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Everything posted by Kiryuu

  1. What ShadowStar said about Heliolisk. I soft reset to get Ice on mine but using Ditto can help you get HP Ice. Putting HP Ice isn't useless at all; with SolarPower and HP Ice, you can sweep Dragon for days. Covers Ground weakness too.... Breed Arcanine with Mankey, Zangoose, Monferno or Lucario to get CC Seed Bomb is an egg move. Breed Torterra with Exeggutor, Sunkern or Shroomish. Good luck
  2. Now this is real power. Funny, I did a new spreadsheet of my new team I'm going to build and most likely my permanent team. Nidoking is on my team and the first team I see here after so long is someone using Nidoking has well. Much love mate Alakazam is good Nidoking: I plan to run Sludge Wave / Earth Power / Thunderbolt / Ice Beam. I don't think Swagger is a good move for him. Go all out with Atk moves Archeops: Breed it so it can have Earthquake and replace U-Turn with it (need EP12 for this) Feraligatr is good Blaziken: I would replace Brave Bird with Baton Pass...GOD tier Poke Rotom....IDK seriously. Your EV's spread tells me you want to have a tanky Rotom. I said switch this Poke for something else like Sneasel (won't be able to evolve it until next EP apparently) but he would be a great asset to your team. NOTE: He most likely derp with Rotom having Scald give the fella a break lol
  3. Don't forget Clawitzer...in a Trick Room team it will decimated your enemies... But yeah, you are gonna have to wait until Agate Cicus
  4. That's cold, damn lol. I have to be honest though, I don't care about Nintendo at all either. Haven't owned their consoles since like 2001.... If Phil Spencer delivers (he said he's pretty confident) and at least introduce 4 new IP's that aren't FPS, I might, MIGHT reconsider buying a Xbone. If they don't get to impress me this E3 I'm afraid I won't be buying it at all.
  5. No Sony Will Game I'm looking for Indeed
  6. For Heliolisk I run: Thunderbolt / Glare / Grass Knot / Hidden Power (Ice) You replace that Glare with Dark Pulse or Surf if you want. Stay with Arcanine; Make sure to give it Close Combat too. I honestly don't believe u need a Fighting-Type Poke with some many Poke with a Fighting-Type move. Metagross with Brick Break is excellent Torterra: Earthquake / Seed Bomb / Curse / Crunch/Outrage (if u can with the move tutor) A Rock-Type could be a great addition to your team: My Rock-Type on my team is Archeops most underrated Poke here. Gengar with Thunderbolt / Sludge Bomb / Shadoll Ball / Destiny Bond is a beast and would work well in your team (You will have to breed it with Thunderbolt and Sludge Bomb)
  7. *INHALE...EXHALE* I'm BACK minions!! Anyway, Helioptile learns Surf if you want to scratch that Stoutland. I do not like Normal-Types Poke (I run Heliolisk, but he's Electric-Type too) so...I recommend u scratch that puppy. Lucario is boring for me lol, Delphox is a weaker Ninetales IMO and Torterra is better than Chesnaught IMO. If you decide to replace Chesnaught with Torterra, u might want a Fighting-Type: Heracross, Medicham and Toxicroak with destroy things... Now, if you decided to replace that puppy, what would be a good 6th Poke? Gengar. Scizor, Mamoswine, and Durant can do work. Decisions decisions OP....
  8. *see the Blaziken* *Decides that giving opinion is useless* *leaves*
  9. Kiryuu


    Not the smartest move indeed... ....can you be more specific? it's been a while I played this game...... Now, let me said a few things: -Empoleon being Jolly is really a bad, bad choice mate. Speed to him doesn't do anything.... make him a Impish Nature, give him Swords Dance (spend Heart Scale) and spam Aqua Jet.... -Evolve Piloswine (I think you should have access to the move relearner by now....don't kill me if you can't, starting over again myself lol) -Roselia is complete trash unless you breed it (Sludge Bomb, Sleep Powder, etc). -Level up Meostic and teach it Reflect when it learns it. Should had keep Light Screen but too late now... *Don't start over, ur team just need a little bit of work. What you are about to do is no different than you did last time; re-starting because you think your team ain't good enough...you can't run away forever man; this game was designed for you to fail. Also, Mudkip is available in the wasteland area when it's raining, so it's pointless to start over for Mudkip. I honestly believe you can destroy everything with Empoleon, Swords Dance and spamming Aqua Jet. ....what? he already have Piloswine and IMO Flygon is inferior to Piloswine....yes I said it Dragon-Type lovers If you need extra help, wait for Etesian lol. I'm tired and I think I need to lay down....zzzzzz
