fly towards Victoria fast and low. Harituuli needed to duck the punch and slingshot herself behind Victoria to regain the tempo of their duel. As she streaked along the ground, Harituuli saw the flash of lightning out of the corner of her eye which seemed to arc around her battle. While Harituuli may not of had the time or opportunity to focus on the skirmishes around her, it did remind her of a fact she had mostly forgotten: There was more than one powerful opponent here. It was this very thought that caused the hair to stand up on her back, her eyes to sharpen, and her mouth to salivate more as it twisted into the toothy grin of hunger and delight.
  7. Harisha Tuuli Victoria came at her, hard charging and headstrong, just how Harituuli liked it. She was almost too caught up in nostalgic happiness to attempt to dodge the attack... Almost. Harituuli's playful grin turned into a focused scowl immediately as her body sprang into motion. Not called a savage jet stream for nothing, Harituuli made a flying leap above Victoria's propelled fist at speeds fast enough kick up a large dust cloud. Her ascent from this ball of sediment looked akin to that of a human jumping spider; her various, organic tendrils from her armor fanning out in a faux multi-legged manner. As she descended, Harituuli used her tendrils to glide in a half moon pattern whilst quickly landing, generating a large amount of momentum as she swung around Victoria. As she swung around, Harituuli used her sash tendril to wrap around Victoria's right leg in hopes of using the force of her movements to trip her light weight foe.
  8. Harituuli stared up at her mentor with a mixture of childlike wonder and canine obedience. After processing their 'inspirational words', Harituuli nodded her head a few times and let out a wide grin before turning to her companion, Debronee. "Ooh! Ooh! Debby! Teacher says we can go fight now! Let's go, let's go!," Howled Harituuli with childish glee offset by the feral gleam in her eyes. "I wanna fight! Fight, fight, fight! Gao, gao, awoo!" As the curtain fell, Harituuli's giggly excitement rapidly turned to beast-like fervor as she immediately sprinted out into the field. The chill from the floor of the arena served to provide a spring in her step, as Harituuli's sensitive feet traveled briskly across the ground. She quickly spotted Victoria in the center of the arena and responded by skidding to a halt just short of getting within 10 yards of her. Quickly wiping drool from her mouth, Harituuli adopted her crouching stance and smiled with her wide, dopey, canine-filled grin. "Vicky is here! So cool, so fun! Wanna fight?," asked Harituuli as her grin widened further and her saliva-covered teeth gleamed.
  9. Well, here's my contribution to this! Haven't tried a character like this in some time, so let's see how it goes, haha. I'm sure this will be fun for the whole family, haha.
  10. Hmm, interesting. That's all the information I need for now! Thank you very much, haha.
  11. Ahh, cool! Now for a follow up question: There appears to be 6 total character slots available. Does that NPC take up one of them? For all I know, I could be mistaken on both fronts, haha.
  12. Looks like quite the cast! Admittedly, I'm a bit curious about what everyone's hidden backstories where, so I'll have to follow along to find out. That makes another RP I'm adding to the list of reading material here, haha.
  13. This looks pretty neat! Although, I have to ask: Is this RP intended for members of the current TTG, or is this for anyone who seems interested? I'd assume that it's the latter since you didn't mention anything to the contrary, but I figured I'd ask anyways, haha.
  14. First of all, I'd like to apologize for my incredibly late entry and for using the valuable time of our benevolent host! Hopefully, I can make up for that by being an active addition towards our group of misfit rebels, haha. So, without further chirping from myself: Let's all have a wonderful time, haha
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