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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Kiryuu

  1. You are all the way there and you still haven't got the 6th member? damn Of course he doesn't.... Anyway let me break it down for you: Blaziken: -Flare Blitz -Hi Jump Kick -Baton Pass -Swords Dance * These are god like moves on Blaziken. You'll need to breed it though to get Baton Pass and Swords Dance Noivern: -Dragon Pulse -Air Slash/Hurricane -Tailwind -Super Fang * I never use this Poke but I believe these moves will do more justice. Boomburst is okay but you want to get some STAB moves. Tailwind and Super Fang IMO is better than Boomburst. Greninja -Surf/Hydro Pump -Extrasensory -Ice Beam -Grass Knot/Dark Pulse * How did you get X-Scissor on him? Did you derp? Extrasensory is good on him because when the enemy sends out a Fighting-Type Poke, you most likely will go first. Not only you'll super effective it, the enemy will use Fighting move and your Greninja should be able to take the hit due to the fact is Psychic-Type now. Ice Beam is paramount for it. You can go Grass Knot or Dark Pulse for him, I'll recommend Dark Pulse on your team. Roserade -Sludge Bomb -Giga Drain -Extrasensory -Stun Spore * You should had breed it with Sludge Bomb too man. IMO Giga Drain is better on Roserade rather than Petal Dance. Stun Spore is better status move than Toxic Spikes. Meowstic: -Psyshock -Fake Out -Light Screen -Shadow Ball * I use this fella before until I got my Misdreavus (damn you Ame for making it more difficult on getting it). Although, he's more like a support Poke than anything else. Fake Out is good on Double Battles. Psyshock > Psychic, you don't need Psychic on him when you have Roserade with Extrasensory already (and Greninja if u plan to get it for him too). Light Screen is good. Now for 6th Poke.....Mamoswine, Galvantula, Durant, Ampharos (you can use Tailwind to help this Pokes speed) and Magnezone (Tailwind for speed). *Mamoswine would be the best member: -Icicle Crash -Ice Shard -Earthquake -Rock Tomb * You can also use Tailwind to speed this Poke up Adios
  2. Ohh touchee. Can the move be change to something else if I re-battle it or is it determined when I pick my starter just like the mystery eggs? or is it determined right when I battle it?
  3. I was checking my box fooling around with my Poke and stuff. For some reason my Emolga have Air Slash. I never breed it and it a breeding move too. Some new mechanic going on I'm not aware off?
  4. Points for this. I love the fact you aren't here to please nobody, but rather create your own story and lore. I can't walk away though and said that the pass nerfs have been to give the characters more "life". I never put myself in your shoes has a developer . All these time I though it was to please the weaker Players really. Thank you for ur input Much <3
  5. The most realistic post on this thread. Everyone, give this person all your cookies....
  6. I already stated this in a status comment. The Gym Leaders are relative weak, especially Shade, what happen to him? I remember back in EP12, this guy was a straight up crack head; defeating me and giving me nightmares for hours end. He beat me over 20+ I'm sure, but when I won it felt so..good. So good that I literary scream of enjoyment. This new team he have now does no justice to the Shade I knew. Ame I know u r reading this, give me back my old Shade plz thank you Noel beat me about 5 times, the team he had prove to me that Normal Poke have balls of steel. They are useful and shouldn't be underestimated. The last thing I heard about him was a nerf of course... Aya was a crack head too. Defeated me less than Shade but the victory felt good too in EP12. She have been nerf multiple times now, fought her on this new playthrough....idk what to said really. The pressure just wasn't there. Luna did kick my ass couple of times but on the 3rd try she when down (I believe her Umbreon was lvl 71 when I fought her). Haven't fought her yet on this playthrough I'm doing now. IMO, they should had left her alone..... Charlotte, my wife. This was the easiest Gym for me back when EP13 came out and I was able to defeat her in 1st try. Archeops + Rock Slide not only out speed everything, it KO everything in 1 hit !!! I honestly felt insulted when everyone was struggling and I'm here thinking "is that it?" Meh it's whatever with this one. Maybe the nerf was really deserved. Arceus is meh. Killed me 1st time; I lead with the right Poke on the rematch, he when down in EP12. I heard Sierra was a nightmare with an evasion boost team and that was impossible to hit her due to the fact she ran Brightpowder too.. I would of love to fight her before she was nerf the first time. I defeated her in my 1st time also.on EP12. I hope the developers look back on these nerfs because all they are doing is pleasing the cry babies. Most of them have a good team and they still lose because they aren't thinking with a strategy; they believe sheer force with do the trick. This isn't your typical Poke, this is Reborn Adapt or die. I'll be direct has well. If the AI is bullshit, why don't you give the Gym Leaders their old team back to compensate for the crappy AI? Hell, we can even make a vote of this has a community.... I leave with this. My most satisfying moments on this game is winning that battle have been giving me hell for hours. I still remember to this day when I fought Shade for hours end, using different tactics and getting out completely out of my comfort zone in order to win. That shit felt good, and I still here because I want to experience that feeling again. I'll be honest, I don't really care much about the story (okay, I may like Charlotte) but I just want that experience again.