  10. I never really had a problem with this. Has soon Froslass was done destroying with Hail, I would switch out for Ninetales to take out Hail with Drought. I always felt Froslass wouldn't be much effective because not only it doesn't hit hard, it's frail, weak like a little chihuahua. I felt Hail would fix the frail part having Snow Cloak (with brightpowder on top of it) and having Blizzard (with 100% accuracy) would give it that extra power it's missing too. This combo help me solo Terra with Froslass... I would take into consideration though once I get a Snorunt. Since someone already answer the Energy Ball on Ninetales, let me answer you the Electivire. When I started Reborn, you could get Elekid earlier in the game (this was long ago though). I got my hands on EP9, I was able to get Magby early, pretty sure Elekid is available early too. I though it would be good at least having 1 Water-Type move , but I agree, it's counter intuitive with drought. Ohh, I wish I could teach it EQ.... HP Ground/Fire.... good points. I going for HP Ground them. Like I told Sheep, I would take this to consideration. HP Fighting....we see. Although Destiny Bond is a pretty good move... HP Rock over Extrasensory is actually a very nice idea. I don't need Psychic coverage, Rock I do need Thanks for this one. I seriously wasn't sure what to run for Mienshao IDK what to put for that 4th move to be honest. Fire Punch could be a good combo with Drought, I actually never thought of that until now. CC accuracy doesn't bother me. If Electivire was a sweeper I would 100% run BB, I like the CC extra power Taking Etesian suggestion with Poison Jab I wish it was that easy...my old laptop was about 7-9 years old nearly a decade >_>
  11. My old computer when bye-bye on me. I recently started Reborn again...well twice now with my new PC since this time I decided to pick my favorite starter of all times...Bulbasaur (I remember it's no longer available so had to ditch Totodile...). Nonetheless here's the team I plan to build. I don't plan to change none of my members once I build it.... The Poke I want are finally available thanks to EP14....couldn't care less about Dragons-Type, Froslass eats them for breakfast anyway: Venusaur HP 252 / Sp.A 252 / Defense 6 Modest Chlorophyll -Sludge Bomb -Growth -Giga Drain -Hidden Power (Ice) Froslass Hp 6 / Sp. 252 / Speed 252 Modest Snow Cloak -Blizzard -Shadow Ball -Hail -Hidden Power (Ground) Ninetales HP 6 / Sp.Atk 252 / Speed 252 Modest Drought -Flamethrower -Extrasensory -Energy Ball -Nasty Plot Mienshao HP 6 / Attack 252 / Speed 252 Adamant/Naughty (If I plan to run HP) Reckless -High Jump Kick -Knock Off -Stone Edge -Bounce/Hidden Power ([???], what would be the best Type?) Electivire Attack 252 / Sp.A 58 / Speed 200 Lonely Vital Spirit -Thunder Punch -Ice Punch -Cross Chop -Hidden Power (Water) Gliscor (Once Razor Fang is available, at least Gligar is in the game) HP 252 / Speed 252 / Sp. Defense 6 Jolly Hyper Cutter -Earthquake -Acrobatics -Brick Break -Swords Dance I had a team similar to this, but hehh is dead now. I been wanting to use a Gligar for a while, when I was a kid I always love this guy. Didn't notice it had a evolution until 2 days ago >_> . What can I said? I like to discuss Poke movesets so throw me your suggestions :3
  12. Whoa, didn't knew about this...I guess I learned something new....
  13. I'm pretty sure we will have to come back to this place. There was a lock door that we couldn't access and some area we couldn't access either (has far I'm aware, IDK if someone was really able to) PS who ever came up with the idea to create this "Terra World" using the Gen I sprites and the music I love you. This part is easily the best part of the game for me.
  14. My old computer died, got a new one, starter reborn again...f*ck me, I put more than 150 hours on my last saved file . Funny, I started with Totodile and kind of already did a spreadsheet on the new team I'm going to be building. I only got 1 thing to said about your Feraligatr: My Feraligatr is the same as yours BUT I invest max HP instead of Speed. It have Dragon Dance so I didn't felt the need to invest Speed EVs.... Wouldn't it be better to be bulkier on setting up Dragon Dance?
  15. One of the best Teams I seen here. Your team may be weak to Ground Type but you can give them a run for their money anyway. Everyone seems to be recommending Poke with Levitate lol. I don't know what to recommend to be honest, but I do like Gengar. So..get a Gengar with Sonikku's moveset. Your team again, one of the best I seem....
