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Everything posted by Kiryuu
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- 13 replies
I'm going to look at your Poke move set and give my opinions of it...them I leave you my recommendation for the 6th Poke Typhlosion: Take out Swift for Nature Power..... Sceptile: I would breed another one with Hidden Power Ice. I would take out Energy Ball for Endeavor....I would use Leaf Storm to 1 hit KO Pokes and them switch out when the opponent will send another Poke. You can run White Herb with this guy.... Swampert: Take out Surf for Hammer Arm, why 2 water moves? Brick Break is viable but the Hammer Arm drawback won't impact this Poke, he's slow already. Metagross: Metagross can outspeed everything by 1 Agility, rendering the 252 Speed useless. I would recommend to get Agility over Bullet Punch and take out those 252 Speed IVs, and invest those on 252 HP...Change it's nature to Adamant.....Give it Wide Lens..also change that Hammer Arm for Brick Break....... Luxray: ...no comments, he's good Now, for the 6th member.....Froslass hands down. Not only it solo Terra itself on my run, it's my favorite Poke (u need a dragon slayer, she won't disappoint ). How to run Froslass and what move? check my signature
I was told Waterfall move won't work until EP15. You can't skip a Gym in this game, so, 12 badge in total so far....
Catch a Geodude (don't evolve to Graveler so it can learn the move early). It learns EQ at lv 34 and Stone Edge at lv 42 Breed it with a female Dwebble. Dwebble can learn Rock Slide at lv 29 so pick your poison with Stone Edge or Rock Slide Breed Dwebble with Heracross for EQ and Stone Edge or Rock Slide so Geudude>Dwebble>Heracross Sorry for the late reply, didn't notice that last question xD them proceeds to write paragraphs....liar lol
That's it? 2 Poke? you trolling? lol Post the rest of the team.... Impossible. Get a Bibarel and he can learn all the HM moves (except Flash)....
I like Hydro Pump more on Greninja due to the 103 Sp.A stats. I feel like the Poke doesn't have enough "Power" (when in reality, it already have good power using Protean and STAB). I do believe Shadow Ball would be enough (145 Sp.A stats...crazy). Defeated her with brute force alone. By turn 3 the fight was over (Flygon spamming Eartquake and Heracross with Stone Edge save the day). Due to me EV training Flygon on that Speed it was able to outspeed mostly everything (Heracross eat up all EQ of Flygon ) I had Heracross Stone Edge the Poke Flygon couldn't out speed has soon she send them out with Stone Edge..... Good luck to you Easy.... -Greninja -Chandelure -Gogoat -Gardevoir -Heracross -Crobat *Cinccino is okay (King's Rock would be the best item to use for him). He can be 1 hit KO easily... *Tyrantrum is okay has well but he's there to check Dragon types. Gardevoir can check that has well and Greninja with Ice Beam. Yeah he can set up with Dragon Dance and sweep but that Sp.Def stats scare me, it might get 1 hit KO plus the Speed stats is poorly...I prefer Flygon over Tyrantrum period xD *Check Crobat Hidden Power. An Ice or Ground Type would be ridiculous good... Also, didn't realize this but I would make Gogoat Nature to Adamant. *he will get outspeed most of the time*....so what? not only this thing is bulky, with Big Root and Horn Leech/Leech Seed, he will get it's HP back anyway. If you EV train it correctly he can be the ultimate tank With this team, u should be able to destroy any Gym or threat coming your way....
