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  1. I can give you 1 of the Pokes you want. PM me your save, and the Poke u want me to add to your party (with Iron Fist of course). Choose wisely...
  2. Kiryuu


    Torchic with Speed Boost. I just just save u 2 seconds of research...
  3. I just notice this change and I have to said..."developing"? developing to be a successful person? Who came up with this? Why change it? so many questions...
  4. Eevee will evolve to Espeon (during day), Umbreon (during night) or Sylveon (knowing a Fairy Move) on Lv 14 regardless of happiness
  5. Definitely use + and - bullets. The average player doesn't even read the dialogue of the game much less the explanation of guides like this one. They just going to check the ranks of each Poke not even bothering why that Poke that got rank. Plus, I believe it would look more organize so there's that.
  6. I reset for IV's. I usually soft reset for my starter to be shiny but in the end, I end up soft resetting for IV's
  7. Rapidash. Eevee evolutions overall suffer from being versatile. The only worth running is Sylveon, Vaporeon and Espeon Rapidash can learn Bounce, Megahorn, Poison Jab etc. Rapidash all the way!
  8. YT is possibly one of the hardest places to succeed. Once on top tho, stay on top! Good luck on the grind fella.
  9. Hehh, I'm impress. The new people usually complain that the game is impossible. Credits to you my friend Good luck facing the Ghosts Gym... Feel free to ask for help
  10. I don't play the vanilla games but I have to said. I AM VERY surprise this video didn't got horrendous amount of dislikes. Nobody really cares about phones games, but them again the vast majority of the demographic are kids. If it have Pokes in the title, it will sell. This most likely be a disappointed like any other phone games; Pay 2 win. Where did you see the gameplay o_O . Maybe I was wayyy to focus seen Mewtwo getting teabagged by hundreds of Pokes...
  11. Blaziken have better moveset (High Jump Kick), ability AND stats (120 ATK under it's belt). Speed Boost is OP has it is and with Baton Pass GG It is game breaking on Reborn. Blaziken can: -Solo Fern in EVERY single battle -Solo Florinia -Solo Arceus -Solo Noel -Solo Luna -Solo Kiki (back when it was a single battle. Now I believe it's a double battle) The list goes on.
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