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Lord Nexius

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Lord Nexius

  1. its so cold and yet when its summer your hot would it be better being neutral

  2. Hello there I'm nexius hope you enjoy your stay in reborn :]
  3. nagato17 when you see this challenge me too a pza battle

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lord Nexius

      Lord Nexius

      I'll choose fire

    3. Lord Nexius

      Lord Nexius

      I'll battle you in 5 mins I'll set up

    4. Sparky


      Provide link for battle?

  4. why hello rebornians having a good day?

    1. faze kataro

      faze kataro

      No yesterday was horrid

  5. Caesar that was bad lol also welcome back seph
  6. Oh hello Caesar naga to and siosa I guess the imperials reunited aye and yes rematch will be done
  7. Nice too meet you all and try and I am nexus BTW on the server just removed the i and I'll enjoy my stay "nuff said" lel
  8. Hello I'm nexus nuff said
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