Greninja: You can run Expert Belt but IDK when and where you get this. I like Hydro Pump more on Greninja but that just my personal opinion; Surf is good Chandelure: I like Will-O-Wisp more than Confuse Ray and Trick Room. I don't think TR is very beneficial for your team (Gogoat being slow and he isn't THAT slow) Crobat: Etesian said that running a Sp.Attaker Crobat is more effective than running a physical one. And since he's a God at Poke, you have to run Nasty Plot, Air Slash, Sludge Bomb and Confuse Ray/Giga Drain/Shadow Ball/Hidden Power. (In all seriousness, I also believe Sp.A Crobat is more effective; he have bulk enough to put 1 Nasty Plot up and sweep [speed stats is ridicolous...]). I believe Black Sludge is in the game, IDK when and where you get it though. Gardevoir: Every time I see this Poke, it reminds me of a ballerina lol. No comments on it's moveset they are great. You can run Leftovers on her.... Cinccino: Excellent moveset, I would run Knock Off for the 4th move. Either Scope Lens or Wide Lens for item (I would pick Wide Lens myself to guaranteed more that 5 hit kill) Tyrantrum: Perfect moveset, nature etc. You can run that Hard Stone item (I believe you can only get this through mining only) Heracross: Awesome, someone else that loves Heracross. Give him that Stone Edge the extra power is worth it. I run Black Belt on him... Gogoat: I seriously though you nickname a Poke or something, what a horrible and laughable name....I would run Leech Seed. He's like my Venusaur but a physical attacker. I would change that Miracle Seed for Big Root (it combines with Leech Seed and Horn Leech) Awesome team, most likely one of the best I seen here. I notice you have 8 Poke, IDK about you but I would run 6 Poke, I don't like having rotation Poke. But hey if you do, no problems more power to you.
Going to write this in a spoiler tag, contains spoilers, u r warned...
You can get Arcanine with Close Combat if you breed it with Lucario, Zangoose or Mankey. I believe Agility is better than Bullet Punch for Metagross and replace Hammer Arm with Brick Break. Greninja moveset are excellent needs no change. You got Zoroark for Dark moves (you need that Grass Knot since you got no other grass moves) The natures are fine IMO. Just check Zoroark stats (never seen this Poke, he looks cool )...it's defense is terrible, since you got nothing on him, slap a BrightPowder. He can't abuse it like my Froslass but it's something lol. You can give Wide Lens (steal it from wild Yanma) to Metagross to compensate for that 90 accuracy on both Zen Headbutt and Meteor Mash. You can get Leftovers from a Pick up team (although they have to be level 91 I believe). I got mine from a older EP stealing it from Muchlax I think.... Now, if you excuse me, I need to find out how you got that Life Orb....
No one seems to mention Falkner with a level 9 Pidgeotto. Even has a kid I knew the game was cheating, I wonder who else notice that back them...
Check my signature. I'm running it with Hail, Snow Cloak and BrightPowder aka evasion abuse lol. T3rr4 stood no change against that, none of my Poke fainted in that battle
Did a few research, I didn't knew about BrightPowder and the evasion abuse.... Decided to make my Froslass the same has your Glaceon. Used a ability capsule to get Snow Cloak back and I teach it Blizzard too since Frost Breath no longer does 120 BP (damn you pokemondb, you lied to me !!!). Then this means your Glaceon and my Froslass have the same moveset
ouch...completely disregard my comment about Gothitelle OP lol
Excuse my ignorance, but doesn't Competitive actives only when you lower the opponent Poke stats? I don't see any point of having this if you don't have a move that lowers the enemy stats.... I didn't knew about this....
maybe you should read more often.....
I look at your team and I know for sure you will comeback holding your testicles out and screaming for help because the next battles are going to put you in your limits. Get really to breed because it's the only way to make your team better... Swampert: Breed him with Avalance. I said, keep Hammer Arm, you got no Fighting Types Poke (Rock Slide is good though, you WILL need it...) Luxray: Ice Fang will do justice to this guy, unfortunately there isn't anything yet to abuse that Guts ability yet... Gothitelle: Competitive but you have nothing that takes advanced of it? take bunny advice, Fake Tears will do justice. I see this Poke stats and it seems to play more like a wall than anything else. Take someone else opinions on this one..... Cinccino: Wake-Up Slap is good....I honestly think Knock-Off is better due to that item removal and extra boost. You have nothing that can make a Poke Sleep and take full advanced of Wake-Up Slap. On the other hand, you don't have anymore Fighting Type moves beside that Hammer Arm....Argh, IDK really, u pick the poison... Glaceon: Horrible movepool indeed but I like it's egg move. Now, my question to you is why you haven't taught it Frost Breath???? it have 120 power due to always being a critical hit, best Ice move in the game; take out Blizzard for it. Check it's Hidden Power Type, my Froslass got Ground Type, IMO it's the best for a Ice Poke. I don't think is worth it running Hail, I believe Yawn or Wish are better support moves. Chandelure: Didn't notice this thing had ridiculous stats....Breed it with Energy Ball just like bunny said....that's all I got. Energy Ball, Shadow Ball, Flamethrower and Will-O-Wisp is a monster set up (my Ninetales have ALMOST the same moveset...) I want to said "Run Trick Room" but halve of your team will be affected negatively while the other halve will get more faster. I said, run it with Gothitelle only, you will need that extra speed once in a while....
