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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Kiryuu

  1. I can give you 1 of the Pokes you want. PM me your save, and the Poke u want me to add to your party (with Iron Fist of course). Choose wisely...
  2. Kiryuu


    Torchic with Speed Boost. I just just save u 2 seconds of research...
  3. I just notice this change and I have to said..."developing"? developing to be a successful person? Who came up with this? Why change it? so many questions...
  4. Eevee will evolve to Espeon (during day), Umbreon (during night) or Sylveon (knowing a Fairy Move) on Lv 14 regardless of happiness
  5. Definitely use + and - bullets. The average player doesn't even read the dialogue of the game much less the explanation of guides like this one. They just going to check the ranks of each Poke not even bothering why that Poke that got rank. Plus, I believe it would look more organize so there's that.
  6. I reset for IV's. I usually soft reset for my starter to be shiny but in the end, I end up soft resetting for IV's
  7. Rapidash. Eevee evolutions overall suffer from being versatile. The only worth running is Sylveon, Vaporeon and Espeon Rapidash can learn Bounce, Megahorn, Poison Jab etc. Rapidash all the way!
  8. YT is possibly one of the hardest places to succeed. Once on top tho, stay on top! Good luck on the grind fella.
  9. Hehh, I'm impress. The new people usually complain that the game is impossible. Credits to you my friend Good luck facing the Ghosts Gym... Feel free to ask for help
  10. I don't play the vanilla games but I have to said. I AM VERY surprise this video didn't got horrendous amount of dislikes. Nobody really cares about phones games, but them again the vast majority of the demographic are kids. If it have Pokes in the title, it will sell. This most likely be a disappointed like any other phone games; Pay 2 win. Where did you see the gameplay o_O . Maybe I was wayyy to focus seen Mewtwo getting teabagged by hundreds of Pokes...
  11. Blaziken have better moveset (High Jump Kick), ability AND stats (120 ATK under it's belt). Speed Boost is OP has it is and with Baton Pass GG It is game breaking on Reborn. Blaziken can: -Solo Fern in EVERY single battle -Solo Florinia -Solo Arceus -Solo Noel -Solo Luna -Solo Kiki (back when it was a single battle. Now I believe it's a double battle) The list goes on.
  12. I had to re-read your writing 4 times to understand haha I disagree completely. Blaziken and Infernape have the same Def and Sp.Def stats so idk how you are saying Blaziken had no staying power while Infernape does. If you breed Baton Pass to a Speed Boost Blaziken, I'm pretty sure you can sweep everything in the game with barely no effort what so ever.
  13. I found a new respect for Hilda... Someone should make a meme of this....
  14. Man, "reserving" a Poke is somewhat a stupid decision. Can we at least, add up to what that person said? I would love to do Roserade..... Noob question, are we ranking every Poke available so far? My apologies if this sound rude but, Blaziken is GOD tier, you have no idea what are you talking about ._. Explain to me why u believe Infernape is better?
  15. Amethyst and Hilda saw my Profile at the same time...Did I broke another rule or something? Are they out for blood? o_O

  16. I was talking about the robotic arms you use in case you lose your arm or something. They are control by the nerves system and everything! Sorry for the confusion I won't be surprise if we see this by next year. Robotic arms control by nerves systems are already a thing has I said before. Agree that aren't needed
  17. Going to tackle some of your statements You aren't "human" without feelings mate. No matter how much tech you have on you, you are still a human being. They may has well create a robot that kills people Robotic arms are already a thing mate, look it up hmm, how come no one have drop the Atomic Bomb? Also, the Atomic Bomb is the worst tech that will EVER be created. One more thing, such technology doesn't get created ever so easily. It will be a collaboration of multiples agencies around the world. Peace treaties/laws will be made once again for all the new techs I think you missed it...I'm pretty sure I reference @Maelstrom reply has my response answer. EDIT: Ninja by Neo on the Atomic Bombs
  18. I laugh so hard at this, I wake up my little nephew. Thank you sir.
  19. ^ this guy beat me to it. I was going to said this on response to @Gore. This movement have the potential of ending disability. Do you know how huge that is? Go to the video I posted here, around 0:42, the girl playing the instrument. That girl was on the news few years ago. She was 100% deaf until that day. Hearing music sounds tear her up! The people that disagree with this are just living in the past.
  20. For those that have no idea of what this post mean look at this 3 min video. This will 100% happen in the future and will be a thing. It will most likely be introduce first on the US military and whether you agree with it or not, it will happen. Now, my opinion. I do believe this is a great step to the right direction. It doesn't matter how much enhancement we do to our body, we are still humans. You may be able to fly, take over 100 bullets on your body etc. Of course, with new technologies, new laws are created. The last thing we want is somebody with a cybernetic arm, install a light machine gun on it and wipe out a whole town. I mean, ending disability would be a HUGE success not just in US but worldwide. Being able to share thoughts with another human is pretty fucking sick too. Being able to see everything clearly at night is huge perk too. The people that disagree with this are just afraid of change. WE ALL afraid of change, including myself. I struggle with this every single day in my life. We have to move forward not only with our lifes but with technology has well. It will a matter of time before a TV is just a "Square" thin has fuck, 56 inches and weighting about 20 pounds. It will be matter of time we can detect cancer on a baby before is born. It will be matter of time _____________ you get the gist.
  21. Reborn's story didn't appeal to me at all. Saving the world theme is being done to death in many different ways. The game have a huge cast but every character felt that it had it's own personality and entity. Gameplay wise is very good too. Rejuvenation is awesome. IDK, something in this game shock me in a way that Reborn didn't. The Insane Mode is ridiculously hard and fun. The Shadow Pokes is a interesting mechanic and this game was inspire by Reborn, yet, it doesn't feel like a carbon copy at all. The game have it's own personality and you feel it while you are exploring the very 1st city. I can't talk about the story just yet, haven't even reach 2nd gym. Nonetheless, start with Reborn, them pick up Rejuvenation and play it on Insane Mode. If you decide to start with Rejuvenation on Insane Mode... I hope you are a competitive player lol.
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