  7. Stop reading there....I said it once, said it twice, going to said it again, Blaziken is God Tier. Blaziken can solo everything in this game, except maybe Poison Gyms. U honestly don't need to train or switch team members he can KO everything in her team. Use a common candy (believe the lvl cap is 45 for Kiki), lead with him, use Bulk Up 3 times and spam Blaze Kick. U should be able to out speed everything due to Speed Boost. Fin
  8. Litleo has been replace by Munna for trade of Bibarel at North Peridot Ward on EP15. Update it OP !!!
  9. To get Fang moves you have to wait until later to breed.... Emolga have Nuzzle (causes damage and paralyze) and combine it with Electro Ball? that's 150 power; a Electric-Type Hyper Beam. Debatable like I said..... Good luck
  10. IMO Emolga still better than Shinx for numbers of reasons I won't spoil. Debatable really, but Emolga did save me from a lot of hell that I know Shinx won't be able to pull off lol
  11. ...f*ck that. I suck at that thing too lol....
  12. Muk>Stunfisk>Wooper>Snubbull>Roselia>Exeggcute>Roselia (if you evolve it at the level it gets E.sensory, Exeggutor can also get you Leaf Storm))(for the E.sensory and S.Bomb chain, the last product/egg gained has to be Budew, since E.sensory can only be gotten if it hatches as Budew) Taken from Breeding Guide / Recommendable Sets Read the breeding part section. This game doesn't give you the good TM's, you'll need to breed to get the good moves. In other words, you won't be able to breed Roselia with good moves until like after gym 8-9. Roselia is one of those Poke that becomes top tier later in the game but in the beginning is somewhat outplayed by other weaker Pokes. I won't bother with IV's for Poke you going to re-place, unless you plan to have it has a permanent member. Just grab and go
  13. Emolga is pretty damn good. you can catch it by lvl 20 I believe. This Poke is my clutch until like 9 gym. Espurr (F) is up there has well for me. Have offence and defense, the diversity is real with this cat. Roselia isn't really that good, in fact, it's one of the worst Poke in the beginning of the game. Unless you breed it with the right Poke, it's only attack move is Grass-Type. I recommend you ditch it. Your team is good otherwise. Arbok is okay and Teddiursa is good.
  14. I though you encounter someone being sexist (IRL) and you probably wanted to pimp that person in the face. A comment on a internet make u post all this? a random, troll or someone being butth*le from a lost could of post it that. It's the internet, what can you do. This is not the first time you will see it nor the last time either. I agree with everything you said OP but u can't get salty over internet comments. I know, if I did care about internet comments, I would rant about how humanity is doom for life and write 28 pages of essay of reasons why. Let it go... There are always keyboard warriors. Live the bullsh*t, embrace the bullsh*t
  15. That Poke isn't even available yet in the game Obtainable Pokemon Check that and you'll see which Poke are available right now. You aren't getting good Pokes until you have 12 badges. EDIT: Disregard this comment....I just notice this is Rejuvenation lol. My bad
  16. Noel most have gotten a buff. This team is excellent, last time I remember the lvl of his ace was 55. I think grinding will do the trick Go to the cave where u find Flash (I can't remember the name). I think you can the faster there
  17. I'm trying to remember how I defeated Shade. I had Greninja, Meowstic (F), Growlithe and Emolga I believe. My Meowstic had Shadoll Ball though, the male one doesn't learn that move. What Poke is giving you trouble? I was able to knock out the Chandelure with 1 Water Pulse from Greninja.
  18. You have to think outside the box, the answer isn't always to train 1 specific Poke for 1 specific battle. U CAN win with that team really....Trick Room; teach it to Gengar: Lead with Gengar and Donphan. Your Gengar should be able to outspeed Typhlosian and Darmanitan, so use Trick Room. Now Donphan should be able to outspeed everything, spam Earthquake....Gengar should be immune... If u still need further assistance drop a reply.
  19. This is what Nintendo has been doing for the pass 20 years, where u been? This is the reason I don't own a Nintendo console or handheld. Nintendo was the very first company to start this foolish trend of remaking games over and over again. I haven't been tracked of Nintendo since 2004, have they created any new IP's since them? I have to admit though, Star Fox 64 was one of the best games I ever played during my childhood.... Sony won this conference period. Literally my reaction with LAST GUARDIAN FF7 remake and first on PS4??? I been waiting for this since 2005. The new FF back them didn't really did it for me and the last few ones (FXIII saga did no justice for me). This is the only remake game I would truly pay 60. Out of all the new IP's coming out Horizon Zero Dawn is a most wanted for me. Definitely one day purchase. Just look at the world man... Not going to said anything about Fallout4 because everyone will be getting that one including myself No P5 trailer but it's good. Last Guardian gave me that wow feeling I was waiting for List: - Last Guardian - Horizon Zero Dawn - Fallout4 - P5 - SF5 - FF7 - BO3 (I love zombies <3) PS I was really surprise Sony got the DLC first for CoD, anyone predicted that one?
  20. Not bad, you survive, although 100% Ditch Butterfree....Durant is the guy u want for Bug-Types...in fact Heracross will perfectly fit your team Movesets would be nice...is not like u r running late to work lol
  21. Heliolisk is better IMO... Last Resort is...unreliable really, let's be real. Surf is horrible for Stoutland... You can breed eggs instantly, just read this guide @Etesian did Breeding Guide / Recommendable Sets . I hatch my eggs in seconds lol. If you are going to use Curse on Torterra, Wood Hammer will eventually KO Torterra; go with Seed Bomb. If you aren't going to use Curse use Wood Hammer. I personally use a Greninja with: Hydro Pump / Extrasensory / Grass Knot / Ice Beam . I use Hydro Pump because my Greninja Nature is Timid, I want every power I can get.
  22. No way. You should be able to 1 shot kill it with Flare Blitz....
  23. That's a good versatile team. I never had any problem with this kid. Start the matc..... *See the word "Blaziken"* *Leaves* In all seriousness: 1. Teach Blaziken HJK. Lead with him..... 2. SPAM IT 3.??? 4. Noel defeated
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