For future references, don't teach your Poke HM moves (unless it's supports them like Waterfall on a Gyarados). It's a hindrance to have them and you can't use your Poke to their maximum potential. Get a Poke that you don't use in battle and teach it all the HM moves. I believe the community calls it "HM Slave". 1. Arcanine: Never realize this thing had 555 stats overall...Give it Outrage, Flare Blitz, Close Combat and Extreme Speed. You can use Infernape to get Close Combat on Arcanine 2. Infernape: Breed it with Ampharos to get Thunder Punch on him....that's all I got for him 3. Scrafty: Breed it so it can have Stone Edge (replacing Facade). IDK the chain, I believe you can figure out lol. If you spend 252 HP Ev on him them breed it with Dragon Dance has well. He can be very bulky like that and can set up. 4. Flygon: No Earthquake or Superpower? look at my signature and just copy my Flygon moves/ev's etc...... For the rest, IDK what to said not really familiar with them. You are at the point of the game where most of the Poke are available. Use the Poke you like, I really hate having "Rotation Poke", get a party of 6 Poke you like and just dominate the game with those :3
Destiny Bond it is. I don't think I'm going to breed just for Spike (plus the HP is Ground Type not passing that lol). Just completed my little grind, going to finish this EP14 hopefully by tomorrow
I don't have EP13 . There's no link for it either, I just want a Fire Stone.... I guess I'm going to hunt down for those mine rocks probably have 1-4 left to smash....
I got a new ticket helping the "scientist" with it's computer virus. Decided to back tracked to farm (mostly working in a whole new team) and decided to check where the new ticket would take me. It's the Evolution Stones floor and who the hell is this guy??? Do I need to complete EP14 to access the floor?? y u do dis, I'm running dry with these mine rocks.... I need a Dawn Stone and another Fire Stone
Me and Ame have the same eyes.... <3 adding this to my game right now....Thank you again
ohh...NVM lol
Actually you can get a Heart Scale were the 2nd gym is (on the park, there is a HS on a rock). So, you can evolve Swinub has soon has you get it to Mamoswine....
I just caught a shiny Snorunt female with Hidden Power Ground-Type, I'm the luckiest f*****. I decided to take out Bisharp and replace it with Venusaur since he was my 1st starter ever and my favorite grass type to date. where is this tutor for spike move??
I didn't realize half of my team was weak to Fire, haha whoa. I was planning to teach it Weather Ball since nothing else was coming to my mind, Froslass have a very small movepool to be honest. It can't learn Psychic/Thunderbolt through breeding because Snorunt can't learn it :s . I will need to check the Hidden Power Type.... I get Modest for extra power Rotom, yeah I was over thinking too much with Electro Ball....Need to check that Hidden Power Type too.... I spend the last EV on Defense or Sp.D I though that Dragon Rush extra power was worth it...damn. That Solaris guy sweep me, he never missed that Dragon Rush on me, f*** his Garchomp.... Also Flygon is JOLLY, I type that thing wrong lol Nasty Plot.... I always felt Ninetales needed that extra power, didn't knew about Nasty Plot >_> Didn't knew about Metal Burst (or what exactly was either lol) and completely forgot that I have Brick Break has a TM. I though Psycho Cut was worth it, in order to counter Fighting Types... You see, what happen was I sacrifice my 3 Poke to summon Etesian from my hand hahaha Thanks for the tips everyone