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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Miguel_ftw

  1. Where in the video does he do it? And Im pretty sure I saved the old couple. Before I went inside the factory I checked the dare care couple and thought to leave my Swinub there.
  2. Where's the ditto? Can you link a video please? I can't find one
  3. I saved the day care couple. And I heard I can get a rare candy if I put a ditto and lickytongue together so it wouldn't be lonely
  4. I am ultimately stuck here. I heard you could do something with ditto and lickytongue but the ditto says JigglyPuff and gloom says cyndaquil. The guard won't let me activate the flamethrower
  5. How do I switch between the hammer and pick items when mining?
  6. As I was snooping around it does appear that she is evil like that. Either way, Kricketune is so fucking good for the first 2 gyms. Either way, now I must go to the gym
  7. Thanks for the help and tips. I ended up beating him, but he killed himself before he gave me the badge i needed. What happens to the badge I earned? Do I need to go and loot his body? I'm currently fighting the magma gang
  8. I hate Corey. SOOOOO MUCH Fucking Corey with his Crobat bullshit. I send in my Kricketune and sing/ fury cut the shit out of his skrelp, he sends in skunk tank, I get incinerated, fury cut him, after math damage, he sends in croagunk and he also dies to fury cutter, then his crobst fucks me up. HALP ;-; also gust doesn't get rid of the field effect. I tried
  9. I'm new to this game(kinda) and have defeated Julia (fuck her aftermath bullshit) and Florina (meh) and now I'm at Corey and want you guys to judge my team. The only reason I got this far and the reason her Cradily was a pushover was because of the technician fury cutter Kricketune Growlithe lv 26 Flaffy Lv 28 Frogadier lv 31 Kricketune lv 34 Pidgeotto Lv 28 What do you guys think of my team? Any tips? I know this game makes you rage and shit, Julia taught me that.
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