  16. I'm surprise, by this Gym, I had a party of 6 trained and really to go...Nonetheless here's my feedback: Infernape: Breed Thunder Punch and I'm not a fan of the Mach Punch...Go with: -Flare Blitz/Fire Punch -Thunder Punch -Close Combat -Grass Knot Crobat: Etesian said that a Sp. Attacker Crobat is more effective than a physical one so breed it with Nasty Plot and Sludge Bomb. Give it Air Slash and Hidden Power (Ice) for the 4th move... Flygon: IMO, Flygon doesn't need Stone Edge. Rock Slide works and it will save your ass for later too.... Breed another one and teach it Superpower. Just look at my signature and that's the Flygon moveset you want.... Eevee: Sylveon is the only "good" Eevee evolution according to the Poke community so I assumed you going with that. According to Etesian, give it Trump Card and with the ability Pixilate you can destroy pretty much everything.... Don't waste your time with Wish, you have healing items. Gallade: I recommend...Night Slash, Leaf Blade, Psycho Cut and Close Combat. With Scope Lens you have I believe 50% doing critical hits with Night Slash, Leaf Blade, and Psycho Cut. for the 6th Poke....do you need a water Poke? (Gallade and Infernape will have a Grass-Type move, I don't see the point of running a Water Poke) I don't think so...Electric? nop (Infernape have a Electric move anyway)... Need a Psychic slayer?....I recommend my favorite Poke Froslass. It's a Ice and Ghost Type....if you need an ideal on how to run it look at my signature.... Get a HM Slave... Dawn Stone....you can mine those Dawn Stone xD
  17. I forgot Arceus level when up recently I believe on the recent EP. On EP12 (I think Arceus level was 60? 70? don't exactly remember) but my battle when like this: -Turn 1: Arceus attack me, my Blaziken survive with 1 HP (no BS, it actually survive with 1 HP no Focus Sash lol). My Blaziken HJK it, HP drop below halve. Speed Boost activated at the end. -Turn 2: My Blaziken outspeed Arceus, HJK hit, Arceus when down.... Yeah, it was that easy lol. Gyarados...but like I said, they aren't available until MUCH later in the game (well he's not even available) x_x ....I let LittleDevilex answer this one....
  18. I disagree. Blaziken can: -Solo Fern in EVERY single battle -Solo Florinia -Solo Arceus -Solo Noel -Solo Luna -Solo Kiki (back when it was a single battle. Now I believe it's a double battle) The list goes on. My Froakie was indeed effective but not where near Blaziken God tier level and solo gym for days. Totodile is better for in-game than Greninja: invest 252 HP, teach it Dragon Dance with Sheer Power and he's almost another Gyarados... I'm not going to start a whole argument but my point stands... Indeed BUT, they aren't available to you until MUCH later in the game....hence why Torchic is easy mode.
  19. Pick the starter you like and go. Don't worry about your dream team because most likely is not going to happen...any time soon. Just have a balance team throughout the game and you won't need rotation. Grab Espurr, get a Electric-Type etc. When you get a better Electric-Type Poke replace the one you had and train the new one. This is what I did and I survive this game's 9 circles of hell with no rotation Poke. Has I progress, I caught, train and created my dream team.` You started with Torchic, the game will be in easy mode for you.... You will get access to all the starters eventually....pick the one you like. This is really, the only change you have to have something you like on your team... lol, Froakie was my starter and IMO, he's no where near good has Blaziken. There is something about Froakie I didn't like I eventually drop it. Hell, Totodile is better than Froakie IMO.....
  20. Thank you, it was Project Legion (spiritual successor of Dust). It's a PC game though....in the movie, the dude look like he was on a console (well he did had a controller and all). Bummer.... and here I though I find my new FPS game to play.... I find it funny how the game isn't finished yet and somehow it was in this movie lol
  21. Soo, I just saw the movie John Wick....one of the best movies I ever seen. Anyway, there this scene where they should what this guy was playing....I can't for the life of me figure out what game this is.... it's a FPS so I hope someone can recognize this from somewhere Hopefully by the time I'm awake someone have answer this...until them zzzzzzzzzzzz
  22. I agree you on this...IMO, Common Candy price should be increase to 5000 Poke dollars. Has you get more badges it should increase 2000 per badges. There are times when you can overleveled to get a good move on a Poke them use a CC to revert back. The player will think twice about overleveling their Poke and if they do it by mistake they have to pay the price....with their pockets. At the moment, the player aren't scare to overleveled due to the fact CC are so damn cheap. All Ame have to do is hide 1-2 CC per town, problem solve. When I started Reborn, I caught 5 Poke and trained them to lv 13 each. By the time I hit the first Gym, I was overleveled lol... I understand where you coming from but I believe these CC take some of that challenge away nearly instantly. Here's an example *Damn, I lose to Aya but all my Poke are lv 45 now.... I should be able to defeat her now....and if she doesn't give me the badge to increase lv cap I just use CC problem solve* Hiding 1-2 CC per town will help the player in his/her journey and save some money too (if the CC prize goes up in future releases)....
  23. Holy sh*t...reading this reminds me of the Orphan movie...Nonetheless, welcome. If you need help with your team, I be happy to help.
  24. @CaptainMomo there tons of improvements that you can do on the moveset on a few Pokes. I keep saying this over and over again, don't teach your main team HM moves, grab a Bibarel and make it your slave for LIFE. Now let me said a few things: Raticate: You should had taught it Super Fang. IMO, this is one of the best move this guy learns. You could use this to halve Dragalge HP and them maybe KO it before it could make a move. Drapion: Have you try to Hone Claws 6 stages and sweep her team with Drapion? IDK what Poke Aya is running but I do know she still have that Dragalge. You should be able to set up Drapion with 6 Hone Claws... I could recommend Pokes and such but I don't like to do that. I believe your team can destroy her... Last thing... Why does everyone "[Nickname here] the [Name of the Poke here]" do this? is it some reference I'm not aware off?
  25. Unfortunately you can't backtrack. I recommend you save in Agate Circus, them, download EP12 or 11. You should be able to in either of those versions...
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